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2608287 CF-4137968 Poonam J. I ran regression on the build 299754 and below test cases are failing.They are in the area struct and Character position. http://localhost:8500///cfclient/datastructures/string/chr/chr_pos_embedded_functions_01.cfm http://localhost:8500///cfclient/datastructures
4644024 CF-4203182 Language : Datastructure Array - implement splice() method Problem: Array - implement splice() method Method: //ArraySplice(array, index, elementCountForRemoval, replacements ) Result: Expected: Workaround: Note:
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output by Adobe D.
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output by External U.
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructures : REFind gives error when regex containg certain group combination is passed as a pattern by External U.
4188046 CF-4201938 Piyush K. comparison b/w arrays and queries is not fair. queries are more complicated data-structures and processing them has greater overheads.
CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output
CFCLIENT: datastructures : REFind gives error when regex containg certain group combination is passed as a pattern
2609384 CF-3851922 Language : Datastructure ext-user Elvis: operator does not maintain case sensitivity Code snippet: #"A"?:"B"# Expected: "A" Actual: "a" ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3851922 External Customer Info
2613914 CF-3148699 Language : Datastructure Aaron Neff Implicit struct defined in a tertiary operator inside a tag attribute throws exception Repros: - - Error: Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVARn is undefined Another scenario from bug 3197751 ----------------------------- Additional
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructures : struct : duplicate : Get duplicate of struct. Changing the value of referenced struct of its nested struct does not change value of its other nested struct when both nested structs refer to the same struct by External U.
CFCLIENT: datastructures : struct : duplicate : Get duplicate of struct. Changing the value of referenced struct of its nested struct does not change value of its other nested struct when both nested structs refer to the same struct
2602673 CF-3036596 Language : Datastructure Todd Rafferty Bug 73501:Is it worthwhile to add ArrayFind()? Problem: Is it worthwhile to add ArrayFind()? Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2673073 CF-4153051 Milan C. Hi Aaron, performance is actually better in case of ordered struct. The underlying datastructure we are using for ordered struct is 50% better than for normal struct if you are iterating over it.(for collection loop in CF) Getting the value by key will perform exactly
2609590 CF-3827490 Rupesh K. For-in syntax is a generic syntax for iterating over ALL collections. I don't like the idea of introducing variations here which apply only to one specific datastructure. What you are asking will make it messier - For list you would ask for "delimiter" and "include
2673134 CF-4149367 Language : Datastructure ext-user Metadata of a struct is not set for the duplicate of the struct. Problem: Metadata of a struct is not set for the duplicate of the struct. Method: name=[fname='Tom',Lname='Yes']; name.setmetadata({lname:'string'}); dup
2609461 CF-3845642 Language : Datastructure ext-user Passing a CFC object with string property value as "yes" or "no" to serializeJSON function converts the values to true or false test.cfc: component acccessors=true { property string title; property string surname; } test.cfm: o = new test
2609649 CF-3815793 Language : Datastructure Jork Zijlstra structcopy doens't return a copy Problem Description: Structcopy doesn't return a copy for FORM or URL. We expect Session to do the same Steps to Reproduce: 1) do a form post 2) make a structcopy 3) update form key of copy 4) dump / output
2597428 CF-3043861 Language : Datastructure Henry Ho Bug 86942:-(Watson Migration Closure)arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray Problem: arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray.addAll(FromArray) in Java underneath. Method: Result
2597567 CF-3043513 Language : Datastructure marc esher Bug 86588:[mesher] Requesting an enhancement to ArraySort() that would provide object sorting capabilities Problem: [mesher] Requesting an enhancement to ArraySort() that would provide object sorting capabilities. Given an array of objects, I
2598083 CF-3041761 Language : Datastructure Mike Causer Bug 83541:(Watson Migration Closure)arrayNew() - can the dimension argument default to 1?99 Problem: arrayNew() - can the dimension argument default to 1?99.9% of the time i find myself creating single dimension arrays.more in line
