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2608787 CF-3998005 Database : CFQuery Dennis Ting CFQuery's recordCount is not reliable for SQL Server datasources Problem Description: When using cfquery to insert rows, one of the things we can obtain is the recordCount, which indicates how many rows were inserted. However, sometimes the record
2608798 CF-3991657 Charting/Graphing Dennis Ting CFCharts hits "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error when the URL field is malformed Problem Description: According to the documentation ( ), cfchart allows a URL field
2608799 CF-3991647 Charting/Graphing Dennis Ting CFCharts hits "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error when seriesLabel contains a dollar sign Problem Description: CFCharts hits an OutOfMemoryError if the seriesLabel on a cfchartseries contains a dollar sign and is referenced
2608899 CF-3968246 Core Runtime Dennis Ting application.cfc inheritance doesn't work Duplicate ID: CF-3774074 Problem Description: In our codebase, we have a common pattern where one application.cfc file (in some folder under wwwroot) extends another, more common, application.cfc. This creates