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Debug settings on uBuntu doesn't shows up the machine IP in the "Debug Agent IP" dropdown
Comment on Debug settings on uBuntu doesn't shows up the machine IP in the "Debug Agent IP" dropdown by Sumer S.
Comment on Debug settings on uBuntu doesn't shows up the machine IP in the "Debug Agent IP" dropdown by Adobe D.
2613404 CF-3322414 Debugging Wil Genovese ColdFusion 11 - more Debug API features I would like to be able to access the Debug API to do more than just adjust the Debug settings. I'd like to capture the Debug output data so we can do what ever we want with it. A current example is with a massive
2682780 CFB-3726621 Sumer S. This issue might be coming because on ubuntu debug settings "Debug Agent IP" is coming as instead of I will verify and log another bug for this issue
2682780 CFB-3726621 PhoneGap Debug build generated on uBuntu is not opening on iOS Problem: Debug build generated on uBuntu is not opening on iOS Method: 1. Launch CFB and create a new Mobile Project 2. In preferences set Phone gap account details, files and passwords 3. Set debug points in any
2682612 CFB-3840245 Debugger David Belanger Debug "Open the associated perspective when launching" doesn't work Problem Description: I have set my preferences to always open the "ColdFusion Debugging" perspective when I start a debugging session but it doesn't do it. UPDATED: Even if you choose
level debug setting and request debugging enabled. Can you also share a little more info the nature of the application you are using, apart from the fact that it is using lots for loops and components.
Application for In-Memory Virtual File System - Disable creation of unnamed applications - Allowed file extensions for CFInclude tag Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency Debugging & Logging > Debugger Settings - Debugger Port Security > RDS - Enable RDS
haven't yet tested all the settings in this section. - Adobe has confirmed Solr collections aren't migrated (due to Solr library update). Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Performance Monitoring - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency - Enable CFSTAT Debugging & Logging
3960347 CF-4201076 Aaron N. Hi all, IMO, current behavior is correct/expected. I just do not see a bug here.. I respectfully disagree w/: "Expectation is that using showdebugoutput="false" would be the same as not setting Enable Request Debugging Output on server." B/c CF cannot wait until mid
Server Server Settings > Document - OpenOffice Directory Data & Services - I haven't yet tested all the settings in this section. Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Performance Monitoring - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency - Enable CFSTAT Debugger Settings - Debugger Port
2609607 CF-3822982 Himavanth R. This is a speculative fix which could greatly improve the performance in large apps when "report execution times" is enabled. But it is recommended that this debugging setting be disabled while working with large apps and in production servers.
:40:07 PM PDT, End At: 8:18:34 PM PDT, took 38 minutes Expectation is that using showdebugoutput="false" would be the same as not setting Enable Request Debugging Output on server.
3960347 CF-4201076 Piyush K. verified with b. 2020,0,01,314612 The functionality seems to be intact w/ the change. page debugging info is displayed at the end of the page as expected w/ the showdebugoutput tag setting provided it is enabled in the server. same behavior w/ 2018,0,03,314033 test
able to reproduce the performance issue reported with this bug earlier", then I'm not clear on what the patch is supposed to "fix". You refer at the top of your comment to how "page debugging info is displayed at the end of the page as expected w/ the showdebugoutput tag setting provided
> Document - OpenOffice Directory -> Migrating Now - Remote OpenOffice >Port -> Migrating Now - Remote OpenOffice >Hostname -> Migrating Now Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Performance Monitoring -> Migrating Now - Enable Metrics Logging ->Migrating Now - Metrics
) . -Default datasources(all 4) are not migrated Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings -Connector Port Server Settings > Mappings -Active ColdFusion Mappings>CFIDE neo-websocket@flashPolicyPort -- not shown in Admin though . Server Settings > Mail -KeyPassword -KeystorePassword -Password Server
Dump(getApplicationMetadata())` See the following are missing: cache.querySize cache.useInternalQueryCache chartStyleDirectory customTagPaths datasource datasources debuggingIPAddresses enableRobustException googleMapKey javaSettings javaSettings.loadColdFusionClassPath javasettings.loadPaths javasettings
2613592 CF-3209606 Adobe D. Uday the repro case is : 1. Go to CF Admin > settings > Site-wide Error Handler 2. Add entry : /CFIDE/administrator/templates/secure_profile_error.cfm 3. Enable Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings > Enable Request Debugging Output 3. Create test.cfm with syntax
Enhance orm setting for logging output to include DDL schema updates, else debugging is horrible
Comment on Debug consumes memory even when showdebugoutput="false" by Piyush K.
