displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue [ER]: Formatting functions Support
3732695 CF-4200188 Language : Functions [ER]: Formatting functions Support Formatting Functions Support
Jim Priest I've always add data and build the table, then format, then apply widths.
So in your code example just move your formatting functions to the bottom.
I've also found it's usually better to format general things, rows, columns, then come back and format specific cells, etc.
Good luck :)
Tracker Issue Formatting Gives Unexpected Results When Adding Spreadsheet Using cfspreadsheet action=update
77859461172e0811cbec17cba-7f87.html, has an example for creating a workbook with two sheets. It says to write the file and then update it with a 2nd spreadsheet object. If you do that, and you have formatting code in both objects, the code in the second object won't be applied. Plus, the code in the first
James Moberg When I was using ColdFusion 6, 7, 8 & 9, I couldn't get the date format to work using CFSpreadsheet either. I don't know if anything's been updated since then (it would be interesting to compare code & generated Excel files), but we've been using the following workarounds since
James Moberg When I was using ColdFusion 6, 7, 8 & 9, I couldn't get the date format to work using CFSpreadsheet either. I don't know if anything's been updated since then (it would be interesting to compare code & generated Excel files), but we've been using the following workarounds since
James Moberg When I was using ColdFusion 6, 7, 8 & 9, I couldn’t get the date format to work using CFSpreadsheet either. I don’t know if anything’s been updated since then (it would be interesting to compare code & generated Excel files), but we’ve been using the following workarounds since
Comment on Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working by Charlie Arehart
2611035 CF-3648781 External U. ++1
This should be available on both ends of code format.
Bug 72876:(Watson Migration Closure)Inverse functions for htmlEditFormat, htmlCodeFormat and xmlFormat should be made available
Tracker Issue Code Analyzer Migration Tool Update 2
to show all the Code Analyzer results at once in PDF format? Can the results from Code Analyzer be plugged into CF Builder some how? If it cannot automatically fix the syntax errors, it would be awesome if we could plug in the results and at least bring up the page and line numbers quickly
3269381 CFB-4198226 Editor Features : Code Formatting Legorol San Fix for issue CFB-4188240 is incomplete: var keyword still breaks formatter The fix for CFB-4188240 was supposedly included in Coldfusion Builder 2016 Update 4, however it does not actually fix the issue. The code formatter still can
Tracker Issue Row formatting in cfspreadsheet action=\update\
4656715 CF-4203227 Document Management : Office Integration Row formatting in cfspreadsheet action=\update\ cfspreadsheet action="update" does automatic formatting of excel rows.
Repro Code:
The test "tab" in excel gets automated row formatting
Tracker Comment Comment on Var keyword breaks code formatter by Legorol S.
2682155 CFB-4188240 Legorol S. I see that this bug is marked as fixed in CFB 2016 Update 4. I have just installed the update, and unfortunately it's still not fixed properly.
Some progress has been made. For example, this code can now be formatted:
However, these code examples still can
Tracker Issue Using editor's code formatter can alter code logic
5980363 CFB-4198451 Editor Features : Code Formatting Using editor's code formatter can alter code logic Problem Description:
Using the editor's code formatter can alter lines of code and change business logic, breaking an application. The formatter leaves the code syntactically valid and able
4216888 CFB-4198319 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] ER for: Separate indentation settings for tag and script in Formatter This ER is for: separate indentation settings for tag and script in Formatter
Example: I want to specify indentation as 2 spaces for tag. And I want to specify
be the same?). Especially when you can mix code formats as Adam has to shown in his example.
Tracker Comment Comment on Fix for issue CFB-4188240 is incomplete: var keyword still breaks formatter by Legorol S.
3269381 CFB-4198226 Legorol S. Is this going to be fixed any time soon? I originally reported this in CFB-4188240 in Sept 2016, it's been over a year and a half since.
Code formatting is one of the few features included in the PAID version of ColdFusion Builder (as opposed to the free express
AxisTYpe, xoffset, yaxistype, and yoffset."
Instead of using labelformat, you can use the following in your JSON code.
Tracker Comment Comment on TimeFormat backward compatibility bug by Dattanand M.
3653683 CF-4200077 Dattanand M. @Steve: I tried this on ColdFusion 2016 Update 5
Result: 10:25:02
Please let us know on which update of CF you are facing this issue.
