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Portal Topic Code Profiler in Performance Monitoring Toolset
Code Profiler in Performance Monitoring Toolset
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: PMT Code Profiler allows duplicate URLs
[ANeff] Bug for: PMT Code Profiler allows duplicate URLs
[ANeff] ER for: PMT Code Profiler should not have to be stopped to add more URLs
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: PMT Profiles heading
4311039 CF-4202379 PMT : Code Profiler [ANeff] ER for: PMT Profiles heading Issue: Currently, the Profiles table doesn't have a heading
Suggestion: The Profiles table should have a heading
Screenshot attached.
Tracker Issue [code profiler] some CF built-in function are not being captured in tag/function and code flow tab
[code profiler] some CF built-in function are not being captured in tag/function and code flow tab
4309084 CF-4202377 PMT : Code Profiler [ANeff] ER for: PMT visual distinction for profiling vs non-profiling URLs Issue: Currently, PMT does not distinguish between URLs that are profiling and URLs that aren't profiling
Suggestion: URLs that are profiling could be a different color
Tracker Comment Comment on Implement Fuzzy Code Hints by Ram K.
2682678 CFB-3764769 Ram K. This feature is already available in CFB. Go to Preferences->ColdFusion->Profiles->Editor->Code Assist and select option 'Filter Proposals Containing Text'
4309081 CF-4202376 PMT : Code Profiler [ANeff] ER for: PMT Profiling History Delete and Clear options Issue: Currently PMT does not have 'Delete' links (to remove an individual result) and a 'Clear History' button (to clear all results)
Suggestion: 'Delete' links and a 'Clear History' button
it tries to bring up the suggestion list of variables.
Steps to Reproduce:
Load a large CFM or CFC file (my test file has 3600 lines). Type some code that will bring up code assist " ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor > Code Assist (uncheck "Automatically Display Code Assist When Typing
Tracker Comment Comment on Allowed file extensions for CFInclude tag should be in Secure Profile by Aaron N.
2673520 CF-4126454 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
I see the Status/ReasonCode is currently "To Test/Fixed".
Will Secure Profile allow only .cfm? Or both .cfm and .cfml? It should allow both?
Tracker Comment Comment on High processor and memory usage when editing a simple cfm file by David B.
2878494 CFB-4198192 David B. A workaround is to temporarily disable code assist by doing the following:
Window >Preferences
ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor > Code Assist
Uncheck "Automatically Display Code Assist When Typing"
I'm guessing this means there's a bug in code assist. FYI, this project
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Code Analyzer doesn't notify about cflocation's addtoken default value change
[ANeff] Bug for: Code Analyzer doesn't notify about cflocation's addtoken default value change
to Reproduce:
Run the following code on an instance other than cfusion:
Actual Result: Server Error - Cannot open file C:\ColdFusion2016\cf1\color_profiles\sRGB Color Space Profile.icm"
Expected Result: PDF Archive created
Any Workarounds: Copy the "color_profiles" folder from the cfusion instance to each
5902359 CFB-4198449 Editor Features : Code Colorization [ANeff] Bug for: Some Dreamweaver profile Syntax Coloring incorrect Issue: Some of the Dreamweaver profile's Syntax Coloring is incorrect
History: The Dreamweaver profile was added CFB v1, and was based on Dreamweaver CS's default code
in the Head tag at the same time as CFForm, the produced page will show the following at the top of the page:profile="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/profile">Though the orginal code is as follows:The end code, after ColdFusion injects (apparently) its' script is this:
Tracker Comment Comment on High processor and memory usage when editing a simple cfm file by David B.
in Preferences > ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor > Code Assist. My dictionary version is ColdFusion 2016. I'll upload a screenshot of that preferences screen.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Scheduled Tasks page enhancements
Tasks page could display a red blinking dot (like PMT has for code profiler) in the "Last Run" column for tasks that are currently executing.
Screenshot attached. Using CF Admin is tedious to pause/resume 100+ tasks and it doesn't indicate which ones are currently-executing.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: BIF coloring option disabled by default
5902578 CFB-4198448 Editor Features : Code Colorization [ANeff] Bug for: BIF coloring option disabled by default Issue: CFB's "Built-in Function" Syntax Coloring option is disabled by default, unless the .col was imported.
