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Comment on cflogin doesn't work in a cluster with Redis session management by David T.
Comment on cfhttp errors to Could not access a java object field called query_string by David T.
Comment on ASCII characters in Email "From Name" mangles text by Davide T.
Comment on ASCII characters in Email "From Name" mangles text by Davide T.
Comment on ASCII characters in Email "From Name" mangles text by Davide T.
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by David S.
David Byers How does this affect hard coded variables that aren’t variables?  For example:
SELECT firstName, lastName FROM People WHERE (Deleted = 0) AND (personID = )
 Should the “0” in this instance be in a
Comment on After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. by David Byers
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by David S.
David Byers That's a great question, and I don't have an immediate answer to it.  For me there wasn't any "testing" required since... well... it wasn't connecting before I installed the cert and it was connecting afterwards.  Sorry I couldn't be more help.
David Byers I was trying to grab the attention of the community, Charlie!  Do you think I succeeded?   I agree that it might help to make changes in order to try and shake off the reputation.  I don't know the actual answer.  This article is intended to be more of a wakeup to the community
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by David S.
6800407 CF-4207164 David R. My copy of CF2018 is using Apache POI 3.17. Outside of CF using POI 3.17 and Java 8 I was unable to reproduce the problem - what was read in was written back out - so Apache seems to be working. Unfortunately we can't use POI explicitly from within CF because cf2018
David Byers It's not that quick, but the user doesn't see the delay.  Threading the processing of the emails and database insert still takes a couple of minutes for 10,000 records, but since the user doesn't see it, the perception is that it's lightning fast.
2878494 CFB-4198192 David B. Hey Mukesh, I didn't get any notice that you responded to this ticket. CF hangs and continues to consume memory. It never crashes, but I have 16Gb of memory. My build number is 300344 Be sure that "Automatically Display Code Assist When Typing" is checked
2878494 CFB-4198192 David B. Guys, this is still happening and I don't want to turn off code hinting every time just for this one file. Can you please verify this error on your end? I submitted this 10 days ago and there's been no confirmation.
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by David S.
2962266 CF-4198446 David H. Does anyone know exactly when this fix will be released? I installed a cumulative update on Windows 2016 today, and it didn't seem to fix the issue.
David Byers Agreed... and that's why I think it's bad overall.  I remember a time when I said "can't we all just use the same browser?"  I don't think that's good for innovation.
2682141 CFB-4198069 David B. Interesting sidenote : If you choose "Open file" from Builder and open the file from (let's say) the Desktop, it doesn't show any errors. But if you add this to a Project which has the CF Nature applied and open it from the Navigator by double clicking it, it shows
3826109 CF-4200444 David S. Please feel free to download the attached document or get the one from the IRS, just search for 4506-T (2017). Use the cfPdfForm tag to read it and then try to dump the results. If you don't get an error, please post here. Thanks.
Comment on Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab by David B.
2608636 CF-4040469 Piyush K. David, I'm don't see any attachments with this bug report. Can you pls. check if the .rtf file was uploaded. You can also mail it to me at Thanks, Piyush.
6412607 CF-4205759 Piyush K. David, wouldn't it be easier if you just shared the relevant code snippets.... if for some reason you cant, please elaborated on the following: "create *.png images from CFcharts (3 of them) use cfsavecontent to put img tags, with src set the absolute paths to image