Tracker Comment Comment on Add format mask to parseDateTime() by External U.
2610456 CF-3700856 External U. I think you need to change the name oft hat second argument: it's misleading. It might also be nice if you actually stated what the POP format actually *was*.
Also: your code example for the formatting strings are *good* examples. your main code example
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter preview issues
4131271 CFB-4198292 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter preview issues The tabs in Preferences>ColdFusion>Profiles>Editor>Formatter>Edit(button) have some issues:
1) On the "General" and "White Space" tabs, no need for self-closing tags.
2) On the "Indentation" tab
Tracker Comment Comment on Fix for issue CFB-4188240 is incomplete: var keyword still breaks formatter by Legorol S.
done for many years. It is not acceptable that it breaks a paid feature in CFB.
Even a single 'var' keyword somewhere in a .cfm or .cfc breaks formatting for the entire file, including all UDFs.
Code formatting is a highlighted feature on https
Tracker Issue CFCLIENT: dateFormat : format does not work when used without any delimited in between
2609984 CF-3739355 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: dateFormat : format does not work when used without any delimited in between Related Bugs:
CF-4092089 - Similar to
Code snippet:
#dateFormat(d, "yyyy/mm/dd 20d")#
Expected: 2011
Actual: 20d
Same issue with other formats
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. We need better examples and references to things such as ways to convert legacy tag based code to cfscript based format
Tracker Issue HTML cfchart ignores labelFormat attribute
2613402 CF-3323375 Charting/Graphing Aaron Neff HTML cfchart ignores labelFormat attribute HTML cfchart ignores the following: labelformat="currency", labelformat="percent", and labelformat="date".
1) Run above code and see y
Tracker Issue TimeFormat backward compatibility bug
: 12:10:35
Any Workarounds: Use nn instead, which is fine and expected when using DateTimeFormat, but the older TimeFormat should honor the nn because mm on older CF versions results in 12:nn:35. I had to add ... around all my timeFormat code.
Tracker Comment Comment on spreadsheetFormat* font-related style properties will not accept boolean literals by David R.
6871992 CF-4207394 David R. in the code exhibiting this failure, there are calls to spreadsheetFormatCellRange that use boolean literals without issue, to set style property {textwrap:true}.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter does not always work
4218288 CFB-4198320 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] Bug for: Formatter does not always work Issue for: CFB's Formatter does not always work
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Select the following code, and do CTRL+SHIFT+F
switch(foo) {
case "one": {
asdf = "asdf";
KeithCarmichael I still use tags myself. I find the code easier to read with tags along with proper scoping and formatting.
Petros Makris Apart from repl which is great, the [adobe coldfusion] product should be renamed to [adobe confusion].
A tool built for the web for which the support pages present code non formatted, without highlighting and without indentation.
Really guys? even with min-effort this should
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: simpleValue.numberFormat()
be treated as numeric.
simpleValues = [2000,2*1000,2000.0,"2000",createDate(2018,1,1)+1,true];
simpleValues.each(function(element) {
try {
writeOutput(numberFormat(element) & ' | ' & element.numberFormat() & '');
catch(any e) {
Tracker Comment Comment on CFSPREADSHEET.spreadSheetFormatRow not re-setting bold and italic to no/false by Piyush K.
Comment on CFSPREADSHEET.spreadSheetFormatRow not re-setting bold and italic to no/false by Piyush K.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: spreadsheetFormatRow()/spreadsheetFormatColumn() locked=false doesn't unlock entire row/column by Poonam J.
2608610 CF-4050099 Poonam J. I verified the bug using below code.
spreadsheetFormatRow(spreadsheetData, {locked=false}, 2);
spreadsheetFormatColumn(mySpreadsheet, {locked=false}, 2);
spreadsheetWrite(spreadsheetData, expandPath("./myspreadsheet.xls"), "", true);
where a11.xls is a
2608396 CF-4102485 External U. That, then, would be the job of the relevant APIs, not CF acting as the routing between the two. The business rules that the string as a specific format belong to the APIs, not your code in this case.
*your code* doesn't have any requirement that the strings are ISO
Tracker Issue dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format
2613596 CF-3208600 Documentation Raymond Camden dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format According to the docs, and the JavaDocs, and even pure Java code run in CF, if you 'm' it should be minutes. But it always renders as the month instead.