Src Directory RDS - Enable RDS Service Sandbox Security - Enable ColdFusion Sandbox Security Secure Profile - Enable Secure Profile, All Secure Default Values Corba Connectors - Registered CORBA Connectors Font Management - User Defined Fonts Default Datasources Debug Output Settings
6543503 CF-4206238 Suchika S. Hi  Surinder, Can you let us know what locale is set for your system ? In the Administrator, click Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings, and select the Robust Exception Information option. Then Go to Schedule Task Page  so that we get a stacktrace
Comment on Make all admin settings configurable by single plain-text config file by External U.
2673306 CF-4129731 Suchika S. Hi Chris, Go to CF Admin ->Debugging & Logging ->Debug Output Settings Please enable the setting "Enable Robust Exception Information". This would give you the details of the exception. Thanks, Suchika.
.cfm" debugging output setting, there are requests to images such as: http://servername/CFIDE/debug/images/bgleft.gif These appear to be hard coded to point to CFIDE and don't obey the scripts setting. This means that there is no way for these images to work on a server that's had the CFIDE folder properly
Debug information for ORM DDL Update Exceptions occluded by error displayed on screen, even w/robust exceptions enabled
where protocol is "AJP/1.3" in the Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings page of ColdFusion Administrator
2613547 CF-3279677 External U. +1, I've verified this as well. I created THIS.customTagPaths="c:\path\to\dir" where "dir" contains approx 500 folders and 2,000 files of any type. Then I enabled CF Admin's "Report Execution Times" debug output setting and the resultant "Debug Rendering Time
:// Actual Result: debug output shows "ExecuteQuery" as query name -- see the second screenshot at: Expected Result: I expect the query name "qry
2996574 CF-4198495 Debugging [Non-windows] Tree debugging not displaying 'Exceptions' and 'Scope Variables' Problem: [Non-windows] Tree debugging not displaying 'Exceptions' and 'Scope Variables' Method:1. CF Administrator > Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings >Report Execution Times
2841332 CF-4198328 Debugging Tree debugging not displaying 'Exceptions' and 'Scope Variables' after 'Execution Time' Problem: Tree debugging not displaying 'Exceptions' and 'Scope Variables' after 'Execution Time' Method:1. CF Administrator > Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings >Report
2613541 CF-3283049 Debugging Cameron Jacobs Dockable Debugging Error Dockable Debugging (using the Framed method) is using the incorrect URL to access the page (URL Encoded Format of the correct URL). Steps to Reproduce: 1) In ColdFusion Administrator > Debug Output Settings - Set Debugging Output
become very slow. Steps to Reproduce: Using a trivially simple CF template: helloWorld.cfm Test page Hello World And a custom tags path configured pointing to ~100s of custom tags templates.. Actual Result: With execution times setting enabled. Debugging
" button 2) See Preferences window is not tall enough 3) In the Preferences window, click "Debug Mappings" or "Debug Settings" 4) Click "RDS Configuration" 5) See Preferences window height is fixed So, the issue occurs when launching the RDS Configuration from the RDS Dataview. Please see attached
: Create a new instance and look at Debugging & Logging > Logging Settings Any Workarounds: Edit the Log Directory
2613541 CF-3283049 Adobe D. Verified in CF10 update 11 windows 7, chrome: Set docked Debugging Output Format to "dockable.cfm" Create and run test.cfm: click on debug pane link at bottom of test.cfm Browser console gives error: http://localhost:8501/CFIDE/debug/%2FBugs%2FCF-3283049%2Ftest.cfm 400
2609077 CF-3935959 Piyush K. Mary, Can you please share the relevant part in your code which is returning that error. If you enable the "robust exception information" in the CF administrator > Debugging and Logging > Debug output settings, the error output should be more detailed with the cfm page
[Escalation] Generated EAR through J2EE Archive giving error on accessing settings summary and scheduled tasks
Admin's "Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings" page, only enable "Enable Request Debugging Output" and "Report Execution Times" 3) Run this: Application.cfc ---------------- component { = "TestReportExecutionTimes";} index.cfm ---------------- hello world! 4) See "Debug Rendering Time
Server Settings > Document - OpenOffice Directory Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings - Enable Metrics Logging - Metrics Frequency - Enable CFSTAT Debugger Settings - Debugger Port Server Settings > Mail - Allow downloading the attachments for undelivered emails
2613592 CF-3209606 Debugging Raymond Camden The "Secure Profile" error template does not hide debugging info. When you enable the secure profile, a site wide error handler is set up for you. It should add the cfsetting call to disable debugging. ----------------------------- Additional Watson
in the Debugging and Logging section of the CF Admin. (One might say the same of the system probes and license scanner.) Similarly, the settings for enabling CFStat and Windows Perfmon don't make sense being on the "Debug Output Settings" page. If nothing else, they should be made more clearly distinct from
2671761 CF-4198125 S P. Hi Stephen, Could you try disabling the option "Allow Remote Inspection" under Debugging & Logging-->Remote Inspection Settings. And then try running your testcase, you would not see the jsessionid cookie. Please do confirm the same. This setting is disabled by default
) Method: Login to admin after fresh install of ColdFusion in stand alone server configuration. Enable debugging in the debugging output settings.Confirm that is in list of debug IP Addresses.Browse to or any local cf template. You should see debug output
the setting "Log directory" in Debugging & Logging > Logging Settings from "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\logs" to "C:\ColdFusion2016\instance\logs" and restart eh Coldfusion instance. During this time the logs are correctly written to the "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\logs" folder (since this is the setting
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. I can confirm as well. Apache fails to start and with LogLevel set to debug you can see that the connector continues to load and crash repeatedly until apache is killed. Apache is never able to fully start.