1) In Preferences > ColdFusion > Profiles, select an existing non
comments inside . Save and close CF builder. Reopen CFB and try to edit between CFB will hang
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds: remove comments in between
Turn off "Automatically Display SQL Code Assist When typing" under Window, Preferences, ColdFusion, Profiles, Editor, Code
Tracker Comment Comment on Security Analyzer Fails Silently when not using builtin server by CFwatson U.
in the code since the report is empty. Date Added :2016-01-13 21:07:06.0
Added By:prk Note Added: Security Analyzer module can be invoked only in development profile, assuming projects with security issues will not be moved to "security production profile". Hence, the secure profile is not enabled
Tracker Issue Security Analyzer - addtoken and Secure Profile
2673382 CF-4126665 Security Analyzer David Epler Security Analyzer - addtoken and Secure Profile The behavior for addtoken in changes if Secure Profile is enabled or not. As the security analyzer is currently implemented it has no knowledge if the code will be deployed to a server with Secure
Tracker Comment Comment on Thread null error in application.log by Piyush K.
2596893 CF-3498550 Piyush K. unable to repro the issue with CF901 on Windows 2008 with the supplied test code,
after enabling the following in the CF admin console:
Server Monitoring > Monitoring Settings>
Enable Monitoring , Enable Profiling, Enable Memory Tracking, Enable Memory Tracking
Tracker Issue Bug 70986:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for calling a component method using associative array notation
notation. object[method](params)
mailer = CreateObject("component", "active.cfc.emailNotifications");
if (bUpdated){
method = 'doProfileUpdateNotification';
} else {
method = 'doNewProfileNotification';
Tracker Issue Bug 76791:(Watson Migration Closure)Include support for grouping of properties under one reference
relationships and aren’t allowed to make changes to. That and the idea that... if we can’t configure hibernate as we need in our CFC entities, we should, at least, be able to accomplish what we need in the hbm.xml files.
Using the code below in a set of hbm.xml files:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter preview issues
4131271 CFB-4198292 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter preview issues The tabs in Preferences>ColdFusion>Profiles>Editor>Formatter>Edit(button) have some issues:
1) On the "General" and "White Space" tabs, no need for self-closing tags.
2) On the "Indentation" tab
Tracker Comment Comment on CF10 Session variables lost by External U.
2609409 CF-3849572 External U. We just updated our servers (Windows 2008R2) to CF10 Update 15 (previous update level was 13) and are now experiencing this same issue with the same size user base affected. It only seems to be affecting users with IE9. Unfortunately, a couple of high profile apps
Tracker Issue deserializeJSON() invokes java.lang.System.getProperty() which is slow with sandbox security enabled
security enabled because getProperty() will trigger a SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess() which will ultimately call sun.security.provider.PolicyFile.getPermissions() which is slow.
Steps to Reproduce:
Turn on sandbox security, and use deserializeJSON() and profile the code.
Actual Result:
Will end
Tracker Issue Problems with a CFB3 "tip" (shown on welcome page)
Assist preference page to improve editor performance for large files."
The problem is that that setting is not on the "Code Assist Preference" page, but rather the "Editor" preference page, specifically Preferences>ColdFusion>Profiles>Editor. I think it would be helpful to point that out in addition
is included, it isn'texpecting this profile attribute and it breaks. Like this:profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">So, this means I get the string: profile="http://gmpg.org/xfn/11">printed to the page.I'm using CF9. ( 9,0,0,251028 )
Use a head tag with an attribute in it: Then use CFForm on the page
Portal Comment Comment on CFFiddle- Code, test, and share your ColdFusion code on the go! by Anit Kumar Panda
Comment on CFFiddle- Code, test, and share your ColdFusion code on the go! by Anit Kumar Panda
Tracker Issue CFAJAXPROXY and the HEAD tag
2597056 CF-3146932 AJAX David Smith CFAJAXPROXY and the HEAD tag Problem Description:The tag does not recognize attributes of the tag, or even a space before the closing >
Steps to Reproduce:Create a ColdFusion page with a tag followed by a tag with any legitimate attribute (such as profile
Tracker Issue Tab Size preference is ignored
of them work.
Steps to Reproduce: I found 3 places to adjust the tab width in the preferences:
1. General->Editors->Text Editors->Displayed tab width
2. Java->Code Style->Formatter->Edit...->Indentation->Tab size
3. ColdFusion->Profiles->Editor->Formatter->Edit...->Indentation->Tab Size
I changed
Portal Comment Comment on Generating encryption id by sangeetab51931146
sangeetab51931146 Thank you profile/Charlie%20Arehart">Charlie Arehart
This my code..In generatekey function i need to create key as per my requirement.My key should be surveyID_inviteArray[j].But the problem is the generateKey method only takes
Tracker Issue Security Analyzer - Secure with Credentials
incorrectly where the security analyzer could be exposed to an attacker to run and profile the code making it easier to attack.
The security analyzer should be secured with either admin or rds username and passwords.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Comment Comment on Performance coldfusion 2016 vs 2011 / 9 reading query or array data by indexed notation by Piyush K.