Tracker Issue Var keyword breaks code formatter
the in question).
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a new CFM file with the code below, then run the code formatter (CTRL-SHIFT-F on Windows, or from menu):
The code is formatted correctly, e.g. gets indented, spaces are put around the = signal.
Next create a new CFM file with the code below, then run the code
2609621 CF-3819363 External U. Hi Piyush,
I'm also unable to reproduce this (tried on CF10 Update 8 and CF11 Update 3). I am able to change the cell format using your example code.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: dateTimeFormat() "u" mask
2608395 CF-4102597 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: dateTimeFormat() "u" mask The dateTimeFormat() doc links to the SimpleDateFormat doc for the complete list of masks.
Issue #1: dateTimeFormat() supports all of SimpleDateFormat's masks except "u". It should also support "u".
2609621 CF-3819363 Piyush K. Miguel,
I am unable to reproduce the issue with CF10 update 12 (on a Win 7x64). I am able to change the cell format after creating a spreadsheet. Here's the code I used.
Can you pls. share the code with which you can reproduce the issue, in case you are using a
Tracker Issue Many string member functions not implemented
encodeForUrl() (and I presume the other encoding functions)
htmlEditFormat() (and probably htmlCodeFormat())
isDate() (and I presume other type-checking functions)
LSParseEuroCurrency() (and there'll be a few
Tracker Issue CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash.
2613506 CF-3303777 AJAX Mallory Green CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash. Problem Description: A CF10 bug ... same code works in CF9 ... Environment is CF10 installed on 20120806 and browser is mozilla firefox version 14.0.1
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Add format mask to parseDateTime()
as to which parts represent which in the string. eg:
d = parseDateTime("1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00", "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:nn:ssX");
d = parseDateTime("2000AD", "yyyyG"); // sic
(format mask codes taken from "java.text.SimpleDateFormat")
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Portal Topic Quick Tip: After 20 years developing with ColdFusion, I finally realized numberFormat() can round.
works. Consider the following code: #NumberFormat(1.5)# Now… some people might look at that and think, “of course it’s going to display 2.” Honestly, I had no idea. numberFormat() without a mask will round numbers. That seems strange to me, frankly, but live and learn. Try
5995374 CF-4204880 Performance Dateformat() performs poorly under load due to internal NumberFormatExceptions Problem Description:
I'm tuning some client code that runs in a loop many times over as part of a large import. This line of code looks very simple:
dateFormatVal = DateFormat( Date
Tracker Comment Comment on cfgridupdate insert by Aaron N.
of bugs fixed. In the aforementioned comment, you said "I am able to insert the data using default applet format." Then, the user replied saying your code threw "The submitted cfgrid form field is corrupt". I guess they removed format="edit" from your repro code, in order to render the Java applet variant
4216891 CFB-4198321 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] ER for: ability to specify child brace indentation This ER is for: ability to specify child brace indentation
Steps to Reproduce:
1) In the following, place cursor at "|"
if(condition) {
foo = "bar";|
Tracker Issue incorrect serialization of undefined values.
function test(a, b, c) {
writeDump(arguments); // shows initial structure
cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input=arguments, output="local.payload");
writeDump(local.payload); // shows incorrect conversion of undefined argument c to empty string during serialization
Tracker Issue incorrect serialization of undefined values.
function test(a, b, c) {
writeDump(arguments); // shows initial structure
cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input=arguments, output="local.payload");
writeDump(local.payload); // shows incorrect conversion of undefined argument c to empty string during serialization
Tracker Issue incorrect serialization of undefined values.
function test(a, b, c) {
writeDump(arguments); // shows initial structure
cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input=arguments, output="local.payload");
writeDump(local.payload); // shows incorrect conversion of undefined argument c to empty string during serialization
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTTP method "get" not getting correct mime type after hot fix by Kevin B.
authenticating with basic authentication (my example had a username/password). When we run the code below with the latest hot fix, we get the following response back: "Error 400: unable to process request psdi.util.MXSystemException". When we run the URL in a browser, we see the properly formatted JSON code.
to the default even if a mask is used to format the date. I am using the following code:
Insert a new row into the cfgrid. Select a date. Save the row.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Division by zero in a QoQ returns 1.#INF
a division by zero error like all DBMSs do.
