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2682194 CFB-4160064 Dattanand M. @David Belanger I am able to repro this issue in 3.1.0 and 3.1.1, but this is been fixed and will be available in the next hotfix i,e 3.1.2.
Tracker Issue "Download and Install" fails when installing on Update 1
2673089 CF-4152217 Hot Fix Installer David Belanger "Download and Install" fails when installing on Update 1 Problem Description:
When I tried to install update 1, it downloaded correctly then the installer ran and hung on "restart". Once I logged in again, the update had not been installed. A
Tracker Issue "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder
2682141 CFB-4198069 General - IDE David Belanger "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder Problem Description: The script equivalent, which is simple "setting", consistently shows an error in CFBuilder. I've attached a couple of screen shots as well as a the sample code that should
Tracker Issue Opening some files causes a race condition (80-100%)
2682194 CFB-4160064 General - IDE David Belanger Opening some files causes a race condition (80-100%) Problem Description: When I try to open the attached file, my processor shoots up to 100% and CF Builder seems to freeze. I waited about 5 minutes and still no joy. I can open the file
2682612 CFB-3840245 Debugger David Belanger Debug "Open the associated perspective when launching" doesn't work Problem Description:
I have set my preferences to always open the "ColdFusion Debugging" perspective when I start a debugging session but it doesn't do it.
UPDATED: Even if you choose
2682619 CFB-3831711 Bundled Server David Belanger Bundled server update doesn't run from within CF Builder's internal browser Problem Description:
The update doesn't run when you use CFBuilder’s internal browser. The “Download and Update” button simply does nothing. The “Download” button works
Tracker Issue Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab
3114916 CF-4198738 Administrator : Administrator Console David Belanger Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab Problem Description: When you make a change to the Server Update > Updates tab, the changes are saved correctly but it then sends you
2878494 CFB-4198192 Editor Features,Performance David Belanger High processor and memory usage when editing a simple cfm file Problem Description: When I'm editing a cfm file, while editing a function, after I hit comma and space (to enter another parameter) CFBuilder goes unresponsive. My
Tracker Issue CFML Editor keyboard shortcuts for tags don't work
2682616 CFB-3834409 General - IDE David Belanger CFML Editor keyboard shortcuts for tags don't work Problem Description: For example, to insert a simple nbsp, you neet to press (CTRL+T, N). The (CTRL+T) works and brings up a popup window but pressing N does nothing except make the popup disappear