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CFCLIENT: Data structure : struct : structCount shows unexpected output when keys are "b.d" and "b.c"
CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3
2673398 CF-4126645 External U. Again, defeats the whole point of having immutable data structures.
2673399 CF-4126644 External U. This defeats the whole purpose of immutable data structures!
2609289 CF-3861751 External U. Very much agreed. Same applies for all data structures, not just arrays of entities, really.
2610279 CF-3713323 External U. Queries are such an idiomatic part of CFML (the ORIGINAL data structure of the language) this should be a no-brainer.
4250957 CF-4202132 Kama S. While I support the addition of immutable data structures, I do NOT support the final keyword having that effect.
2608264 CF-4148767 Awdhesh K. Hi Mathew, Member function's support has mainly been added for in-built CF data structure like Struct, list, array, Data, query. Currently, it is not supported for byte array (the object under discussion) and it is not planned for near future as well. Reason, member
CFCLIENT: data structures: struct : structget : Using array inside the structget method does not create it
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure : struct : structCount shows unexpected output when keys are "b.d" and "b.c" by External U.
2608693 CF-4022420 External U. As Adam has explained in his blog post, queries are a fundamental data structure in CFML. Member functions that allow one to efficiently and simply work with queries would be VERY useful!
Comment on CFCLIENT: data structures: struct : structget : Using array inside the structget method does not create it by Adobe D.
Comment on CFCLIENT: data structures: struct : structget : Using array inside the structget method does not create it by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFCLIENT: data structures: struct : structget : Using array inside the structget method does not create it by External U.
Comment on Bug 87130:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client variables should serialize complex data structures automatically, similar to the way sessions are serialized and transferred across networks for session replication by External U.
4188046 CF-4201938 Piyush K. comparison b/w arrays and queries is not fair. queries are more complicated data-structures and processing them has greater overheads.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by Adobe D.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by External U.
Adam Watson The array is a linear data structure used to store data in memory. Array using indexing and we have to index the elements of the array. visit this link to solve array related problem. The main disadvantage is the once we insert a
Bradley Wood I think Final has little to no place in CFML. It feels like we were just copying over patterns from Java that don't make a great deal of sense in CFML. Immutable data structures are much more common in dynamic languages like Ruby and would have been a better way to spend out efforts
Bug 87130:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client variables should serialize complex data structures automatically, similar to the way sessions are serialized and transferred across networks for session replication
Bug 82100:Saving an entity which had a property set while inside of a block causes the oldData structure of the preUpdate event handler to be empty for subsequent saves
2599733 CF-3039777 External U. Using the Flex Logging API to mark the SQL statements as "info" level would be helpful for both debugging relationship meta-data and for trying to optimize data structures. As developers, we would be able to easily filter these messages in or out out of logging
Comment on Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute by Paul N.
4250957 CF-4202132 Aaron N. Copying Ryan Guill's msg from Slack: ---- I agree that final making things immutable would be nicer, but I doubt very seriously that they would ever make immutable data structures[….]. This use of final is more like `const` in js, which I think has its uses, but agreed
2608288 CF-4137857 Awdhesh K. Hi Henry, Member function's support has mainly been added for in-built CF data structure like Struct, list, array, Data, query. Currently, it is not supported for int primitive type (the object under discussion) and it is not planned for near future as well. Reason
2609998 CF-3738552 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: structure: copy : get copy of struct(having array as element) through StructCopy and modifying the array in the copied struct is reflecting the array of copy struct Code snippet: #d.key1[1]# #d.key2[1]##d.key3
4250957 CF-4202132 Language [ANeff] ER for: final immutability This ER is for final immutability Note: Currently 'final' blocks reference change. It does not block complex value data change. It'd be MUCH more useful if 'final' meant the data structure was immutable. Repro: final my
2609053 CF-3941059 External U. I transfer base64 encoded image data in structures encoded as JSON strings. The improper coding of u+xxxx strings renders the image data unusable for images that randomly contain this sequence of characters.