down the page. 3) Similarly, it would be nice to highlight those queries that take more than a given amount of time. This is already in place for pages, where the CF Admin page for debugging settings has an option to highight in red those include files or CFC method calls that exceed a specified time
in behavior of restSetResponse Easy debugging and logging Support for PATCH verb   The post REST enhancements in ColdFusion appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Uncategorized
2612631 CF-3488063 Asha K. Hi can you please send me the connector verbose logs to . To enable verbose logging in the file set log_level=debug and restart IIS.Just try accessing an error page for which you have set the values in IIS error pages and send me
2612631 CF-3488063 Asha K. HI redtopia-dev can you please send me the connector verbose logs to . To enable verbose logging in the file set log_level=debug and restart IIS.Just try accessing an error page for which you have set the values in IIS error
the respective filter and filter mappings in web.xml. To disable this feature Go to Debugging & Logging -> Remote Inspection settings -> uncheck allow remote inspection and submit the changes.
Comment on Enhance orm setting for logging output to include DDL schema updates, else debugging is horrible by Mike H.
2608353 CF-4115249 Administrator Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: Metrics Frequency reverts to 60 after CF restart Metrics Frequency reverts to 60 after CF restart Repro: 1) On CF Admin's "Debug Output Settings" page, change Metrics Frequency to anything other than 60 2) Click "Submit Changes" 3
variable is not set. “Variable PAGEHITACTIONTAKEN is undefined.” Yes, the 33rd. The first one past the 32nd. 32 sounds like someone’s idea of an upper limit of parameters that any idiot would want to use. {I have 34.} I can see debug info if I shut off the SQL activity component. Steps to Reproduce
acts like is a client for the REST services. It helps developers and testers in development of REST Applications and provide platform to test and debug REST services as and when required. Enable/Disable developer Profile You need to enable Developer Profile setting present under Debugging […] The post
the following .cfm with the _cf_nodebug URL parameter set to true. (ie. index.cfm?_cf_nodebug=true) ---------------------- index.cfm -------------------------- Centaur Tests Debugging Mode Test IsDebugMode(): #IsDebugMode()# Debugger running: #Is
size (in kilobytes)' value in Administrator > Debugging and logging > Logging Settings. Result: This change requires a restart for the changes to take effect. No message is shown to indicate this. Expected: A message needs to be shown, which indicates the user to restart coldfusion for changes
2672461 CF-4195386 Debugging Spiros Aggelopoulos Coldfusion builder debuger stop working after apply update 3 Problem Description Coldfusion builder debuger stop working after apply update 3 Steps to Reproduce: apply update 3 activate the debugger and set a break point Actual Result: the cfm
2609531 CF-3836702 Language Raymond Camden queryExecute leaks to the variables scope, reports incorrect value As described in this SO post,, if you do foo = queryExecute(...) than CF's debugger
Settings and then Scheduled Task tab 3. Click on 'Scheduled New Task' button Actual Result: Error as in attachment The following information is meant for the website developer for debugging purposes. Error Occurred While Processing Request 1:32:56 p.m. is an invalid time format. Resources: Enable
Comment on Virtual Host Settings are not applied to the bundled server by External U.
