displaying top 100 results
Portal Comment Comment on Quick thoughts on structs by David Byers
Comment on Quick thoughts on structs by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Guide by David Byers
Comment on ColdFusion 2018 Lockdown Guide by David Byers
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on ROT13 in action! by David Byers
Comment on ROT13 in action! by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on The Hidden Power Of CFQUERYPARAM! by David Byers
Comment on The Hidden Power Of CFQUERYPARAM! by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion Needs to Die by David Byers
Comment on ColdFusion Needs to Die by David Byers
Comment on Extracting text/html out Word (.docx) files by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Comment on Converting an array of structs to a query dynamically by David Byers
Comment on Making Adobe ColdFusion a Thriving Community by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on TSQL – Getting New Primary Key by David Byers
Comment on TSQL – Getting New Primary Key by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on CF2018 External Session Storage using Redis on an AWS EC2 Server by David Byers
Comment on CF2018 External Session Storage using Redis on an AWS EC2 Server by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes into CFTHREAD. by David Byers
Comment on Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes into CFTHREAD. by David Byers
Comment on Presentation Files of Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018 by David Byers
Comment on What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on TSQL – Getting New Primary Key by David Byers
Comment on TSQL – Getting New Primary Key by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. by David Byers
Comment on After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. by David Byers
Comment on Why the death of EdgeHTML is bad for the Internet by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes into CFTHREAD. by David Byers
Comment on Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes into CFTHREAD. by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Comment on Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store by David Byers
Comment on Quick tip: escaping string literals in dateTimeFormat() by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion 101 – Introduction to ColdFusion for Beginner Developers, Decision Makers, and CEO’s. by David Byers
Comment on ColdFusion 101 – Introduction to ColdFusion for Beginner Developers, Decision Makers, and CEO’s. by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers by David Byers
Comment on The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers by David Byers
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Using ColdFusion to send a one off SMS Message using AWS SNS (in five lines of code!) by David Byers
Comment on Using ColdFusion to send a one off SMS Message using AWS SNS (in five lines of code!) by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache by David Byers
Comment on Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 14 released by David Byers
Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 14 released by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by David Byers
Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by David Byers
Comment on Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 by David Byers
Comment on I wanted a pre-conference workshop to bring more developers into the CF fold… Adobe one-upped me with something even better. by David Byers
Portal Topic Do I need an API?
David Byers Do I need an API? APIs are very powerful, but do you need to build your application as an API?
The post Do I need an API? appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Discussion,Language,discussion,language,modern cfml
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: dateTimeFormat() inconsistent escaping of string literals by Aaron N.
5190341 CF-4203797 Aaron N. Credit to David Byers. Related URL: https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/12/quick-tip-escaping-string-literals-in-datetimeformat/
Tracker Issue Link to documentation on administrator screen is broken.
2613825 CF-3159969 Documentation David Byers Link to documentation on administrator screen is broken. Problem Description:
When clicking on the Documentation link in the locally installed CF Administrator, the page you are taken to is:
David Byers Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store My experience in converting a .p12 certificate into an X.509 certificate and importing it into the ColdFusion keystore.
The post Installing an SSL Certificate into ColdFusion’s Trust Store appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Troubleshooting,blog,ssl,troubleshooting
David Byers ColdFusion: My First Time. Share yours in the comments ColdFusion, for me, started with a single function. It became a career-changing technology that has served me very well for the better part of 20 years.
The post ColdFusion: My First Time. Share yours in the comments appeared first
David Byers What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop How many beginner developers are out there wondering how to do the most basic things we take for granted?
The post What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion Summit
David Byers ColdFusion as an essential tool in my development toolbox. ColdFusion is the most important tool in my development toolbox; but it's not the only tool. Developers are wise to embrace new technologies and not become too entrenched in one solution.
The post ColdFusion as an essential
Portal Topic Why the death of EdgeHTML is bad for the Internet
David Byers Why the death of EdgeHTML is bad for the Internet Microsoft gave up on it's browser engine, EdgeHTML in favour of Chromium. It's IE 6 all over again.
The post Why the death of EdgeHTML is bad for the Internet appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Modern CFML,blog,modern cfml
David Byers Quick Tip: Negative Indexing on arrays in ColdFusion 2018 ColdFusion 2018 allows you to address an array using a negative index, pulling from the end of the array instead of the beginning.