programming has become popular is its ability to manipulate data structures easily and efficiently when compared to traditional methods. In this blog, we shall take a close look at the pillars of functional programming, map, reduce, and filter, and how you can use these […] Blog,filter,functional programming
2608755 CF-4010498 Language,Wishlist Adam Cameron More types are iterable Strings (iterable by character), and numbers (via a range). Others? It might be looking at recursive iterators too (, for better dealing with hierarchical data structures
2609972 CF-3740223 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: reReplace : function does not work as expected Code snippet: #reReplace("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.","o[vwx]","0000")# Actual: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Expected: The quick br0000n fox
2610021 CF-3737517 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output Code snippet: #returnedstruct1.pos[3]# Expected: 5 Actual: 1 ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2610023 CF-3737514 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: Functions : Function ljustify, rjustify gives error when number is passed as a first argument Code snippet #lJustify(5, 1)# #cfcatch.message# In CF server it gives output as : 5 In cfclient it gives error : Cannot call
2610088 CF-3731533 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user [Regression] : CFCLIENT: Date : diff: returns month difference as 1 when difference is less than a month Code snippet: #posdiff# Expected: 0 Actual: 1 Note: This works as expected in public beta build
attribute to specify name of structure to contain property data. This way we can simply/cleanly get property data without other variables/methods mixed in. Example: accessors="instance" and then writeDump(variables.instance); accessors="yes|true|no|false" would continue to behave the same (mixing
2611758 CF-3595198 Language Adam Tuttle Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce Arrays, Structures, Lists, and Queries all need map and reduce functions. Map should both update the complex data structure in-place AND return the updated
Saurav Ghosh James, We have fixed this in the docs.
3531633 CF-4199809 Immanuel N. We were unable to repro this issue. Please provide the datasource mentioned, either as a SQL file,or a structure definition and sample data.
structure required for pie charts. Using "array of arrays" as the documentation says does not produce anything usable. Such as will give a pie chart with no slices. produces 3 pie charts, no of which have slices. Please fix or provide an example of the required format...preferably including data
the data structure pointed by it will not be mutable? Example: `final myVar = {foo=”bar”}; = “baz”` Who would prefer that to not throw an exception (current behavior) or to throw an exception? Thanks!, -Aaron The post final == immutable? (or not?) appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Final,Language,ColdFusion,final,language,publicbetaaether
2673462 CF-4126523 Mobile Support : Data Structure Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: structNew("sorted") not supported in cfclient Related Bugs: CF-4092125 - Similar to structNew("sorted") not supported in cfclient Repro: s = structNew("sorted"); s["z"] = "x"; s["b"] = "d"; s["a"] = "q
2608437 CF-4094689 Mobile Support : Data Structure Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: parseDateTime not fully working in cfclient parseDateTime in cfclient works, for the following example, in Chrome but not IE/FF Repro: #parseDateTime("2003-6-11 10:50:32")# Actual result in Chrome: "Wed Jun 11
2608446 CF-4092029 Mobile Support : Data Structure Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: structEach()/struct.each() not supported in cfclient Related Bugs: CF-4092125 - Similar to structEach()/struct.each() are not supported in cfclient, but should be. Repro: s = structNew("ordered"); s["z"] = "x
2609292 CF-3861391 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFClient support for arraysort() as member funtion Problem: Currently its calling javascript function, it should give preferences to CFML sorting. Method: myArray = listToArray("c,,a,,b") myArray.sort("textnocase", "desc
2609984 CF-3739355 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: dateFormat : format does not work when used without any delimited in between Related Bugs: CF-4092089 - Similar to Code snippet: #dateFormat(d, "yyyy/mm/dd 20d")# Expected: 2011 Actual: 20d Same issue with other formats
2610022 CF-3737516 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: datastructures : REFind gives error when regex containg certain group combination is passed as a pattern Code snippet: #reFind("(?m)\A[[:alpha:]]","The quick brown fox#chr(10)#jumped over the lazy dog.")# Expected: 1 Actual
2610024 CF-3737513 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: Functions: cJustify : second parameter when given decimal value is ceil In CF server decimal value are ignored and is floored In CF mobile decimal value is considered and is ceiled cJustify(long_txt, 20.1) and 20.9 - In server
2610079 CF-3732088 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT : String : Wrap : Functions gives unexpected output in one scenerio Code snippet: str1 = repeatString("12345 abc" & chr(13) & chr(10), 4); str1 = str1.wrap( 9); lf = "/"; writeOutput(replace(replace(str1, chr(13
that an implementation of JavaScript will coincidentally match the implementation of a completely different data structure in a different language. Object properties and struct elements are not designed to be accessed in any sort of assured sequence: they're designed to be accessed by key name. That's you're doing so
Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute
the closure will receive for the reReplace() and reReplaceNoCase() functions? I would like to propose that they receive as their first argument, the same data structure currently returned by the reFind() and reFindNoCase() functions when "returnSubExpression" is set to true which is the following: A struct
.arows ) } );//" this will throw an error if attributes.stdata is not defined. where it gets wierd is that no matter what you do prior to the line it will still throw the error. defining the variable has no effect, even abort; throw; exit; / etc have no effect, it still attempts to create the attribute AdditionalData structure
2610003 CF-3738100 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: datastructures : struct : duplicate : Get duplicate of struct. Changing the value of referenced struct of its nested struct does not change value of its other nested struct when both nested structs refer to the same struct Code
2609977 CF-3739782 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: structSort doesnt work as expected when sorting is done on nested struct keys employees = structNew(); for ( i=1; i lt 7; i=i+1 ) { salary = 1200 - i*100 ; emp = structNew() ; emp["salary"] = salary ; employees["emp#i#"] = emp
2610262 CF-3713869 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: Exception message when included template code is not in cfclient tags, should contain the cause of exception as well. I have a file a.cfm that includes b.cfm: a.cfm--- #cfcatch.message# b.cfm --- my
ToArray(valueList(query.column)); This is generally functional, except when the column in question is free-form text entered by users and could contain your delimiter, even if you use a custom delimiter like a pipe. Aside from the above edge case, string manipulation is generally regarded as slow, at least when compared to other data structures
2612823 CF-3401939 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user [cfclient] refind - multiple line mode not supported from string in regular expressions in javascript like it is supported in java Problem: In java regular expression you can enable multiple line mode from pattern string itself
Tracker Issue Support YAML natively
there's a number of java libs to choose from. Here's an incredibly simple implementation of mine from a while back: I do think that the data structures that come back from deserialize should
Comment on Some web services with data structure as argument values could not execute by Paul N.
the fully qualified class name(s)) I tried to simulate the issue by hitting some simple CFMLs (involving some CF data structures and CFCs) with multiple concurrent user threads with jMeter, with xmx set to 512, for about 25 mins, but did not see any memory leaks. This was on CF2016u6, without any page
4250957 CF-4202132 Aaron N. *bump* This is more feedback: Brad Wood: "I think Final has little to no place in CFML. Immutable data structures [....] would have been a better way to spend our efforts." Adam Cameron: "I agree with Brad on all counts. Immutable objects would be useful. Final ones
with cold fusion 11 and Apache web server. Steps to Reproduce:You need to do a post of a file with content type set to "application/octet-stream" then have cold fusion dump the gethttpRequestData() structure content will be empty yet in the header records the content size will be correctly reported
.compiler.ASTtagAttribute Expected Result: The normal GetComponentMetaData structured response. This application works in both CF11 and CF-2016. Any Workarounds: Don't use queryExecute as a user defined function name. While this specific error is fairly easy to fix (search and replace .queryExecute with .qExecute and rename
2613182 CF-3340564 External U. Through further testing I have discovered that the Siteminder-generated HTTP header variables are visible when using the GetHttpRequestData function. Example: All of the HTTP_SM variables exist in the headers structure, although with the leading HTTP_ removed
parameter, fieldName, to limit data returned to only that field.Returns a data structure like:{ upload1: { size: 100000, filename: 'image.jpg', tempFilename: 'ab642c.tmp', tempPath: 'c:\cfusion\temp\ab642c.tmp' }}Example CFML code usage: Method: Result: N
2609767 CF-3780056 External U. Also tested the functionality while the setting is ON. SELECT Id as RecID, Name as FullName, Address as StreetAddress FROM myQuery WHERE ID = 1 Serialized Query Dump {"COLUMNS":["RECID","FULLNAME","STREETADDRESS"],"DATA":[[1,"John Doe
to Section 508 guidelines. For most agencies, this means the document must be able to pass Adobe's own accessibility check, which is part of the Adobe Acrobat tools. Many authoring tools will automatically tag PDFs they create with proper structure (headings, paragraphs, tables) and meta-data (alt text from
2610294 CF-3712823 External U. Adam, respectfully, I think you may misunderstand the change here. The change was meant to try to ensure that strings became strings in JSON and numbers stayed as numbers. It was not meant to impact the *structure* of the serialized query - that is another feature
:"bob"}]} ] As you can see, this would allow you to build out rich relational data structures fairly simply. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 4073770 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Abram Adams External
4255706 CF-4202170 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: CacheGetProperties() doc outdated Issue: CacheGetProperties() doc is outdated This: ----------- An Array of structures containing the cache properties. Each structure has the properties for the cache type: object or page. If you specify either
rows have been written, a counter would be updated. Another way would be to monitor the size of the file as it is generated and knowing the final size would allow one to calculate a percent complete. There may be other schemes. All my data is coming from a and here is the basic structure.