4483633 CF-4202962 Administrator Some of the items added to CF2018 CFAdmin is not translated to Japanese Some of the items added to CF2018 CFAdmin is not translated to Japanese - [Sever settings] > [Scheduled Tasks] (Untranslated1.jpg) -[Data and Services] > [REST Services] ?(Untranslated2
2609352 CF-3855034 Administrator : System Probes ext-user CF System Probe: unable to set the file overwrite check option to false. Problem: CF System Probe: unable to set the file overwrite check option to false. Method: CF admin > Debugging n logging > System Probes > create a new system probe
2602179 CF-3037143 Charting/Graphing Raymond Camden Bug 74755:cfchart will fail to work with font attributes under MacOSX Problem: cfchart will fail to work with font attributes under MacOSX. If you add -Dchart.debug=verbose to the your settings then many fonts will work. Method: Repro steps
2596919 CF-3402581 External U. Test code attached. The really bizarre one is: set x=16.4 [or any of these values] , set y= x*100, output int(y) and you'll get 1639. Discovered when debugging a transaction processing app that submitted values in pennies to a processing gateway. There are tens
under ISAPI and CGI Restrictions. It is applicable for global sites in IIS manager. Adds the following isapi handlers: cfcHandler, cfmHandler, cfmlHandler, cfrHandler, and cfswfH andler. For debugging issues, set the log level to debug, in the file present in the {{cfroot
2597124 CF-3114262 Language : Functions Henry Ho Bug 87264:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add a getParams() function to Base Problem: Add a getParams() function to Base.cfc for completeness sake. It's useful for debugging and unit testing. There's setAttributes() & getAttributes() & clear
5153136 CF-4203664 Kailash B. Hi Rohit, Could you please share the code snippet with us, so that we can check if we can repro this intermitent issue? An isolated test case will help us debugging this issue faster Also, can you try Aaron/Pete's suggestion to check if that fixes your issue? Also
2672512 CF-4193907 S P. Hi Jim, We have been trying to repro this issue, but have not been able to encounter it yet. Will be trying it with new settings/environment again. Else is it possible that we can have a session where we can have a look at the issue in your machine, so that we can debug it
" (Under Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings) for all the instances. Launch Windows Performance Monitor (%windir%\system32\perfmon.exe). Click on the add button ('+' icon) or press Ctrl+N to add a new process to monitor. Select ColdFusion 10 Server and it would show, only one instance i
on the following 2 conditions:1. In Application.cfc setting this.secureJSON = "true"2. Debug output settings is turned ON.Steps:1. Have this.secureJSON = "true" in Application.cfc.2. In the server file that uploads the file, create your structure to output the status and message and output the struct.3. Select a
2609607 CF-3822982 External U. This issue is not fixed. Running our test harness on update 7 *without* Report Execution Times enabled it runs as normal. Turning on Report Execution Times and one set of tests that runs in ~2 seconds takes ~10 seconds. Another set of tests that took ~3 seconds
5761688 CF-4204413 Debugging : CFDump CFDump is missing CSS and JavaScript when output is set to false Problem Description: When (or WriteDump()) is called within a function that has its "output" attribute set to "false", a dump output will appear, but it is missing the CSS and Java
Bug 86955:There is no way to "get" the default datasource set in the application
CFLOCKs. We can only determine it by timing the code with the locks there or not (and no, for readers who may suggest that throwontimeout=no is the answer, it's not. More on that in a moment). All I'm proposing is a CF Admin setting on the debugging settings page (like the option of whether to track
. Result: Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver]No more data available to read. Resources: Enable Robust Exception Information to provide greater detail about the source of errors. In the Administrator, click Debugging & Logging > Debug Output Settings, and select
2609673 CF-3810459 S P. We have tried to verify the bug in the following scenarios: • Making changes in the Server Settings • Creating , Editing & Deleting Databases • Verify all connections in DSN • Enabling & Disabling Sandboxes • Creating & Editing Sandboxes • Making changes wrt RDS • Making
and access the component via Ajax the exception occurs. Details at Method: 1. Enable request debugging on. 2. put a trace in cfc 3. call the cfc via ajax index.cfm oT=new testTrace(); oT.set
log4j error: log4j:ERROR No syslog host is set for SyslogAppedender named "null". Method: On a multiserver/standalone install in Mac, log into CF Admin and go to the Logging & Debug section, Logging Settings page. Check the "Use operating system logging facilities" checkbox and submit the form
return settings.datasource; }; Fail 1 in 1000 hits or give or take a few thousand more. The line that is actually failing is this line? var settings = application.getApplicationSettings(); Further logging, and debugging shows that the Application is still very much alive, so why is it throwing
4540595 CF-4203063 Poonam J. Hi  I verified the same  on the CF2018 and could not reproduce this using the steps mentioned above.To debug this further, 1)Could you please attach snapshot of the complete CF Admin->Caching page which you submit. 2)Exception says something about value 'admin', can
Synaptrix 500 – Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. CF 2018 This error used to be solved by unchecking a box in CFAdministrator labeled Enable HTTP Status Codes.  This setting is well hidden in 2018.  Where do I find it?  Why
2609289 CF-3861751 Debugging : CFDump Adam Tuttle CFDump TOP attribute should not be used for two different things If you want to dump an array of ORM entities to verify that it contains the entities you're expecting, and it might contain 15 items, you need to set top=15 to allow all 15 to display
. Steps to Reproduce: Try to debug code where the code is on different drive letters on the client and server. Set breakpoints and Builder stopped on a breakpoint, but error message 'Source not found'. Tried to edit mappings, but didn't work, never found code. Tried several variations for mappings
6617341 CF-4206461 Documentation docs should be more clear when one needs to copy tools.jar in to CF lib folder On the page about setting up CFBuilder for debugging CF (
Comment on Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection. by Adobe D.