The post Quick Tip: Negative Indexing on arrays in ColdFusion 2018 appeared first on Cold
Portal Topic Other social resources for ColdFusion
David Byers Other social resources for ColdFusion The CF Community is vast. Here's some other places you can turn to in order to find help or network within the ColdFusion community.
The post Other social resources for ColdFusion appeared first on ColdFusion. Cold
David Byers Quick Tip: CF 2018 Array Negative Indices are Read Only Array negative indexes in CF 2018 appear to be read only.
The post Quick Tip: CF 2018 Array Negative Indices are Read Only appeared first on ColdFusion. CF2018 Updates,Discussion,Updates,cf2018 updates,ColdFusion,coldfusion 2018
David Byers Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes into CFTHREAD. When you're dealing with and lots of variables that exist in (potentially) many different scopes, one approach could be to pass the whole scope into the thread.
The post Heavy Handed, but effective. Passing entire scopes
David Byers Quick Tip: Where to find installers for older versions of ColdFusion CFMLRepo.com has installers for ColdFusion dating back to version 1.5.
The post Quick Tip: Where to find installers for older versions of ColdFusion appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Discussion,Language,discussion,language,question,updates
Portal Topic How do I know if an article won’t be published?
David Byers How do I know if an article won’t be published? I wrote an article last month that has been "pending" for a while now. How do I know if I create an article on the community that will not be published, or gets rejected? Who do I communicate with?
The post How do I know if an article
David Byers Note to Self: IIS 10 Pre-Requisites for ColdFusion 2018 These are the minimum requirements that need to be installed in IIS for a CF install.
The post Note to Self: IIS 10 Pre-Requisites for ColdFusion 2018 appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Language,Testimonial or Case Study
David Byers After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. Strange Tomcat error after installing Update 5
The post After Upgrading to Update 5 on CF2018, pages randomly won’t load. appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Question,Testing,question,testing
Portal Topic Articles not being approved?
David Byers Articles not being approved? I have a couple of articles that have been pending approval for months now. Can you tell me if/when they will be published? https://coldfusion.adobe.com/preview/6924/ Since January 10 https://coldfusion.adobe.com/preview/6520/ Since November 2
The post
David Byers Best Practices for Secure Password Storage in ColdFusion The biggest mistake that a developer can make is to store passwords in the clear.
The post Best Practices for Secure Password Storage in ColdFusion appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Lockdown,Security,blog,ColdFusion,lockdown,security
Portal Topic ColdFusion Needs to Die
David Byers ColdFusion Needs to Die It’s time for bold action in order to make ColdFusion grow... and it starts by killing the reputation that ColdFusion is anchored with.
The post ColdFusion Needs to Die appeared first on ColdFusion. Announcements,Discussion,General,2016,2018,announcements
Portal Topic The Organic Nature of Software Development
David Byers The Organic Nature of Software Development Don't let your custom software wither and die. Continue to feed it with new thoughts and new ideas.
The post The Organic Nature of Software Development appeared first on ColdFusion. Announcements,Blog,News,announcements,blog,ColdFusion,news
Portal Topic The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers
David Byers The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers The ColdFusion community needs two things: More ColdFusion jobs, and more ColdFusion developers to fill those jobs. This is a delicate balancing act. How do we grow the community
Portal Topic Opinion: Adobe can Improve the ColdFusion community by providing official support for more code editors.
David Byers Opinion: Adobe can Improve the ColdFusion community by providing official support for more code editors. Adobe has no official plug in for ColdFusion in other code editors like Sublime, VSC, Atom, and Brackets. This should change.
The post Opinion: Adobe can Improve the Cold
David Byers CF2018 External Session Storage using Redis on an AWS EC2 Server In this article, I'll walk through setting up an EC2 Server on AWS and installing Redis for ColdFusion 2018 to use as session storage.
The post CF2018 External Session Storage using Redis on an AWS EC2 Server appeared
Portal Topic Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment
David Byers Fighting Stagnation: Learning how to grow your skills in a stagnant development environment Maintaining a legacy application can be a challenge, especially when the team is reluctant to try new techniques. Increment new methodologies gradually so as not to scare off developers stuck
David Byers Using ColdFusion to send a one off SMS Message using AWS SNS (in five lines of code!) Sending a simple SMS Message using ColdFusion and Amazon Web Services' Simple Notification Service quickly and (relatively) painlessly.
