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Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by cobaltc15168237
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by Mike Bill
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by ramshengale
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by Harikrishna-Adobe
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by technocoderz
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset – Auto Connector Tuning by pradeepg15004951
as effective as some may hope. And the connector auto-tuning (another option in the PMT) is not perfect, as it only tunes the web server (IIS/Apache) side of the equation (changing dynamically what would be set in the file) but NOT the max threads in the server.xml on the CF side
with this update's version, to the need for most to "tune" it--though yes CF2018's PMT offers an option to "auto-tune" it) to make it more and more likely that people will be considering those options. You've presented one, I've offered a few more. Really, this topic is worthy of a blog post on its own. I am
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. These are essential to have. I have to maintain a large number of servers and many require tuning the connectors. The wsconfig tool just has not kept up with the needs of building, tuning and rebuilding the connectors.
2612800 CF-3429152 External U. Related thread:
2608835 CF-3980425 Anit K. Not sure, what might have caused. We will investigate further. IMO, connection_pool_timeout followed by other attributes are important from CF connector tuning perspective. It is a must, to tune the connector for production sites running on CF10/11.
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. Tracking down these numbers in order to properly tune the connector settings is difficult. Working with CF is supposed to be a streamlined process. Please provide this information (on CF Standard as well) so that developers can quickly tune their apps and get back
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. Not using better default settings are making the product look bad. It should not be this difficult to tune the connector.
2609976 CF-3739889 Anit K. @extuser, We have fixed all kind of connector tuning issues. Can you share more details about your environment and setup. Please send an email to cfinstalladobecom
2613427 CF-3318104 Rupesh K. **** Please check the comment below by Vishal Jaswal ***** You need to tune the server to address this. We have worked with quite a few customers and confirmed that tuning the server as per the following blog entry actually resolves the problem.
Comment on Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. Tried tuning like in the blog Windows server 2008, IIS 7.5 Coldfusion 10 patched to patch level 11 did not resolve our problem
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. This is happening with us also. We just upgraded to cf10 a couple of months ago. It is costing us $$$$. I have followed the advice for tuning the connector but problem continues.
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. Agree this is necessary. Have not implemented any advanced connector features or tuning due to the fact they will be lost with a connector reconfigure, which is usually recommended with most hotfix updates. Would like this in CF 10+.
-run the wsconfig tool, that will cause an OVERWRITE of this updated DLL, and will put back in place the original one from update 5. If that updated DLL does NOT help, then the next question is to wonder if you are merely in need of connector tuning. Since CF2016, the default connector settings are suited only
2612621 CF-3490112 External U. I'm seeing the same Error: getRealPathFromConn after moving to Coldfusion 10 Update 14 from CF 9.0.2. I've rerun the connector and followed the connector tuning advice, but still see many of these errors in production.
2609758 CF-3783361 Installation/Config : Connector Charlie Arehart Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks Could you PLEASE improve the web server configuration tool, in a number of simple ways, to deal with common Adobe
2611802 CF-3590207 External U. I have verified this on several CF10 Standard servers and found out WHY this is happening. The CFAdmin is looking in the ./cfusion/runtime/server.xml file. By default there isn't max threads value set in the following XML. When tuning the Tomcat connectors you
2608835 CF-3980425 Immanuel N. Thanks for the update John. I believe this problem would be completely eliminated once the connectors are aptly tuned for your environment. Would it be OK to close this bug? We could always reopen it / raise a new bug if the issue persists.
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 Rupesh K. ************ Please read this ******************* If configuring your server as per does not solve your problem, could you please get in touch with us at "cf.install AT adobe DOT com
. The fusion reactor monitoring tool is showing the server as reponding normally but when a user ask for a page, it hangs. I have the connector 1.2.32 (11/02/2013) and it has been reconfirured following the guidelines from
2609610 CF-3822362 External U. Casting my vote here too. Now that cfscript v1 has auto-generic tags->script you can focus on a fine tuned cfscript v2 where each aspect can be closely analysed and handled in a purposeful way. I would add that this will only work if you include the dev community
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 Adobe D. Made Changes in the following and the server is stable. worker.cfusion.connection_pool_size = 500 worker.cfusion.connection_pool_timeout = 60 server.xml maxThreads=500 and connectionTimeout="60000" Followed blog :
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. We are having similar issues, though the problem doesn't seem to have any relation to load. I'm implementing the changes outlined here: Will report back if this seems to help. We
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. This still happens on CF10 update 15 (1.2.40 connector). For us, someone posts a massive POST command to the server, then there is an error 500 in the logs. Tuning does nothing to solve this issue. The only consolation is that the server does not crash
and the IIS app pool associated with the ColdFusion portion keeps shutting down randomly. It did it 3 times today but yesterday not at all. This is a development system so the load is very small. I've also tried the connector tuning values above to no avail. I've also run through the CF10 hardening guide
Comment on Bad apache / tomcat connector for Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9 by Piyush K.
