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Comment on Nest CFOUTPUT error in hotfix 5 (hf-2018-00005-315699) by City A.
Tracker Comment Comment on sameFormFieldsAsArray incorrectly deserializes form values containing commas by City A.
Comment on sameFormFieldsAsArray incorrectly deserializes form values containing commas by City A.
Comment on Nest CFOUTPUT error in hotfix 5 (hf-2018-00005-315699) by City A.
Comment on Nest CFOUTPUT error in hotfix 5 (hf-2018-00005-315699) by City A.
6259329 CF-4205250 Abhishek J. Hi City A,
Please share your email address with us and we will share the patch with you.
6259329 CF-4205250 Nimit S. Hi City A,
We have sent the patch to the provided email address. Please acknowledge once you receive it.
6259329 CF-4205250 Nimit S. Hi City A/Charlie,
Keeping the fix secret is not our intent any day. We are already working on an update which involves few other customer reported issues. The cumulative update will be released by Mid November to everyone. Meanwhile for users who are blocked
2672730 CF-4175063 External U. Real world scenario:
A city has publicly available information about building permits that are requested. This info is in a spreadsheet that anyone can download.
Column one of this spreadsheet holds the info for the Permit Number.
Suppose the first record has
2609004 CF-3948955 Paul N. The test case works for me. Please check it in new build.
Is returned result a query? YES
It is an instance of QueryTable.
Please check.
Tracker Comment Comment on The CacheManager has been shut down. It can no longer be used. by External U.
2608783 CF-3998805 External U. A new test case has been attached that replicates the error message on a clean install (no config changes other than adding a DSN) of ColdFusion Express 11 with Update 5 within a few minutes.
Test relies on:
- a DSN named testDSN
- a Cities table in test
Bug 87281:-(Watson Migration Closure)CODE A:
Comment on Bug 87281:-(Watson Migration Closure)CODE A:
2608928 CF-3960610 ORM Support Dale Twineham ORMExecuteQuery not properly handling the "Unique" parameter Duplicate ID: CF-3041790
Problem Description:Specifying "true" as the Unique parameter does not complain if the query results in multiple records returned
Steps to Reproduce:
Portal Topic is anyone there ??
the empress jones is anyone there ?? i am looking for a little coding help that i haven’t been able to figure out – i’m in kansas city and there aren’t any groups here – if you are still there can someone respond please
The post is anyone there ?? appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog
Steps to Reproduce: Description of issue on Adobe Forums at: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2272356
Actual Result: Various error messages ("Datasource '' cannot be found"; "QoQ runtime issue"; "Table 'cities' cannot be found.")
Expected Result: A QoQ object that can be displayed.
Any Workarounds
Tracker Issue Whitespace problem
2673511 CF-4126468 General Server Frédéric Peters Whitespace problem Problem Description: Somewhere in my code I had to do something like this:
1. Query ( name=query1)
2. Output of query 1. Then, inside this output: a second query ( for instance named query2 ) then I call "#query2.city# #query2
Tracker Issue Destructuring
variable. For example:
function getPersonInfo( person ){
var place = {city: "New York", state: "NY"};
return { person, place };
joe = {id: 1, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Fusion" };
joeInfo = getPersonInfo( joe );
In the above example, getPersonInfo would return a struct with keys "person
Tracker Issue Bug 86568:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add callback support for CFMAIL success or failure
via CFMAIL fails to send and is moved to the undeliverable folder by the CF runtime. Developers currently have no way of knowing when this happens, and it would be useful to be able to catch this programmatically. See http://alan.blog-city.com/openbd_cfmail.htm for a description of how this is handled
string! And look! I'm wearing a vegetable! Don't you think she looks tired? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It is! It's the city of New New York! Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New New York.
dotcomdguy I'm working in an environment where I do not have root control of the CF Server as it is administered by an IT team in another city. I've discovered connection failure's throughout the CF administrator logs due to some scheduled processes failing. I think it's related to the CFHTTP
// Define the structure for formatting a cell
2950605 CF-4198428 Piyush K. At first sight, the nomenclature seems misplaced but is intended.
It becomes apparent, when you use a fill pattern in the cell.
Though with 2016.0.04.302561, I don't see the same result as when I use the POI library directly. excel outputs attached.
Looks like