4198727 CF-4201966 Piyush K. Thijs,
As noted earlier, I've not been able to observe the issue with the supplied test code. BTW, thanks for narrowing down you issue to the test code.
The live link does not appear to be working and there seems to be no record in this report of the magnitude
, by default, it turns that line yellow (as defined under preferences -> coldfusion -> profiles -> editor -> syntax color -> cfml -> comment. In addition, when I place this comment, it creates a block of code where I can right click an icon next to the line number that will hide/show that portion of code
Val, "mm/dd/yyyy")
The date values were just basic dates in this case such as "01/01/2019"
But is taking up a large amount of processing time. The FusionReactor profiler shows me this line of code was doing one thing the entire time:
java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
2682291 CFB-4130071 Security Code Analyzer Peter Freitag Security Analyzer Fails Silently when not using builtin server Problem Description:
When you have a server setup with secure profile and try to use the security analyzer with it, the security analyzer fails silently. The request to the CF
Tracker Comment Comment on "Active Profile" is lost and cannot not recorded by Workspacemechanic by External U.
Comment on "Active Profile" is lost and cannot not recorded by Workspacemechanic by External U.
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion Builder – Dark Mode by jBrodeur
jBrodeur Further to this, I struggled seeing my brackets in CFSCRIPT including braces and parenethesis in code.
So, if you proceed to
1. Window (File-Menu) - Choose
2. Preferences (option) and find:
3. ColdFusion (tree-item) - Expand
4. Profiles (sub-tree-item) -Expand
5. Editor (sub
into was 100% cfscript and the code I pasted had cfscript tags in it.
At that point I'm guessing the Syntax Checking got stuck in a loop because my processor usage hit 100% (and it's an 8 core processor)
Steps to Reproduce:
- Ensure "Enable Syntax Checking" is enabled in ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor
Tracker Issue HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
Error Code 0x80070003
Config Error Cannot read configuration file
Config File \\?\C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\ipmcenters_org\web.config
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\ipmcenters_org\cropProfiles\
Logon Method Not yet
The code example takes a whopping 5,5 seconds on my machine. So why is that? Let's profile:
73% coldfusion.runtime.Cast._Date
22% coldfusion.runtime.Cast._double
So CF casts all case values every time a switch runs. But let's go deeper:
Bug 84259:(Watson Migration Closure)When running long running jobs (Scheduled Tasks) that process thousands of documents, if the Server Monitor's "Monitoring" & "Profiling" features are enabled, the JVM will quickly consume all availabl
Tracker Issue encodeFor attribute for cfoutput, writeOutput
url.name and all other #'s would still be EncodeForHTML.
Default could be set to "none" for backwards compatibility (or "html" for secure profile). Possibly have a server and application level setting to define the default encode. This would make it much easier to deal with blocks of code and provide
Tracker Issue Make Syntax Coloring and Theming More Efficient
2682690 CFB-3754138 Editor Features JackOfWebTrades Make Syntax Coloring and Theming More Efficient I exported the .col file in the ColdFusion>Profiles>Editor>Sytax Coloring section in Thunder Preferences. I updated the colors in the XML, for each of these sections: CF, CFScript, HTML, JS, CSS
4216891 CFB-4198321 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] ER for: ability to specify child brace indentation This ER is for: ability to specify child brace indentation
Steps to Reproduce:
1) In the following, place cursor at "|"
if(condition) {
foo = "bar";|
Tracker Issue Hard Coded References to /CFIDE/scripts
Hard Coded References to /CFIDE/scripts
Tracker Issue cfqueryparam cf_sql_timestamp represenation in MS SQL Server results in rounding errors
With CF9, a date passed to SQL SERVER looks like the following in a capture from SQL Server Profiler
CF9: exec sp_execute 1,'2013-02-08 08:01:25.847'
In ColdFusion 10 it now appears as:
CF10: exec sp_execute 1,'2013-02-08 08:01:25.8470000 +00:00'
When the format used
Tracker Issue Ternary Operator is not interpreting the correct way
/lang/Object;) Expecting to find object/array on stack null The error occurred on line -1
This happens only in the production profile
Steps to Reproduce:
Just run the above script
Actual Result:
runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack null The error occurred on line -1
Tracker Comment Comment on Submitting form with file and CFGRID - Exception in The submitted cfgrid form field is corrupt by External U.
In an email, I attached:
1. Sample code (cfgrid.cfm)
2. Log files
3. Windows 7 Pro, SP1, 64-bit OS
4. Setting summary from CFAdmin
1. If the primary key is in cfgrid which is needed for updates, then the insert will not work.
2. The updates do not make the changes to the correct modified row.
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
Using Apache control script /usr/sbin/apachectl
Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journError running "/usr/sbin/apachectl restart": exit code was 1