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Debugger in Multi Server setup and Admin
Tracker Issue 401 Error
6422295 CFB-4198455 Debugger : General 401 Error When I enable the "Windows Authentication" and configure the CF admin page over external web server, the Debugger is failing with the 401 error
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Aaron N.
2597029 CF-3184293 Paul N. While trying to trace, if the debugger is not available, we are not trying to trace the request. Instead we will return immediately. This will prevent the debugger is undefined error.
Tracker Issue test
4323098 CFB-4198338 Debugger : On-Device test Problem Description: Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: Expected Result: Any Workarounds:
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Bradley W.
2609543 CF-3835071 Piyush K. rboudwin, Can you please check and share the error reported by the browser debugger, if any. You can bring up the debugger by pressing F12 or by right-clicking on the webpage and selecting 'inspect element'. switch to the console tab in the debugger and reload the page
Tushar Bhaware Thanks For the article. Never thought that enbaling Debugging will cause performance issue. I always thought that debugger will run only if there is an error.
2614063 CF-3133547 External U. I will also add that ColdFusion debugger in ColdFusion builder is a testament of this problem as well. For example, when stepping into the example code. The debugger also reports that there is no session as well, when debugging it is very important that something
Bug 80368:(Watson Migration Closure)When doing debugging, the debugger needs to reflext xml nodes as it does when dumping them to the screen
Comment on Bug 80368:(Watson Migration Closure)When doing debugging, the debugger needs to reflext xml nodes as it does when dumping them to the screen by External U.
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Poonam J.
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Aaron N.
Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE
Bug 86819:-(Watson Migration Closure)When debugging I have come across times where the debugger won't fire, and the browser continues to try and connect and never returns a valid status code
Bug 80353:This code doesn't cycle in the debugger in other words if the struct has 3 maybe 4 keys one would expect to run the loop that many times, instead the loop is only ever run the once
2682580 CFB-3921003 Debugger michel.monette Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection. Problem Description: Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection. Steps to Reproduce: Using wildcards eg: 123
PiyushN James, can you pls. share the errors reported in the browser debugger when you try the workflow. Also can you pls check the CF log for any errors corresponding to your wolrflow (exception.log and coldfusion-out.log if you are on a standalone installation of CF)
2609654 CF-3814641 Uday O. Have debuggged without any success. Code generated by cfchart code is used by pdf engine to convert it into pdf. Nothing much I could find where we can change something. Anyways it looks like a minor issue only
2610281 CF-3713281 Adobe D. this people from the code generation team should research. The debugger works fine and hence it is throwing an appropriate exception. On discussion with Paul this is perhaps because someone is trying to load in the desktop browsers, plugins which only run in mobile
2597029 CF-3184293 External U. Can't the cftrace be logged when being the called remotely to the out-log? If you can't do it, at least have it ignored when being invoked remotely? E.g. check if Variable DEBUGGER is defined first in your code, and if it's not defined, then don't do anything?
2598062 CF-3041786 Piyush K. unable to observe the issue with the test case in the bug description on Chome v39 / CF902 / Windows 7x64. Browser does not crash and no errors are reported in the browser debugger console.
Comment on Bug 80353:This code doesn't cycle in the debugger in other words if the struct has 3 maybe 4 keys one would expect to run the loop that many times, instead the loop is only ever run the once by External U.
2600168 CF-3039316 Piyush K. tested the test case in the bug description on 11,0,03,292470 / Win 7 x64. / Chome / IE 11 no browser crashes or error in debugger observed.
Comment on Bug 86819:-(Watson Migration Closure)When debugging I have come across times where the debugger won't fire, and the browser continues to try and connect and never returns a valid status code by External U.
Comment on Bug 86819:-(Watson Migration Closure)When debugging I have come across times where the debugger won't fire, and the browser continues to try and connect and never returns a valid status code by External U.
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Poonam J.
Server Settings > Document - OpenOffice Directory Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency - Enable CFSTAT Debugger Settings - Debugger Port Server Settings > Mail - Allow downloading the attachments for undelivered emails
2597711 CF-3042854 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott Bug 85182:(Watson Migration Closure)I don't know why this - http://www Problem: I don't know why this - - is a problem in ColdFusion 9
2683860 CFB-3040941 Debugger : General Andrew Scott Bug 82098:(Watson Migration Closure)I reported this once before and you guys closed it as you said you couldn't duplicate it Problem: I reported this once before and you guys closed it as you said you couldn't duplicate it. I constantly
2610074 CF-3732913 External U. And when you allow us the option to rename the folder, in the admin, to use something like cfscripts instead, then make sure all the code looks for the new folder. I changed our default location, to lock down the cfide, and the debugger and other items still look
2682777 CFB-3727065 Adobe D. The Debugger preferences was always getting populated with only one IP Address , even though there may be many network interfaces on the machine(as an exception occurred while populating the Combo box). On unbuntu the was gttting picked up as the default
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Bradley W.