The post Using ColdFusion to send a one off SMS Message using AWS
Portal Topic Quick Tip: Returning a query as an array of structures in ColdFusion 2018 using reduce() and the fat arrow operator
David Byers Quick Tip: Returning a query as an array of structures in ColdFusion 2018 using reduce() and the fat arrow operator You can use the reduce() function with a fat arrow operator in ColdFusion 2018 to return a query object as an array of structures.
The post Quick Tip: Returning a query
Portal Topic ColdFusion 101 – Introduction to ColdFusion for Beginner Developers, Decision Makers, and CEO’s.
David Byers ColdFusion 101 – Introduction to ColdFusion for Beginner Developers, Decision Makers, and CEO’s. Every developer starts somewhere. This shows how I became a ColdFusion developer and teaches the very very basics of ColdFusion.
The post ColdFusion 101 – Introduction to Cold
David Byers Installing the ColdFusion 2020 Public Beta Through the Eyes of Someone New This article is intended to provide some answers to simple mistakes that I made when trying to install the beta release of ColdFusion 2020 so that others don't fall into the same traps that I did.
The post
David Byers My application has me frustrated. Here’s why that’s a good thing. Being frustrated about building an application or working with a team of developers has a silver lining.
The post My application has me frustrated. Here’s why that’s a good thing. appeared first on ColdFusion. Success
David Byers Jekyll and Hyde: The balance between getting a job done and creating a work of art. Programming with Adobe ColdFusion is like creating a masterpiece. We, as developers are creative; solving problems and crafting with code the way an artist would with oil and canvas. I sincerely
Portal Topic Converting XML to JSON using xmlTransform()
David Byers Converting XML to JSON using xmlTransform() I know very little about XML other than it’s a pain in the !@#$% to parse, search, and use. I’m much more familiar with JSON and using ColdFusion structures and arrays. That being said, I’m working on a project that requires that I pull a
David Byers I wanted a pre-conference workshop to bring more developers into the CF fold… Adobe one-upped me with something even better. I wanted a pre-conference workshop to bring more developers into the CF fold... Adobe one-upped me with something even better.
The post I wanted a pre
Portal Topic Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal
David Byers Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal It is more difficult than it needs to be for employers to find qualified ColdFusion talent, and for Developers to find companies that are hiring for ColdFusion positions. Adobe could help
David Byers Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose – Part 1 How I set up a basic development environment suitable for a single developer, but expandable to multiple developers using Docker, Adobe Cold
David Byers Can’t find ColdFusion talent? It’s time to re-evaluate allowing remote work. It’s time to re-evaluate remote work for ColdFusion Developers. Employers would be able to tap into a much larger pool of talent, and more developers would be able to find jobs that fit their needs. All
David Byers Part 2 – Creating a Development Environment/Workflow for solo or small team development using ColdFusion, MS SQL Server, and Docker Compose How I set up a basic development environment suitable for a single developer, but expandable to multiple developers using Docker, Adobe Cold
Portal Topic Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache
David Byers Adventures in Installations – Installing CF 2018 Developer Edition on Ubuntu 16.04 + Apache TLDR; After beating my head against my monitor trying to figure out why ColdFusion wouldn’t configure a web server on install under Ubuntu and Apache, I learned you need to run the wsconfig
David Byers Quick tip: escaping string literals in dateTimeFormat() Just a quick tip since I didn’t find this to be well documented anywhere and someone else probably has this exact same problem. Frequently, I display time and date on a page. I used to do it like so: #dateFormat(now(),'dddd, mmmm
Portal Topic Quick Tip: After 20 years developing with ColdFusion, I finally realized numberFormat() can round.
David Byers Quick Tip: After 20 years developing with ColdFusion, I finally realized numberFormat() can round. I’ve been developing ColdFusion applications for about 20 years and sometimes I feel like I’m still learning. On occasion it takes stumbling across a feature to realize how something
Tracker Issue Error in the way CFPOP and CFIMAP handles attachments.
2608565 CF-4062553 General Server David Byers Error in the way CFPOP and CFIMAP handles attachments. Duplicate ID: CF-4016861
Problem Description:
When cfpop or cfimap is used to retrieve mail that was generated by Apple Mail with an inline attachment, an error is thrown. There may be a bug
Tracker Issue Problem with CF11 and HTTP
2609807 CF-3763348 Net Protocols : HTTP David Byers Problem with CF11 and HTTP I've run into a problem (I think) with http in ColdFusion 11 and I'm wondering if this is a known issue. I'm doing a pretty straightforward HTTP call to the Google Places API in order to retrieve a JSON packet