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Comment on cfquery sandbox security issue after CF2016 update 4 by Chris D.
Comment on Reload/Redirect Loop caused by HTTP2, IIS10 and Safari. by Chris D.
Comment on debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() by Chris D.
Comment on debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() by Chris D.
Comment on debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() by Chris D.
Comment on debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() by Chris D.
Comment on cfquery sandbox security issue after CF2016 update 4 by Chris D.
Comment on debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() by Chris D.
Comment on Sporadic StackOverflowError involving since CF2016HF12 by Chris D.
Comment on Sporadic StackOverflowError involving since CF2016HF12 by Chris D.
Comment on HTML security header "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" breaks various '.gif' icons in CF admin w/ IE11 by Chris D.
Comment on Sporadic StackOverflowError involving since CF2016HF12 by Chris D.
Saurav Ghosh Thank you, Chris! We'd also love to have community-contributed samples, which would be attributed to the rightful owner.
5069843 CF-4203453 Chris P. I have something that I think this would also break (if we updated to CF2016). I have a command I cfexecute that is a client to a remote service that returns JSON. I'd like to see this fixed.
2610678 CF-3687747 External U. Interesting idea there, Chris. Might be an idea as a separate ticket? It'd be less work I should think, and perhaps might strike a chord with more people? -- Adam
3809137 CF-4200425 Administrator Chris D HTML security header "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" breaks various '.gif' icons in CF admin w/ IE11 Problem Description: Adding the HTML security header: X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff will prevent Internet Explorer 11 from rendering various icons
3692745 CF-4200137 Debugging : General Chris D debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query name when using cfscript queryExecute() Problem Description: Debugging data displays "ExecuteQuery" as query/variable name when using cfscript queryExecute(). Steps to Reproduce: See https
2608594 CF-4053567 External U. Additional testing on Windows 10 & CF11 reveals a similar issue. "expandPath('/../')" gives me "C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\" but I would expect "D:\websites\". Yet "expandPath('/../myDir')" gives me "D:\websites\myDir" as expected. Further testing by Chris Schmitz says ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3042999 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Chris Ellem External Customer Email: 639C36D544EAB6709920157F External Test Config: 12/22/2010
: External Company: External Customer Name: Chris Long External Customer Email: 592B141D446C2DC7992016E5 External Test Config: 12/11/2009
2610573 CF-3695697 AJAX : Plumbing Chris Phillips SerializeJSON will NOT wrap certain string formats with quotes. Problem Description: I think it's any string that conforms to the following pattern: ([0-9]+D ) #SerializeJSON({s:"1A "})# #SerializeJSON({s:"1D"})# #SerializeJSON({s:"12D
5065022 CF-4203450 Piyush K. Chris, I've tried running the attached test code on CF2016 u12 and CF2018 u7 (on win x64). I can see the memory used by CF process getting reclaimed by the OS. I am using the default CF caching ehCahce with CF's objectLoad and objectSave (not your custom object
5065022 CF-4203450 Piyush K. Chris/Dave, I understand, the issue arises only when you use Redis with CF2016 update 7, for storing objects. CF2016 does have built-in support for Redis, but for storing session scoped variables only. And we have built-in support for Redis as an alternative caching
2613590 CF-3212298 Documentation Chris Weller ArrayAppend merge missing from CF10 New functions, parameters, and values page Problem Description: ArrayAppend merge missing from CF10 New functions, parameters, and values page Steps to Reproduce: Go to
_id=105FA35C-5D18-4E55-ACA0-BE6EDFB981C7 Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3036948 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Chris Dawes External Customer Email: 6E4E07633E41F0A4992001AB
2600032 CF-3039462 Administrator : Administrator Console Chris Dawes Bug 79112:Someone else posted this image:http://www Problem: Someone else posted this image: although this is a different issue, the image brings the point
2608307 CF-4131909 Caching Chris Bristow Clear Query Cache breaks Problem Description: Whenever we try clear the query cache we get the following error: Error Occurred While Processing Request Error casting an object of type to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error
.runPage(D:\Web\test.cfm:19) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag( at cfApplication2ecfc1705903666$funcONREQUEST.runFunction(D