2921659 CF-4198400 David B. Took me a few hours to figure this out. First I thought it was me, then I thought it was IIS, then I thought it was Tomcat... You get it. I have the API manager turned off and I don't use the REST services (no mapping). Can this simply be turned off?
Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by David Byers
3678095 CF-4200110 Social : Oauth Login David Hobza Returning Invalid OAuth access token There seems to be an issue with the cfauth tag. Don't know if it is a new update that is causing it.
2602050 CF-3037286 Language : Datastructure David Dharmaraj R Bug 75027:The structure creation accept reserved keywords as their keys, which they shouldn't be Problem: The structure creation accept reserved keywords as their keys, which they shouldn't be. I tried this, (I've used the "AND
David Byers How do I know if an article won’t be published? I wrote an article last month that has been "pending" for a while now.  How do I know if I create an article on the community that will not be published, or gets rejected?  Who do I communicate with? The post How do I know if an article
2608717 CF-4018335 Language David Maggard cfloop index and item should be interchangeable Maybe its just me, but I never can remember which types of loops use item or index, since they can't be used at the same time, and essentially are used for the same thing, is there some reason index and item
David Byers After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. Strange Tomcat error after installing Update 5 The post After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Question,Testing,question,testing
David Byers Can’t find ColdFusion talent? It’s time to re-evaluate allowing remote work. It’s time to re-evaluate remote work for ColdFusion Developers.  Employers would be able to tap into a much larger pool of talent, and more developers would be able to find jobs that fit their needs.  All
David Byers The Organic Nature of Software Development Don't let your custom software wither and die. Continue to feed it with new thoughts and new ideas. The post The Organic Nature of Software Development appeared first on ColdFusion. Announcements,Blog,News,announcements,blog,ColdFusion,news
2608619 CF-4048126 AJAX : UI Components David Jacobson Filter NOT changing grid resultset Problem Description: When entering a value in a search field and filtering the grid data, the value of the field doesn't get passed to the cfc query for the grid as previous before 4.x upgrade. Steps
2613550 CF-3239392 External U. New Solution!!! DirectoryIndex dex index.html ... should have been ... DirectoryIndex index.cfm index.html Looks as if the parser used to modify httpd.conf in the install is making some mistakes. and the x in the php module shouldn't be there at all
2682619 CFB-3831711 Bundled Server David Belanger Bundled server update doesn't run from within CF Builder's internal browser Problem Description: The update doesn't run when you use CFBuilder’s internal browser. The “Download and Update” button simply does nothing. The “Download” button works
Comment on Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by Piyush K.
2601398 CF-3038004 File Management : CFDirectory David McGuigan Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying Problem: I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying. Thought it's relatively
3114916 CF-4198738 Administrator : Administrator Console David Belanger Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab Problem Description: When you make a change to the Server Update > Updates tab, the changes are saved correctly but it then sends you
2682612 CFB-3840245 Debugger David Belanger Debug "Open the associated perspective when launching" doesn't work Problem Description: I have set my preferences to always open the "ColdFusion Debugging" perspective when I start a debugging session but it doesn't do it. UPDATED: Even if you choose
2682550 CFB-3984580 Bundled Server David Start Server button on CF Servers tab doesn't do anything Problem Description: When you click on the server defaultLocal in the CF Servers tab and then click on the Start Button (or right click on the server itself and then click Start Server) nothing