2. When passing this returned value to the NumberFormat function, it formats the word 'Infinity' with the mask.
Steps to Reproduce:
Execute the following code:
SELECT 1 AS Value1, 0 AS Value2
SELECT Value1 / Value2 AS Value3
Tracker Issue With ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY turned on, CFCHART in Flash or HTML format do not render, only PNG/JPG do
Actual Result:
Nothing is rendered
Expected Result:
A graph should show
Any Workarounds:
Change format to PNG/JPG or add around the (!!??)
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug
Tracker Comment Comment on Year Format Incorrect by Dattanand M.
6696669 CF-4206858 Dattanand M. @Brian I tried this on CF13HF7 (2018.0.07.316715)
Date1 = "{ts '1928-11-15 12:13:50'}";
dateformat= DateFormat(Date1,"YYYY-mm-dd");
dateformat1= DateFormat(Date1,"yyyy-mm-dd");
Tracker Issue SpreadsheetFormatCell seems to not support underline?
6549009 CF-4206253 Document Management : Spreadsheet SpreadsheetFormatCell seems to not support underline? Problem Description:
If you attempt to pass an underline setting in the format structure sent to the function, it throws an error, whether it is true or false.
Steps to Reproduce:
[ANeff] Bug for: CF9 vs CF10 wrt urlSessionFormat() w/ J2EE sessions
Tracker Comment Comment on Using SpreadSheetFormatCellRange and other SpreadSheetFormat functions may create corrupted Excel spreadsheets by External U.
Column to format certain columns to be currency, number and so on.
Before I use spreadSheetFormatRow to set the Background Color of the whole row to "dark Grey".
I found the bug and changed my code to use SpreadSheetFormatCellRange instead of spreadsheetformatColumn and spreadsheetformatRow, hopeing, my issue
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Numeric member functions
//Formatting functions
//Additional functions
someVar.createDateTime([month[, day[, hour[, minute
Tracker Issue cfchart format="png"
5527180 CF-4204119 Charting/Graphing : Server cfchart format="png" Problem Description:
creating big chart with many data points in format="png" throws following error:
Encountered code generation error while compiling script: generated bytecode for method exceeds 64K limit. (#1)
Tracker Issue Cfspreadsheet formatting is broken
for the rows break. Image is attached. Also when variables indicating the row numbers are used in the scripts the formatting breaks as well (check the does not work comments sections in the code). The same functions worked properly in CF10. The issues occurred when the application got upgraded to cf16
Tracker Issue CFChart: format="flash" does not show chart when absolute path of the image is given as background image
2609268 CF-3863490 Charting/Graphing : Server ext-user CFChart: format="flash" does not show chart when absolute path of the image is given as background image Code snippet:
Expected: Chart should render
Actual: This shows Loading data. Wait
Tracker Issue CFChart: format="png" does not show the background image in developer edition when given as url or absolute path
2609267 CF-3863493 Charting/Graphing : Server ext-user CFChart: format="png" does not show the background image in developer edition when given as url or absolute path Code snippet:
image as url
image as absolute path
This works in CF10
2603706 CF-3035285 Security : Sandbox Jochem van Dieten Bug 72063:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdump does not work inside a Sandbox Problem:
cfdump does not work inside a Sandbox
Create a Sandbox.
Deny CreateObject(java) permissions to that Sanbox.
Run the following code:
3603798 CF-4200030 Jörg Z. Chatting with support and playing around with my sample-code I seem to be stumbled across the origin of the problem.
In my cfc function QueryToArrayOfStructures() I assigned the ISO-formatted value back to the query:
theQuery[cols[col]][row] = get
6048839 CF-4204933 A. B. Let's then apply the code I gave you:
string function convertLocalToUTC (date localDatetime, string timezone) {
var localFormat=createobject("java","java.text.SimpleDateFormat").init("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
var local
Tracker Issue Please make date member functions consistent.
I propose a single date.format() method that implements the same masking as dateTimeFormat, and that you DROP support for date.dateFormat, date.timeFormat (and of course, date.dateTimeFormat).
Rip this band-aid off now before people's code becomes littered with it!
The only time I think method
Tracker Comment Comment on CFChart path to Ajax Directory Incorrect After Service Restart with Sandbox Security Enabled by External U.
