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Tracker Issue Derby throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on UPDATE
Derby throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on UPDATE
Tracker Issue Bug 73799:Please update Derby to the latest (10
Bug 73799:Please update Derby to the latest (10
Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values
Comment on Derby throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on UPDATE by Peter F.
Tracker Issue [Derby]When we insert a record in derby, it does not return correct recordcount value in the result struct.
[Derby]When we insert a record in derby, it does not return correct recordcount value in the result struct.
Tracker Comment Comment on "unique" constraint on ORM-mapped properties not respected when DB is Derby by Himavanth R.
Comment on "unique" constraint on ORM-mapped properties not respected when DB is Derby by Himavanth R.
Tracker Comment Comment on "unique" constraint on ORM-mapped properties not respected when DB is Derby by Adobe D.
Comment on "unique" constraint on ORM-mapped properties not respected when DB is Derby by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by Himavanth R.
Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by Himavanth R.
Tracker Issue Bug 79633:(Watson Migration Closure)While the first betas of CF9 have updated Derby to 10
Bug 79633:(Watson Migration Closure)While the first betas of CF9 have updated Derby to 10
"unique" constraint on ORM-mapped properties not respected when DB is Derby
Bug 83341:-(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Derby 'CDATA does not exist' error after
Tracker Comment Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by External U.
Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by External U.
Comment on Derby datasource doesn't work with CFQUERYPARAM null values by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 74751:Hi, by External U.
2602181 CF-3037141 External U. I have long felt that since CF is providing captive, embedded Derby, the CF Admin should include at the very least a minimal Derby IDE... or, failing that, an AIR app should be included with the CF install that provides the ability to maintain Derby databases
2612963 CF-3360511 Himavanth R. Looks like a derby bug.
Same code works in SQLServer even though 'user' is a reserved word for all databases.
A strange and easy workaround is to use 'USER' instead of 'user'
2612963 CF-3360511 External U. Weird! I thought Derby was case-sensitive, so "USER" would not match "User"? Cheers for feedback though!
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: CFFiddle's restricted tags and functions undocumented by Aaron N.
) cfdirectory/directoryList when directory is at Amazon S3
2) CFFiddle should have read-only DSNs for the built-in Derby dbs
3) cfquery/cfqueryparam when dbtype="query", when or datasource is one of the read-only Derby DSNs from #2
4) cfdbinfo when datasource is one of the read-only Derby DSNs from #2
or Enterprise), if one chooses to create a new datasource and selects "Apache Derby Embedded" as the driver type on the drop-down, the Admin takes the user mistakenly to the "other" driver (where they need to know jdbc urls and drivers).
If one does this in Enterprise or Developer edition (regardless
2609215 CF-3910529 External U. Have you tried with MySQL instead of Apache Derby? Have you tried using a real Application.cfc instead of some lines inside a file named Application.cfc? Have you tried using a service object instead of a function inline in the view file?
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 83465:(Watson Migration Closure)I can click Stop on logs that are not stopable by Mukesh K.
2598114 CF-3041724 Mukesh K. Raymond,
I have tried in CF2016 HF4 build and can see stop button is working fine for derby.log , eventgateway.log, http.log, monitor.log, scheduler.log , websocket.log .
Only , update.log is not working correctly.
Please let us know , if you see any different
Portal Comment Comment on MySql Connection by Charlie Arehart
, I have kept it updated (the problem is that old, and clearly not a "cf problem".)
Finally, as for Derby, well, it's one thing to name a Derby DB and point to it in the CF Admin, but there is nothing in the CF Admin to help you create the tables, their columns, their indexes. You would need a 3rd
Tracker Issue Bug 73864:(Watson Migration Closure)It'd be nice if we could include parts of the admin in the application setup wizard
CMS. It needs a database for it. I'd be nice if I could have something in the preinstall like
This would allow the person installing to setup a datasource during the install process and either set it up as a MySQL or derby DB
-out.log - ColdFusion server start/stop logs.
derby.log -Derby datbase logs
esapiconfig.log - Logs from esapi library used for security
feed.log - Feed logs
ftp.log - FTP/SFTP connection logs
hibernatesql.log - Logs from Hibernate library
http.log - Http call logs
monitor.log - ColdFusion server monitor logs
Tracker Issue Bug 74751:Hi,
2602181 CF-3037141 General Server David Dharmaraj R Bug 74751:Hi, Duplicate ID: CF-3037140
Would it possible to provide us a (Flex / AIR) GUI clientfor accessing the built-in Apache Derby database.
David R
----------------------------- Additional Watson
Tracker Issue Bug 74749:(Watson Migration Closure)Hi,
2602182 CF-3037140 General Server David Dharmaraj R Bug 74749:(Watson Migration Closure)Hi, Problem:
Would it possible to provide us a (Flex / AIR) GUI clientfor accessing the built-in Apache Derby database.
David R
----------------------------- Additional Watson
3531633 CF-4199809 Piyush K. Ashudeep,
the DB driver is throwing the error, not CF. So whether you see the error or not depends on the underlying DB you are hitting in your query.
For example, with MS SQL I see the output noted in you comment, while Oracle, DB2 and derby results in the respective
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Log file descriptions undocumented
(perhaps any others I've missed)
Regarding exception.log vs coldfusion
Tracker Issue CFDBINFO doesn't know to escape reserved words
2612963 CF-3360511 Database Adam Cameron CFDBINFO doesn't know to escape reserved words Problem Description:
When querying a DB with a table "User" in a Derby DB, errors when retrieving its columns
Steps to Reproduce:
id int
Actual Result:
Tracker Issue Bug 87128:-(Watson Migration Closure)The default client variable storage mechanism on a windows server is the windows registry
win with technology that is already bundled in ColdFusion Server, a Derby database as the default. Even better would be a CouchDB or MongoDB integrated with CF, but that may be extreme. Another option is Ehcache with 'diskpersistence.'
To reproduce, install CF, do not change any client
that has a name that is the same as a sql reserved word entity creation fails in the db with dbcreate turned on, but no errors are thrown at application initialization time.
for an example, create a cfc with orm enabled, set dbcreate on, use derby and create a property with a name of "key
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion not responding after clock change from GMT to BST by External U.
]) and a value of type [org.apache.derby.iapi.services.context.ContextManager] (value [org.apache.derby.iapi.services.context.ContextManager@6f4582b8]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.
as the file vfs_test.cfm:
manager = createObject("java", "java.sql.DriverManager");
driver =createObject("java", "java.lang.Class").forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver");
connection = manager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:C:\ColdFusionCentaur\db\bookclub;create=false");
statement = connection