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Tracker Issue cfloop index and item should be interchangeable
2608717 CF-4018335 Language David Maggard cfloop index and item should be interchangeable Maybe its just me, but I never can remember which types of loops use item or index, since they can't be used at the same time, and essentially are used for the same thing, is there some reason index and item
2601426 CF-3037974 Language : Datastructure David Maggard Bug 76108:(Watson Migration Closure)I think itg would be able to pass a string containing struct notation to evaluate and have it return the represented struct, like eval in javascript Problem:
I think itg would be able to pass a string
Tracker Issue ArrayAppend ignores the merge param when appending arrays when the 2nd "array" is from a webservice
2608719 CF-4018168 Web Services : General David Maggard ArrayAppend ignores the merge param when appending arrays when the 2nd "array" is from a webservice Problem Description: ArrayAppend ignores the merge param when appending arrays when the 2nd "array" is from a webservice
Steps to Reproduce