2682616 CFB-3834409 General - IDE David Belanger CFML Editor keyboard shortcuts for tags don't work Problem Description: For example, to insert a simple nbsp, you neet to press (CTRL+T, N). The (CTRL+T) works and brings up a popup window but pressing N does nothing except make the popup disappear
Comment on Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab by Nitin K.
Comment on Start Server button on CF Servers tab doesn't do anything by Adobe D.
2601864 CF-3037496 Database : CFQuery David Dharmaraj R Bug 75399:(Watson Migration Closure)The newly introduced query() function doesn't allow us building Query of queries Problem: The newly introduced query() function doesn't allow us building Query of queries. Please add this feature.. Thanks
Charlie Arehart David I'm surprised that as long timer you don't offer here the frequent counterpoint to your last one (and the gist of the article): find good developers with skill in a "modern" language who would be willing to take up cfml for a reasonable hourly rate. Many orgs have related
Tracker Issue cfdocument and images
2596987 CF-3203939 Document Management David Jacobson cfdocument and images Problem Description: When using cfdocument type='pdf', images don't properly appear. Steps to Reproduce: I have tried several fixes to get this working. This report was used last year on a CF8 box and worked as expected
2599733 CF-3039777 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79587:The current ORM capability provided in the cfair Problem: The current ORM capability provided in the cfair.swc file does not support the logging of SQL as it is sent to the SQLite database. This greatly limits the developer
2598125 CF-3041712 File Management : CFFile David Boyer Bug 83446:Please provide access to the file upload information, possible via a function, to make handling uploads easier Problem: Please provide access to the file upload information, possible via a function, to make handling uploads easier
2614019 CF-3137187 Language David McGuigan onMissingTemplate doesn't fire when you cfinclude a template that doesn't exist Throws the following error: Could not find the included template butter.cfm. Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (for example, template
David Byers Installing the ColdFusion 2020 Public Beta Through the Eyes of Someone New This article is intended to provide some answers to simple mistakes that I made when trying to install the beta release of ColdFusion 2020 so that others don't fall into the same traps that I did. The post
2599854 CF-3039651 Documentation : General David Mineer Bug 79402:Documentation error Problem: Documentation error. Method: Result: In the many-to-one section of the following help page:
2673089 CF-4152217 Hot Fix Installer David Belanger "Download and Install" fails when installing on Update 1 Problem Description: When I tried to install update 1, it downloaded correctly then the installer ran and hung on "restart". Once I logged in again, the update had not been installed. A
2682194 CFB-4160064 General - IDE David Belanger Opening some files causes a race condition (80-100%) Problem Description: When I try to open the attached file, my processor shoots up to 100% and CF Builder seems to freeze. I waited about 5 minutes and still no joy. I can open the file
2613174 CF-3341511 Caching david tran Shared Environment Clear Template Cache does not work 100% of the time Problem Description: When in a shared environment, clearing the template cache doesn't always work. Sometimes it takes clicking on the button 3-4 times for it to work. I have had to contact
Comment on How do I know if an article won’t be published? by Kishore Balakrishnan
Comment on After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Images don't appear in slides created by cfpresentation by Piyush K.
2598613 CF-3041134 AJAX : UI Components David Lakein Bug 82407:[cfmap] Using a URL for markerbind attribute, but forgetting the "url:" in front, results in an unusable "coldfusion Problem: [cfmap] Using a URL for markerbind attribute, but forgetting the "url:" in front, results in an unusable
Charlie Arehart

