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2682194 CFB-4160064 Dattanand M. @David Belanger I am able to repro this issue in 3.1.0 and 3.1.1, but this is been fixed and will be available in the next hotfix i,e 3.1.2.
2673089 CF-4152217 Hot Fix Installer David Belanger "Download and Install" fails when installing on Update 1 Problem Description: When I tried to install update 1, it downloaded correctly then the installer ran and hung on "restart". Once I logged in again, the update had not been installed. A
2682141 CFB-4198069 General - IDE David Belanger "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder Problem Description: The script equivalent, which is simple "setting", consistently shows an error in CFBuilder. I've attached a couple of screen shots as well as a the sample code that should
2682194 CFB-4160064 General - IDE David Belanger Opening some files causes a race condition (80-100%) Problem Description: When I try to open the attached file, my processor shoots up to 100% and CF Builder seems to freeze. I waited about 5 minutes and still no joy. I can open the file
2682612 CFB-3840245 Debugger David Belanger Debug "Open the associated perspective when launching" doesn't work Problem Description: I have set my preferences to always open the "ColdFusion Debugging" perspective when I start a debugging session but it doesn't do it. UPDATED: Even if you choose
2682619 CFB-3831711 Bundled Server David Belanger Bundled server update doesn't run from within CF Builder's internal browser Problem Description: The update doesn't run when you use CFBuilder’s internal browser. The “Download and Update” button simply does nothing. The “Download” button works
3114916 CF-4198738 Administrator : Administrator Console David Belanger Server Update > Updates > Settings - Submit Changes doesn't return to the settings tab Problem Description: When you make a change to the Server Update > Updates tab, the changes are saved correctly but it then sends you
2878494 CFB-4198192 Editor Features,Performance David Belanger High processor and memory usage when editing a simple cfm file Problem Description: When I'm editing a cfm file, while editing a function, after I hit comma and space (to enter another parameter) CFBuilder goes unresponsive. My
2682616 CFB-3834409 General - IDE David Belanger CFML Editor keyboard shortcuts for tags don't work Problem Description: For example, to insert a simple nbsp, you neet to press (CTRL+T, N). The (CTRL+T) works and brings up a popup window but pressing N does nothing except make the popup disappear