out of 10 times my structures return in upper case and if I don’t use the SerializeJSON(ResultQuery,‘struct’) I also get it in the weird way that cold fusion uses (column and data), which makes me think that it is not loading the application.cfc but it is not consistent. This usually happens when
James Mohler This is a tough one. I can think of quite a few off the top of my head
  1. It is structured data as opposed to a way of interpreting a string
  2. Keys and values are discrete
  3. All kinds of member functions associated with it
  4. They naturally work
guidelines. For most agencies, this means the document must be able to pass Adobe's own accessibility check, which is part of the Adobe Acrobat tools. Many authoring tools will automatically tag PDFs they create with proper structure (headings, paragraphs, tables) and meta-data (alt text from images, etc
be to avoid calling the constructor when rehydrating the object. No. No. No. Just, No. You're ignoring the possibility that the constructor does more than simply setting data into the object. Constructors can set up default internal data structures, configure loggers, acquire dependent services
by mistake.. It blows up the internal CF structure that stores the S3 data until you restart CF. Thanks, Connor
cannot use array for-in loop with getMetaData().properties
2598530 CF-3041231 Language : CFSCRIPT Mark Mandel Bug 82537:(Watson Migration Closure)Meta data types do not resolve correctly when using import statements Problem: Meta data types do not resolve correctly when using import statements.They end up having a resolvedArgType structure attached
Bug 86961:From inside a CFC, calling GetMetaData(this)
NULL JSON data causes CFError during CFDump when specifying HIDE parameter
David Byers Converting XML to JSON using xmlTransform() I know very little about XML other than it’s a pain in the !@#$% to parse, search, and use.  I’m much more familiar with JSON and using ColdFusion structures and arrays.  That being said, I’m working on a project that requires that I pull a
2609882 CF-3752424 External U. So crazy question. If you think this is a bug with CF (it certainly can be!) and the try/catch is preventing it from logging... why not remove the try/catch? I mean you say you have been trying to get it fixed for 3 years but you have trouble gathering data. Remove
Comment on DeSerializeJSON of null values causes strange structure formatting by External U.
won't work for clustered tasks stored in a DB, either) and create my own custom functions to get the data I need. Specifically, I'm looking for a getTasks() function that acts like the getDatasources() function in the datasource API. The function would look like this: public any getTasks ( task
3349643 CF-4199409 Language : CF Component Luis Majano Metadata not trimmed on comment based annotations Problem Description: If you use comment based annotations and and spacing or tabs to align them, the parser will not trim the selections and the data is lost. Steps to Reproduce: {code
2672870 CF-4160482 External U. Sorry, incomplete repro case. Here is the complete one. 1. Copy the example code to C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\resttest 2. Setup a REST service on CF admin at Data Serices > REST Services 3. Root path "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\resttest" and service
Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for
people's data, often including usernames and passwords, application structures (if they're using frameworks) and so on. For security, it would be good to provide an option in CF Admin that allowed administrators, esp. on shared hosts, to disable references to application scope when no application name
Added :2016-01-25 15:47:35.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Frédéric Peters Note Added: I made a script which causes CF server to run out of memory. I am atually migrating some data from an "horizontal structure" where I have some bit value: 1,1,0,0,0 for one db record that represent
not the same as Ken's. Note he says "Run something that has lots of loops and calling CFCs to do some calculations millions of times." Of course, that's a bit vague in terms of repeatability. But Piyush you said, "I tried to simulate the issue by hitting some simple CFMLs (involving some CF data structures
crashes saying that the Argument does not exist. This happens regardless of passing the argument into the method or giving the argument a default value. Steps to Reproduce: See uploaded ElvisArgument.cfc file. Calling the getData() function will trigger the crash. The getDataSetKey() and getData
produced several errors. Error Occurred While Processing Request Element DATASOURCE is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression. and java.lang.NullPointerException at coldfusion.runtime.AppHelper.getApplicationMetaData( at coldfusion
2673612 CF-4121949 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: managing complex objects says: -------------------------------------------- Managing complex
:// states that the struct returned from getMetaData() contains, at the "functions" key, an "Array of metadata structures for the component’s functions.". When you dump it, it's shown as an array and labeled as such. But if you try to call member functions on the "array" (like .map() or .reduce
file/folder structure? Rupesh, your "zip file" comparative only halfway fails. It's still not an acceptable response from someone whom I assume is part of the Adobe team. IF someone has to initially inform the collection of what it is indexing, there is NO valid reason that the origin-of-data
Comment on function call structure creation occasionally executes before the line in code is run by External U.
by creator, and I'm not finding it with keywords. And I think this was confirmed before as well, but not yet fixed (our IT guys says we are runnig 9,0,0,251028). But it may have been for CF8.When a structure change is done in MS SQL Server DB, such as deleting or renaming a column, ColdFusion starts