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Tracker Issue CFSETTNG requestTimeOut is not working properly
2672536 CF-4190136 Performance Claire Harmony CFSETTNG requestTimeOut is not working properly Problem Description: When posting a form to a long-running Coldfusion script page, when placing a in the script, it often does not work and has to be placed in various additional places within the script
Tracker Issue 404 custom error handling problem - Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset
2672637 CF-4181846 Web Container (Tomcat) Claire Harmony 404 custom error handling problem - Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset Problem Description:
During an IIS redirect to a CF script when handling a 404 error, the target script page prematurely aborts.
2609540 CF-3835411 Web Container (Tomcat) Claire Harmony Event 5011 WAS - root cause believed to be a bug in isapi_redirect.dll Related Bugs:
CF-4046444 - Similar to
Problem Description: During production use of CF 11 Enterprise, we are experiencing a repeititve application pool failure, causing
Tracker Issue CFLOOP on large query recordset with more than 65534 records only processes first 65534 records in query
2609616 CF-3820493 Database Claire Harmony CFLOOP on large query recordset with more than 65534 records only processes first 65534 records in query Problem Description:I run a query that returns several hundred thousand records. Then I do a CFLOOP on the returned recordset and the loop only
Tracker Issue Error with queryName.removeRows function when using CachedWithin parameter when creating query
2672793 CF-4169466 Caching : General Claire Harmony Error with queryName.removeRows function when using CachedWithin parameter when creating query Problem Description: In versions prior to 2016, it's possible to use the underlying java function "removeRows" on a query to remove a row when using
Tracker Issue Intermittent missing graphic files on web site
2609315 CF-3859483 Web Container (Tomcat) Claire Harmony Intermittent missing graphic files on web site Problem Description: Web site has intermittent missing graphic files from virtual directories mapped to a central file repository (i.e. a Windows server cluster).
Steps to Reproduce: Surf to web
Tracker Issue Page error during first retrieval of page that has caching enabled: Cache appnameTEMPLATE already exists null
2609386 CF-3851512 Caching Claire Harmony Page error during first retrieval of page that has caching enabled: Cache appnameTEMPLATE already exists null Problem Description:When retrieving a page that has CFCACHE enabled for it, during the first retrieval getting this error.
Steps to Reproduce