_redirect.log. *    Edit and change log_level = debug  *    Rerun the request and share the fresh log files. ii. Did you tweak some IIS default settings? I haven't.To cross-check do compare yours with some default on some other machine and confirm. iii. If possible can you try on any other
2597874 CF-3042150 Debugging : General Sebastian Zartner Bug 84144:(Watson Migration Closure)Change the error description for disabled scopes Problem: Change the error description for disabled scopes.The description should include, that the session management can also be set inside the Application
field is corrupt (name: __CFGRID__CFFORM_1__GRID1 value: [, ]) at coldfusion.filter.GridFieldProcessor.decode( at coldfusion.filter.FormScope.processSpecialFields( at coldfusion.filter.FormScope.setEncoding( at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.Set
2609607 CF-3822982 Debugging Bradley Wood "Report Execution Times" is prohibitively slow on large apps "Report Execution Times" is prohibitively slow on large apps There is not a simple repro case for this since the issue doesn't show itself in a simple .cfm page, but CFC-heavy apps that include
_MESSAGES set DATE_CREATED=?, USER_ID=?, STATUS_META_VALUE=? where MESSAGE_ID=? 10/06 17:54:05 [jrpp-229] HIBERNATE DEBUG - binding '2011-10-06 17:54:05' to parameter: 1 10/06 17:54:05 [jrpp-229] HIBERNATE DEBUG - binding '16193' to parameter: 2 10/06 17:54:05 [jrpp-229
2682769 CFB-3727747 General - IDE raZorTTZ Perspective switch not working correctly Problem Description: When CFBuilder asks for permission to switch perspectives (ColdFusion debug or Team syncronize) it opens a view instead of the perspective. Steps to Reproduce: -Ensure windows > preferences
2609758 CF-3783361 External U. Just spent hours trying to debug the initial setup using this tool on ColdFusion 11. In ColdFusion 9, I was able to select which instance goes with which site and apply the settings. Not so with the CF11 wsconfig, I kept getting 503 for all but main site and finally
characters are listed. So from my point of view this definitely is a bug and not something that should be handled by changing enconding via JVM settings. Also the behavior of the tag is absolutely erratic - it DOES work when only very few special characters are included and only starts to break when
2556950 CF-3036929 Debugging : General charlie arehart Bug 73932:(Watson Migration Closure)Please enable some way for end users to be able to know what client storage mechanism they're using Problem: Please enable some way for end users to be able to know what client storage mechanism they
due to the admin timeout setting the error returned is as shown below, which is correct but it is masking the fact that this happened due to the timeout which makes it a bit of a pain to debug. It would be awesome if the real issue could also be shown - whatever that may be in any case. Steps
, where I have a lot more control over what it's doing and how it's naming my files. The main reason developers tend to use the output setting is simply so they can see what is output when the scheduled task runs and debug issues that might be occurring. We'll specifically write stuff into our tasks
2556945 CF-3039027 Debugging : CFDump John Whish Bug 78202:Bug in cfdump when you set up a ORM one-to-many relationship using a struct (instead of array), the struct appears empty in the dump although StructCount returns items Problem: Bug in cfdump when you set up a ORM one-to-many relationship