2598148 CF-3041687 Language : Datastructure Henry Ho Bug 83397:(Watson Migration Closure)support ArrayMerge() function as implemented in Railo: http://wiki Problem: support ArrayMerge() function as implemented in Railo: we have
2602050 CF-3037286 Language : Datastructure David Dharmaraj R Bug 75027:The structure creation accept reserved keywords as their keys, which they shouldn't be Problem: The structure creation accept reserved keywords as their keys, which they shouldn't be. I tried this, (I've used the "AND
2608110 CF-4190748 Language : Datastructure John Whish ColdFusion doesn't always respect the characters used to create keys Problem Description: ColdFusion does not respect the characters used to create keys. Steps to Reproduce: foo = {}; foo["stressed"] = "stressed"; foo["streßed"] = "streßed
: -------------------------------------------- The underlying datastructure we are using for ordered struct is 50% better than for normal struct if you are iterating over it.(for collection loop in CF) Getting the value by key will perform exactly similar. -------------------------------------------- Issue: CF2016's Performance White Paper does not mention
2615493 CF-3043284 Language : Datastructure Scott Stroz Bug 86176:If you call arraySort() on a database query row the result is that the sort will leave the first element in place and then sort the remaining elements Problem: If you call arraySort() on a database query row the result
2597680 CF-3042970 Language : Datastructure Ting-hin SHUM Bug 85367:(Watson Migration Closure)System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface" Problem: System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface".CFSET are ok in some scenarios.Keys other than "interface
2597836 CF-3042356 Language : Datastructure Kate Maher Bug 84527:-(Watson Migration Closure)Null Ignore Flag in ArrayAvg() How would you like the feature to work? Problem: Null Ignore Flag in ArrayAvg() How would you like the feature to work? ArrayAvg() should take a flag that would exclude null
2597910 CF-3041964 Language : Datastructure Wusel Wisel Bug 83981:When you are creating function calls including objects (JSON style over multiple lines) as arguments, CF901 throws a Null Pointer Exception - This did not happen with CF900 at all Duplicate ID: CF-3041814 Problem: When you
2598320 CF-3041466 Language : Datastructure Ryan Vikander Bug 82915:(Watson Migration Closure)When passing cfcatch to a function, inside function if you do isStruct() around the variable that cfcatch is being passed to isStruct returns false even though when you dump the variable the dump says
2598360 CF-3041422 Language : Datastructure Sidney Maestre Bug 82832:(Watson Migration Closure)Please fix the Struct UPPER CASE issue Problem: Please fix the Struct UPPER CASE issue. When using a CFC to return JSON it doesn't make sense that STRUCT created with dot notation are returned upper
2599390 CF-3040256 Language : Datastructure Eric Twilegar Bug 80256:In CF 8 even when making a HTTP GET request FORM Problem: In CF 8 even when making a HTTP GET request FORM.fieldnames was still present. In CF 9 the FORM structure is still present, but form.fieldnames is not defined. Method
2599811 CF-3039698 Language : Datastructure David McGuigan Bug 79481:structDelete( ) is case sensitiveThe following code ( when the form is submitted ) outputs: Problem: structDelete( ) is case sensitiveThe following code ( when the form is submitted ) outputs: Upper before deletion: 2 Upper after
2600156 CF-3039330 Language : Datastructure Luis Majano Bug 78869:building an implicit structure with colons instead of ='s fails Duplicate ID: CF-3037333 Problem: building an implicit structure with colons instead of ='s fails. This would seem to me to be able to work as it works on arguments
2600950 CF-3038485 Language : Datastructure Todd Rafferty Bug 77082:I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but a friend of mine came across this Problem: I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but a friend of mine came across this. He’s a flex developer and he wanted to use the new struct creation
2601426 CF-3037974 Language : Datastructure David Maggard Bug 76108:(Watson Migration Closure)I think itg would be able to pass a string containing struct notation to evaluate and have it return the represented struct, like eval in javascript Problem: I think itg would be able to pass a string
2601981 CF-3037367 Language : Datastructure Nuri Cevik Bug 75191:(Watson Migration Closure)adding two reserved variables currentRow and recordCount to cfloop array Problem: adding two reserved variables currentRow and recordCount to cfloop array You can loop with array and you need to know