.xml as the "address" attribute), for indicating what IP address should be allowed for requests into the connector from wherever the web server is. Even if one thinks "my web server is on the same machine as CF, so it should be", the problem is that if your machine supports both ipv4 and ipv6, it won
2608835 CF-3980425 Anit K. Thanks for confirming John. Here is what you need to do, then. Refer to my blog post Add the below entry in at \ColdFusion11\config\wsconfig\[Magic Folder]\ worker
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. I am having the exact same problems despite performing all the suggested connector tuning. I have the latest CF10 Update 11 running, clean install, medium sized site, and yet continue to see 503 error messages a few times a week. Windows 2008 R2 (VMware), IIS 7
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by Chinoy G.
'd last rebuilt the connector. I can't wait until we can just 'update' the connector instead of removing/re-adding (or at least have the connector auto-backup the connector directory(ies) in case we've updated any files like which still doesn't have all the extensions
. I edited my web.config file and added existingResponse=”Auto” to the httpErrors element, like so: Now, the trick was to make the connector do the right thing. I don't know if this is possible with the CF10 connector, but Railo and Lucee use the BonCode connector, which allows you to skip IIS
. Expected Result: The site's page should load without error. Any Workarounds: When the error occurs the only solution to get all sites working again is to reset CF and IIS. Because the CF team mentioned that the IIS-CF connector needs to be tuned based on the server's load, we have spent a lot
Comment on Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling by External U.
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
Comment on Bad apache / tomcat connector for Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9 by External U.
but then even scheduler was not helping and on daily basis the Site was going down on peak hours so we uninstalled ColdFusion 10 update 18. Found some of the articles which suggest to tune connectors but even after performing the suggested changes in server.xml and file issue still exits
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
Comment on Apply the Server Auto-Lockdown to a site without re-installing the Lockdown tool by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Saurav, the issues I pointed out here last week remain: First, the blog post and release notes talk about "reconfiguring" the connector, with no mention of the available "upgrade" feature in the wsconfig tool. Second, the release notes (
2609665 CF-3811482 Installation/Config : Connector Jeroen van den Berg Server 2012 R2 (IIS8.5) + CF11 not working out Duplicate ID: CF-3777189 Problem Description: Whenever I make a change in IIS through either the GUI or the web.config file (auto load config is enabled) CF hangs, I have
Processing Request "Element 1 is undefined in RS" The error occurred in C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/jlb_auto_increment_db2.cfm: line 16 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : #rs.1# Stack Trace at cfjlb_auto_increment_db22ecfm458941529.runPage(C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/jlb_auto
.cfm: Tree Test // // Currently not working as AJAX async loading is broken in the CF version of ext-yui-adaptor.js // var dataURL= 'treedata.cfc?method=getTreeData'; var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({ useArrows: true, autoScroll: true
connector for IIS using default settings and procedures as outline by Adobe's installation guides. STEP 3 - In IIS, configure the Default Web Site. Edit Bindings, and ensure that the only Binding is on the primary IP address of the server, and ONLY on port 81. There should be no bindings for port 80
) at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericResultDescription.(Unknown Source) at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.GenericLanguageFactory.getResultDescription(Unknown Source) at org.apache.derby.impl.sql.execute.DMLWriteGeneratedColumnsResultSet.firstExecuteSpecialHandlingAutoGen(Unknown Source) at org
.ormsettings.cacheconfig="ehcache.xml"; this.ormsettings.useDBForMapping = false; this.ormsettings.autoManageSession = false; this.ormsettings.eventhandling=true; this.datasource='myDatasource'; this.ormSettings.cfclocation = "/models"; 2) Add a simple ehcache.xml: 3) Add two CFCs referring to the same table. Specify a datasource