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Tracker Issue Wishlist
2673037 CF-4155428 Wishlist Denard Springle Wishlist Modularity of ACF - single core with additional modules to augment the core with only what is necessary. (see Lucee.)
Integration of CommandBox for both spinning up development ACF servers, for package management and for CLI integration
Tracker Issue CFML and GCM/CCM cipher block mode transformations
2672797 CF-4168837 Security Denard Springle CFML and GCM/CCM cipher block mode transformations Problem Description:
GCM cipher block mode (in v7/v8 of Java) nor CCM cipher block mode (v8 of Java) seem to be implemented (or instructions on it's use are not well defined). Since most other chain
2673349 CF-4126710 Administrator Denard Springle Datasource to Application.cfc / Instance config to Application.cfc Duplicate ID: CF-4021594
A handy addition to the admin would be the ability to have datasources generate and display the Application.cfc equivalent, e.g.:
2608697 CF-4021594 Administrator Denard Springle Datasource to Application.cfc / Instance config to Application.cfc A handy addition to the admin would be the ability to have datasources generate and display the Application.cfc equivalent, e.g.:
this.datasources["[datasource]"] = {
Tracker Comment Comment on Datasource to Application.cfc / Instance config to Application.cfc by CFwatson U.
duplicate of CF-4021586. And then please re-open CF-4021586 (the original ticket). Date Added :2015-08-26 02:57:44.0
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Denard Springle Note Added: This shows as withdrawn as a duplicate, however the ID of the ER that this is supposed to be a duplicate of (CF-4021594) doesn
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Explicitly nullable return types
Related URL: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/nullable_types
Credit: Adam Cameron, Sean Corfield, Denard Springle and Charlie Arehart.