2608545 CF-4068290 External U. I've talked with our developer and the differences between your test case and our code are minimal. He uses Format="html" and calculates the scaleto, gridlines and chartheight values based on the data being retrieved from the data source.
If you need more details
Tracker Issue Difference in color while using HTML and PNG if the value of the last item cfchartdata is set to 0
run the code snippet attached to view the difference.
Result: Color render is not correct in PNG as it is in HTMl format
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4193936
External Customer Info:
External Company
return ARGUMENTS.myArg;
q = queryNew("id", "integer", [[1],[2]]);
writeDump(f(q["id"]), "format", "text");
1 The value 1 returned from the function f is not of declared type numeric[].
Validation at (numeric[] myArg) does not work
Tracker Comment Comment on CF902 on Java JDK 7 update 17 - cfhttp tag fails to return status codes when posting data to a web service by External U.
.5 and it was not returning the status code value in the proper format. Once CF upgraded to Java 7, it was no longer compatible to that web service. The owner of the remote server finally upgraded their platform to Java 7 in February and the status codes are returning properly now.
The problem has been resolved.
2836713 CF-4198321 Document Management : PDF manipulation gavy randhawa CFPDF watermark fails when provided encryption to cfdocument Problem Description:
CFPDF watermrk fails when in cfdocument encryption is provided. the cfdocument code is writte witth format as pdf and encryption setup to 128
Cfchart format="html" does not work when using
be shot ;-)
If your code actually needed the value to be in that format or it would fail, then yeah you'd need to validate for that. But surely the validation then would be "is it a date", not "is it specifically an ISO 8601 formatted string". I think this would fall into a situation of your own
under string functions as you've mentioned.
Also, I ran the code from your blog entry to check which of the functions from the description were done and which weren't. Result:
Tracker Issue CFCHART - JPG format shifts x axis labels
is rendered using format="png" or "html", the dates are aligned directly under the plot. However, when I use format="jpg" or "png", the dates shift to the left. My code saves the files to jpg and then display them using tags as a work around to printing issues. Can this be fixed?
I've tested this on CF 11
Tracker Comment Comment on Docs for booleanFormat are incorrect by External U.
, as it claims it's a decision function). It's simply a *formatting* function.
* the example code has script comments in tag-based code!
* no "History" section
It's probably more wrong than it is right. Can you pls not be so half-arsed with your work, and do a thorough, professional job. Have some pride in your
Tracker Comment Comment on WriteDump() With Format=Text Inside CFSaveContent Inside CFThread by External U.
Comment on WriteDump() With Format=Text Inside CFSaveContent Inside CFThread by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Enterprise Patch 12 - URLEncodedFormat using recycled response by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 Enterprise Patch 12 - URLEncodedFormat using recycled response by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash. by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash. by Vamseekrishna N.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash. by Suchika S.
Comment on CFGRID doesn't set values in HTML like CF9 but will work if format is changed to flash. by Suchika S.
Tracker Issue cfspreadsheet format="csv" columns="anyOneColumn" NullPointerException when Excel contain empty row at end.
sheet contains empty rows containing some formatting at the end of the sheet. (Works when getting multiple column.)
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code
Tracker Comment Comment on Inconsistent loop results using a fractional step such as a timespan by Nikhil D.
3826666 CF-4200445 Nikhil D.
One workaround I would suggest is to convert into millis by multiplication with 86400000 and iterate.
Code -
step=#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,15,0)# (every fifteen minutes)
#TimeFormat(i/86400000, "hh:mm:ss tt
Tracker Issue cfhtmltopdfitem units of margin attributes
. But there is no unit attribute documented on this tag and using it throws an error. According to my tests the unit from the parent tag is not used.
Steps to Reproduce:
create a file and paste the following code:
#dateFormat(now(), 'dd. mmmm yyyy')#, _PAGENUMBER/_LASTPAGENUMBER
Actual Result:
The header
you use the thing in a way that *won't work* unless the thing is the format specified. For example validating something is an integer before *your code* then goes an uses it as an integer, or something is able to be coerced into a boolean before being used in a conditional.
For the record, I don
problems when they use the doc's Example code, and then replace DateFormat() and TimeFormat() with i.dateTimeFormat() (b/c Numeric doesn't have a .dateTimeFormat() member function).