2672461 CF-4195386 Debugging Spiros Aggelopoulos Coldfusion builder debuger stop working after apply update 3 Problem Description Coldfusion builder debuger stop working after apply update 3 Steps to Reproduce: apply update 3 activate the debugger and set a break point Actual Result: the cfm
debugger window shows that the data is being accessed on the first try itself. Result: CFGRID is loading twice Expected: should not call .cfc to get the data on the first attempt. Workaround: NA ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID
2609531 CF-3836702 Language Raymond Camden queryExecute leaks to the variables scope, reports incorrect value As described in this SO post,, if you do foo = queryExecute(...) than CF's debugger
. no errors observed in the browser debugger. Expected: all the tabs should render the richtext controls properly. Workaround: Use a browser other then IE. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3709472 External Customer Info: External
2682562 CFB-3967482 Debugger Aruna debug mappinngs are erased after builder is opened or restarted Problem Description: debug mappinngs are erased after builder is opened or restarted Steps to Reproduce: I installed CF Builder as standalone. Go to Window-> Preferences -> ColdFusion -> Debug
2682987 CFB-3713273 Debugger Matt Gifford Shell App Debugging generates a giant alert window Duplicate ID: 3698546 ColdFusion Builder Problem Description: When I start a debug instance and connect the Shell App on my device to the local network instance Thunder generates a big error alert window
Quote.getData and :ProjQuote.editData method? Also do you observe any errors in your browser debugger when you hit the browse button. You can share the code here or you can mail it to me at
2608507 CF-4073889 External U. No errors are observed in debugger at any time. Navigate to page 2 or later, then click the link. Grid will refresh with page 1 loaded. I have duplicated these results on a page stripped down to only the essential code. I will try to provide a test case utilizing
2609942 CF-3741675 External U. Verified this issue doesn't exist in CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292024(PreRelease)). But unable to reproduce this on CF 11,0,0,289822. Using the following code, no error was thrown in the browser debugger when deleting a row on 11,0,0,289822 (and 11,0,03,292024(Pre
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Poonam J.
Comment on Dockable debugger template loads images from CIDE by Aaron N.
3960347 CF-4201076 Piyush K. Ken, I'm not able to force the memory outage even with showdebugoutput set to true... and I left the server on load for close to 24 hours. My debugger was configured with the local IP Address. Are you hitting your's from a remote client? Could you share the test
at random, or more consistent with certain CFM pages. If so can you get the customer to share the CFM. - Can you get the customer to share the information shown in the Chrome’s debugger. ( screenshot or use the save all as HAR w/ content). And Can you get the same information for the same CFM at the same
Application for In-Memory Virtual File System - Disable creation of unnamed applications - Allowed file extensions for CFInclude tag Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency Debugging & Logging > Debugger Settings - Debugger Port Security > RDS - Enable RDS
Server Server Settings > Document - OpenOffice Directory Data & Services - I haven't yet tested all the settings in this section. Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Performance Monitoring - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency - Enable CFSTAT Debugger Settings - Debugger Port
Slow debugger performance in CF10
2597029 CF-3184293 Web Services Henry Ho CFTRACE does not work when invoked as web service Problem Description: With CFTRACE left in code, the web service will throw exception. Steps to Reproduce: add CFTRACE to a remote function and invoke it. Actual Result: Variable DEBUGGER is undefined
6617341 CF-4206461 Documentation docs should be more clear when one needs to copy tools.jar in to CF lib folder On the page about setting up CFBuilder for debugging CF (
Frequency ->Migrating Now - Enable CFSTAT -> Migrating Now Debugger Settings - Debugger Port -> Migrating Now Security > RDS - Enable RDS Service -> Expected Behavior . Should not be migrated Security > Sandbox Security - Enable ColdFusion Sandbox Security ->Expected Behavior
File Location" window. - Click on the browse button. select a car file or folder and click on OK. Result: "Choose Archive File Location" text box is populated with "[object Window]" error in the browser debugger of the file explorer win: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'next