2602385 CF-3036910 Language : Datastructure Nuri Bug 73884:(Watson Migration Closure)When we need to display an array randomly, we need to randomize is using different techniques which is costing developer time and server resources Problem: When we need to display an array randomly, we need
2612612 CF-3492496 Language : Datastructure Chris Phillips Using array notation for an argument value while calling a method will cause other argument values to be "undefined". Problem Description: If you use array notation inside the parenthesis of a method call to assign an argument value (and
2597465 CF-3043808 Language : Datastructure Matthew Lesko Bug 86893:(Watson Migration Closure)Memory grows as new structure keys are added Problem: Memory grows as new structure keys are added. Method: Consistently, I am able to generate a Java Heap Space OutOfMemory exception with the following
2615203 CF-3043734 Language : Datastructure Aaron Neff Bug 86823:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Bug for: cfsilent + implicit struct|array = vanishing variablescfsilent + implicit struct|array = vanishing variablesPlease see the three 'Bad' examples, for repro Problem: [ANeff] Bug for: cfsilent
2615371 CF-3043459 Language : Datastructure Adam Cameron Bug 86496:Summary: CF creates spurious variable "___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0"See steps to reproduce Problem: Summary: CF creates spurious variable "___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR0"See steps to reproduce. When one runs this code with ?BUNG
2597636 CF-3043094 Language : Datastructure Luis Majano Bug 85850:serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation Problem: serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation. Method: Use the following template:test = structnew();test["org.model.test"] = {name
2598149 CF-3041686 Language : Datastructure bill shelton Bug 83396:(Watson Migration Closure)Creating implicit N-D arrays without explicit initialization creates structures for unintiallized array elements Problem: Creating implicit N-D arrays without explicit initialization creates structures
2598788 CF-3040944 Language : Datastructure Gary Gilbert Bug 82106:XML element nodes that start with and underscore (_) return an empty string when accessed using dot notation instead of the element Problem: XML element nodes that start with and underscore (_) return an empty string when accessed
2598851 CF-3040871 Language : Datastructure Bang Turis Bug 81884:Values for certain struct keys can be referenced by other keys, despite those other keys never being set Duplicate ID: CF-3040856 Problem: Values for certain struct keys can be referenced by other keys, despite those other keys
2599369 CF-3040282 Language : Datastructure Jared Rypka-Hauer Bug 80335:Using inline structure syntax for named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken Problem: Using inline structure syntax for named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken. funCall(structArg={}) throws a
2600860 CF-3038578 Language : Datastructure Tariq Ahmed Bug 77255:StructKeyExists() evalutes to true when the key doesn't exist Problem: StructKeyExists() evalutes to true when the key doesn't exist. In Using ColdBox 2.6.3 I get some strange errors that don't make sense with CF9 Beta 2, that I
5321285 CF-4203999 Language : Datastructure [ANeff] Bug for: java.lang.VerifyError if ternary operandIfTrue is CFDouble Issue: `condition?operandIfTrue:operandIfFalse` throws "Unable to pop operand off an empty stack" java.lang.VerifyError if operandIfTrue is coldfusion.runtime.CFDouble Repro
2597302 CF-3044009 Language : Datastructure Peter Farrell Bug 87084:[maestrofjp] I've confirmed there is a bug in ACF9 having to do with StructKeyDelete() and structs shared by reference Problem: [maestrofjp] I've confirmed there is a bug in ACF9 having to do with StructKeyDelete() and structs
2597908 CF-3041966 Language : Datastructure Ron Lebfrom Bug 83985:Coldfusion Updater 1 breaks coldfusion arraysDuplicating problem and deletion problems Problem: Coldfusion Updater 1 breaks coldfusion arraysDuplicating problem and deletion problems . We installed updater 1 on our production
2599285 CF-3040381 Language : Datastructure Gary Gilbert Bug 80601:occurs in listtoarray() when using {} as a delimiter Problem: occurs in listtoarray() when using {} as a delimiter Method: Result: Illegal repetition {} The error occurred in D:\inetpub\wwwroot\cf8stuff
2599277 CF-3040389 Language : Datastructure Randy Merrill Bug 80613:(Watson Migration Closure)Shorthand of struct creation should accept JSON styled notation Problem: Shorthand of struct creation should accept JSON styled notation. Method: Result: coldfusion.compiler.ParseException: Invalid
2599608 CF-3039911 Language : Datastructure Aaron Neff Bug 79762:[ANeff] Bug for: "can't load a null" error Problem: [ANeff] Bug for: "can't load a null" error.Related thread: Method: CFML