1) Change the index attribute's description from this:
Index value. ColdFusion sets it to the from
Tracker Comment Comment on cfgridupdate insert by Adobe D.
2609080 CF-3935792 Adobe D. Hi Robin,
I used the below code:
I am able to insert the data using default applet format.
Verified in Build # 11,0,0,289974 and Build # 11,0,06,295053 on Windows 7 64-bit
Please let me if you any
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: numberFormat(number, "roman")
[ANeff] ER for: numberFormat(number, "roman")
valid date. DateFormat outputs it with an assume year (01). LSDateFormat errors out. The following sample page code illustrates the problem:Insert title hereTesting the value of the date string: The string is 'Fri May 28 13:04:32'.The result of an isDate test on the string is: #is
Tracker Comment Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
2608509 CF-4073787 External U. For some functionality we have, we have to convert a query object to an array of structs, then pass that array to serializeJSON() in order to get JSON in the format expected by some UI controls. We also have tons of query of queries in our code base, using filter
omitted, mostly the first. Sometimes a wrong (unchanged) row is transmitted, instead. The problem is in HTML-Format, the Java-Format works well.
Further Description: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1118185?tstart=0
Steps to Reproduce: Source Code in attachment
Actual Result:
It seems that modified
Tracker Issue Update docs to reflect bug in numberFormat()
2597052 CF-3156025 Documentation Adam Cameron Update docs to reflect bug in numberFormat() G'day
Consider this code:
Number: #number#; Mask: #mask#; Expected: 111.1; Actual: #numberformat(number, mask)# (111.10)
Number: #number#; Mask: #mask#; Expected: 111.1; Actual: #numberformat
Tracker Comment Comment on SpreadsheetFormatRow() throws ColdFusion error after JVM 1.7 is updated. by Piyush K.
Comment on SpreadsheetFormatRow() throws ColdFusion error after JVM 1.7 is updated. by Piyush K.
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 9 and ColdFusion 11 Update 17 released by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Carl, I only had a moment to try your code, and I was tripped up by the blog having changed ” and ‘ to special formatting. I am offering here the code corrected, for the sake of others who may try going forward.And also note that when entering content here, you can change formatting
Me:OK, so I’m missing something.
I would have thought this: would have displayed my dates in d/m/yy format (in CF parlance). it still displays them in mm/dd/yyyy format.Could you provide some code demonstrating this "working"?
Adobe: Please file a bug and we will look into this issue.
Tracker Issue cfschedule throws an error if list of dates in Exclude attribute contains spaces after the comma delimiter
of dates you pass contains spaces after the delimiter, ColdFusion throws an error
Steps to Reproduce:
Run this code:
/ >
Actual Result:
The date format used in exclude atribute is not valid.
Provide a commonly used date format.
Expected Result:
ColdFusion should treat lists here just like it treats
Tracker Issue Exporting HTML to Excel
and columns.
Actual Result:
The actual HTML code the ColdFusion produces is displayed in the Excel spreadsheet.
Expected Result:
The rendered HTML table with the columns and rows should appear.
Any Workarounds:
Including the tag seems to help but still results in any formatting applied to the table
Tracker Issue cfchart type=PNG doesn't load background-image
2609652 CF-3815366 Charting/Graphing Alan Bullpitt cfchart type=PNG doesn't load background-image Problem Description: Trying to add a background image to the cfchart format=png doesn't work. Same code works for format=HTML or format=FLASH
Steps to Reproduce: Create cfchart with background image
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Enterprise Patch 12 - URLEncodedFormat using recycled response by External U.
2610894 CF-3671567 External U. I wanted to add that I've run into this exact same issue today. In my local cfdev environment the above code works with no issues. However as soon as I upload it to my host I've found that urlENcodedFormat() as well as toBase64() will cause this exact error
Tracker Comment Comment on Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler by Paul N.
2612467 CF-3506757 Paul N. Site wide error handler works with REST services. Whiles invoking a REST service, user can specify the "Accept" Header. If the user specifies the accept header as xml or json, the error is caught and a struct with error code and message is serialized to appropriate format
Tracker Comment Comment on Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler by HariKrishna K.
with REST services. Whiles invoking a REST service, user can specify the "Accept" Header. If the user specifies the accept header as xml or json, the error is caught and a struct with error code and message is serialized to appropriate format. In this case the site wide error handler is not invoked