the following .cfm with the _cf_nodebug URL parameter set to true. (ie. index.cfm?_cf_nodebug=true) ---------------------- index.cfm -------------------------- Centaur Tests Debugging Mode Test IsDebugMode(): #IsDebugMode()# Debugger running: #Is
2682612 CFB-3840245 Debugger David Belanger Debug "Open the associated perspective when launching" doesn't work Problem Description: I have set my preferences to always open the "ColdFusion Debugging" perspective when I start a debugging session but it doesn't do it. UPDATED: Even if you choose
2682631 CFB-3806157 Debugger R J V Problem descriptions, location of problems, and nature of problems are erroneous Problem Description:I have multiple red crosses on some pages. sometimes on blank lines, with problems such as, illegaly formed XML syntax. ( I am actually using html 5) also get lots
in full in all cases in all the 3 browsers. If there are multiple image rows, Chrome displays the first row only, and that too cropped, even after reload. Browser debugger reports no error. verified on standaone CF 11,0,03,292470 / Win 7x64 In CF10 u14 all 3 rows are displayed in full. for multiple rows
.cbBootStrap.processColdBoxRequest(); } return true; When run in ColdFusion, this code actually works as it is written and yet inside the line debugger it doesn't work. It actually skips over code that it should not skip over. And yet it was marked as User Error. Really Adobe needs better rapport with their customers, not everyone can
> Debugger Settings - Debugger Port Event Gateways > Settings - Note: Entering "0" for "Event Gateway Processing Threads" throws error saying it can't be 0 or negative (good). However, 0.x (ex: 0.5) is accepted, and saved as 0 (bad). Security > RDS - Enable RDS Service Security > Sandbox Security - Enable
2609037 CF-3942761 REST Services Fred Moe Large POST crashes REST service Problem Description: When POSTing large amounts of data (In my testing it was in excess of 73440 bytes) the REST service throws multiple errors causing IIS to shut it down or the Visual Studio debugger to launch. Steps
5951466 CF-4204837 Documentation : Error in documentation on using cfscheduler leads to users getting errors Problem Description: The documentation on the Scheduler at
6619277 CFB-4198456 Debugger Source not found, exception in Eclipse .log Problem Description: Trying to map files remotely using Builder. Able to stop on breakpoints, but when I try to step through the code, the source code is not found, and a null pointer exception occurs in the Eclipse .log
and there is no real structure. I think this will be a great step in the right direction. If you guys want to get even fancier, you guys should allow developers to vote on the best solution, then allow the best solution to integrate back into the Coldfusion debugger and be presented as the best solution
="#arguments.input# was entere"); } catch( any ex) { writelog(file="mylog" text="#ex.message#"); } return ucase(arguments.input); } } Result: Variable DEBUGGER is undefined ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3040892 External Customer Info
2682797 CFB-3723579 Debugger In STD server:Getting an internal error occurred during: "child count update" and "Object doesn't support property" while debugging. Problem: Getting 2 error messages in STD server: 1.An internal error occurred during: "child count update". java
Bug 82884:-(Watson Migration Closure)When running MXUnit tests from the Eclipse Plugin, cftrace will cause the cf server to throw the "Variable DEBUGGER is not defined" error
2556946 CF-3038646 Debugging : General Nathan Mische Bug 77375:Using cftrace tag with the _cf_nodebug=true URL parameter will cause trace Problem: Using cftrace tag with the _cf_nodebug=true URL parameter will cause trace.cfm to throw the following error: Variable DEBUGGER is undefined. Method
console > Settings> (Default ScriptSrc Directory) set the scripts location to a non default location. open the browser debugger and observe the network/console tab. run the test case below: foo bar Result: GET http://localhost/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/package/cfajax.js _cfpresentationslide.cfm:8 GET
worryingly compile, but not include previous lines of code in the compiled code. (I have arrived at this conclusion by realising that code that used to run was not running after the update and then seeing the debugger step over the entire block that was before a line with this named argument implicit array
:// Browser debugger shows the below errors:- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDayOfYear' of null $G.Actions.afterEdit @ cfgrid.js:797 @ ext-all.js:18 continueFireEvent @ ext-all.js:18 fireEvent @ ext-all.js:18 (anonymous function) @ ext-all.js:18 @ ext-all.js:18