Wow, that’s a headline that will grab eyeballs. More in response to David’s proposal in a moment.

But to Lee’s comment below, people DO indeed still pay for CF. Your argument is a bit like someone telling a Mercedes dealer they need to lower their price. If someone doesn’t

2599751 CF-3039759 Core Runtime : Application David McGuigan Bug 79564:(Watson Migration Closure)Add support for per-app, code-only volatile datasources that remain private to the app that defines them Problem: Add support for per-app, code-only volatile datasources that remain private to the app
David Byers Quick tip: escaping string literals in dateTimeFormat() Just a quick tip since I didn’t find this to be well documented anywhere and someone else probably has this exact same problem.  Frequently, I display time and date on a page.  I used to do it like so: #dateFormat(now(),'dddd, mmmm
to Adobe to decide if the pain expressed by folks this way exceeds the effort they'd need to go through to create such new installers. One last thing for others who may find this: in the meantime, you don't need to edit the underlying HTML to get things working (if that's what David means he did, perhaps
2596968 CF-3295469 Performance David Stockton Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. Problem Description: coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap is used internally from several places (eg coldfusion
Comment on Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab by Nitin K.
Charlie Arehart

David (and to commenter jBrodeur), be aware of a couple of things.

First, let me offer an important clarification on David’s showing WHERE to put the cert. (I realize he admits to being new to this topic, so I'm just expanding in his post and protecting the unsuspecting

2613550 CF-3239392 Installation/Config : Connector David Dykstra Messed up Apache Config File on Install Problem Description: The install incorrectly modifies the httpd.conf file. This and something else has caused issues with Apache not automatically opening index.cfm Steps to Reproduce: Install
Charlie Arehart First thing, David: you refer to re-running the wsconfig, but that won't get you the latest available connector DLL. The one released with update 5 had a bug (a couple, it seems). You need to get an updated dll, from Adobe. And despite the blog post title not seeming to relate
David Byers Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache TLDR;  After beating my head against my monitor trying to figure out why ColdFusion wouldn’t configure a web server on install under Ubuntu and Apache, I learned you need to run the wsconfig
2598171 CF-3041663 Core Runtime : Session Management David Boyer Bug 83362:(Watson Migration Closure)Could we have a function similar to ApplicationStop() for the current session request called SessionStop() Problem: Could we have a function similar to ApplicationStop() for the current session
2682566 CFB-3951395 Bundled Server David Virtual Host Settings are not applied to the bundled server Problem Description: When I try to add a virtual host to the bundled server it appears to register in CF Builder (it shows up in the Virtual Hosts list) however the virtual host added doesn't work
Tracker Issue Bug 74969:See thread:
2556948 CF-3037250 Debugging : CFDump David Aden Bug 74969:See thread: Problem: See thread:{936680A8-3CD1-4D52-BCEE-9EF903D7FB02}&topid={A2A78970-5C9C-469F-8415-27CD90BAD571}&tp=1 which contains
2599869 CF-3039634 Database : CFQuery David McGuigan Bug 79382:When you have a cfquery that within its body calls any cffunction that itself runs a cfquery, the containing cfquery will use the function’s query’s datasource and ignore the one passed to it as an at Problem: When you have a cfquery
2612923 CF-3369530 Caching David Stockton Frequent key collisions on cached queries resulting in wrong (cached) result-set returned Problem Description: A query can be requested in CF10 that is not cached. However, CF10 returns a previous query that is in the cache returning the incorrect data
Charlie Arehart Eric, are you responding to my comment or Brad’s, in saying you don’t think training up non cf devs is “effective"?I don’t think Brad was saying he was "trying" it but that he does it. I know others who have relayed how they have. Is it as easy as the old days? No, but again
Charlie Arehart

Great to hear, Lee (and David). And I appreciate those points, Lee.

FWIW, of course, they do offer the free Developer edition (and a free Express edition, which is its own animal), but neither is intended for production, of course. And I know that’s your focus here

2600101 CF-3039387 Database : CFQuery David McGuigan Bug 78969:When ColdFusion is running, and successfully makes one or more exchanges with a database ( MySQL in my setup ), and then that database server is restarted ( the MySQL service is restarted ), the first Problem: When Cold
2609807 CF-3763348 Net Protocols : HTTP David Byers Problem with CF11 and HTTP I've run into a problem (I think) with http in ColdFusion 11 and I'm wondering if this is a known issue. I'm doing a pretty straightforward HTTP call to the Google Places API in order to retrieve a JSON packet
Sunil Chakradhari Hi David, Thanks , I am newbie for Ubuntu and your instruction helps me a lot. I have some doubts which I am sharing with you in the form of two scenarios. Scenarios 1 : I have installed CF11, Apache 2 on Ubuntu 18 (Under GCP). I have installed everything as per
3826109 CF-4200444 Document Management : PDF manipulation David Swain Either datafile XML or data XML contained in the PDF document is invalid. Problem Description: I am trying to use CFPDFFORM to read the data in PDF document from the IRS. I can read other documents with no problem, but I can't
2611752 CF-3596008 CFIMAGE David Isenhower Inconsistent Handling of JPEG Images resulting in "ImageReadingException" Errors Problem Description: My application loads images and manipulates them via ImageNew() call. In cases where a CMYK jpeg is loaded, the app throws an "coldfusion