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Bug 84895:(Watson Migration Closure)Adam Cameron and I are not agreeing on the expected behavior of argumentCollection
courtesy of @adam_cameron and @ryanguill - uncomment a, b, or c, but the snippet as-is will produce the buggy result) //a = "eh?"; //b = "be!"; //c = "see?"; //foo = (a ?: b) ?: c; foo = a ?: (b ?: (c ?: "failsafe")); writeDump(foo); Actual Result: Variable FOO is UNDEFINED Expected Result
Tracker Issue Bug with ==
2611687 CF-3600686 Language Adam Cameron Bug with == See This breaks: a = 1; b = 2; writeOutput("Result: #a == b#"); This doesn't: a = 1; b = 2; writeOutput("Result: #a EQ b#"); Both should work. Works fine on Railo
2673367 CF-4126689 Security Analyzer Adam Cameron Security scanner false positive and mixed messaging Consider this code: files = directoryList(expandPath( ’./hardcodedSubDirectory/’ )); The two statements are: a) analogous; b) as far as I can tell pose no risk However the *first* line
Tracker Issue CF ignores code
2610090 CF-3731421 Language,Language : Query Functions Adam Cameron CF ignores code {code:java} qry=queryNew("a,b,c"); queryAddRow(qry); qry.d=1; // this line is simply ignored writedump(qry); {code} This impacts all versions of CF from at least 9.0.1 ColdFusion must not simply ignore code
2611536 CF-3614459 Language Adam Cameron ?.: safe navigation operator See This is best demonstrated with an example: a = { b ={ c = { d = 1 } } }; writeOutput(a?.b?.c?.d); // 1 writeOutput(a?.e?.c?.d); // null write
2600747 CF-3038698 Documentation : General Adam Cameron Bug 77458:Summary: not documented Problem: Summary: not documented. SSIA. See thread{267a8bea-8d25-435c-a533-6c830dd686ca}&topid={43bdb1b3-f
2610329 CF-3710336 Language Adam Cameron struct.filter() missing It looks like all struct functions have had their methods implemented except for structFilter(). Repro: // structFilter.cfm base = {a="b", c="d", e="f"}; filtered = structFilter(base, function(k,v){ return k == "a" || v =="f
2611764 CF-3594386 Language Adam Cameron CF Stack-overflows if one tries to serializeJson() a function See: Repro: function f(){ a = 1; b = {}; c = []; d = now(); e = createUuid(); writeDump(local); } st
2600164 CF-3039321 ORM Support Adam Cameron Bug 78856:Summary: CF-ORM collection mapping need to support objectsCurrently the collection mappings only support simple values Problem: Summary: CF-ORM collection mapping need to support objectsCurrently the collection mappings only support simple
2608683 CF-4023966 Language Adam Cameron Glitch in parsing of code using shorthand operator Full analysis: TL;DR: Repro: a = 17; b = 19; c = 23; a += (b += c); writeDump(variables); Actual: Invalid CFML construct found
2612057 CF-3561916 Language Adam Cameron Add ability to define datasources within Application.cfc Duplicate ID: CF-3656754 As per Railo:, eg: component { = "AppName"; this
2610290 CF-3713035 Language Adam Cameron arrayEach() (and listEach()) slightly broken in CF11 See In CF10 one did not NEED to specify the arguments in the callback definition for arrayEach(), this would be fine: {code
2610328 CF-3710341 Language Adam Cameron struct.find() (and structFind()) error on missing key Repro: // struct.find.cfm st = {a="b",c="d"}; try { result = st.find("e"); } catch (any e){ writeDump([e.type,e.message,e.detail]); } This outputs: array 1 Expression 2 Cannot find e key
2600118 CF-3039370 Documentation : Examples Adam Cameron Bug 78937:Spreadsheet function documentation is still excel-centric in places Problem: Spreadsheet function documentation is still excel-centric in places . I imagine this is a legacy of the functionality suite originally being based
2673318 CF-4126744 CFwatson U. Added By:suchsing Note Added: This fix will be available in the next major version of ColdFusion. Date Added :2015-10-29 11:43:55.0 Added By:mchandna Note Added: replacelistnocase member function has been added. It can be used as x.replaceListNoCase("a", "b"); Date
2600277 CF-3039203 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 78645:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFIMAP Problem: Summary: CFIMAP. Rework the closed flag as an open flag See thread:{267a8bea-8d25-435c
2599427 CF-3040204 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Cameron Childress Bug 80183:(Watson Migration Closure)Once you save a VO to SQlite it looks like the table structure is pretty much set and any new properties will not be picked up by the SyncManager, the corresponding columns will not be created
3089446 CF-4198662 Language : Member Functions Adam Cameron Date.diff method doesn't work correctly Repro: d1 = now(); sleep(1000); d2 = now(); writeOutput(dateDiff("s", d1, d2)); writeoutput(""); writeOutput(d1.diff("s
2600278 CF-3039202 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 78644:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: provide mechanism to extract metadata from an IMAP connection object Problem: Summary: provide mechanism to extract metadata from an IMAP connection object See thread: https
2609737 CF-3788414 Language Adam Cameron writeLog(), throw(), writeDump() not implemented as fucntions correctly See: Summary: This should work: x = throw(type="MissingArgumentException", message="The correct exception
2612796 CF-3429588 Language Adam Cameron isCustomFunction() needs to do what it says on the box G'day: isCustomFunction() has had its behaviour modified - and rendered illogical - in CF10 with the addition of closures. See these docs:
2600133 CF-3039355 Documentation : Examples Adam Cameron Bug 78915:Summary: docs for arrayFind() need to be improvedAs per discussion here: https://prerelease Problem: Summary: docs for arrayFind() need to be improvedAs per discussion here: https
Tracker Issue Parser glitch on `+=`
3085933 CF-4198655 Language : Expressions Adam Cameron Parser glitch on `+=` Repro: {code:java} maxRecordsToProcess = 40; recordsAlreadyProcessed = 0; recordsProcessedInThisTranche = 0; writeOutput("About to do stuff
-5439-4062-b84e-6aecbd66562c} Cheers.-- Adam Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3039322 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Adam Cameron External Customer Email: 17EB1A7649DA54C7992015A
2673352 CF-4126707 Language Adam Cameron refind() doesn't return all matches See attached file for unit tests. The ones in particular to look at are the ones in which there are multiple matches to be returned, and the regex pattern has subexpressions. CF does not return the subexpressions. Very
2601404 CF-3037998 Language : Functions Adam Cameron Bug 76175:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: upgrade CF's regex engine Problem: Summary: upgrade CF's regex engine See the thread here:{81302E9C
2600262 CF-3039219 Administrator : Administrator Console Adam Cameron Bug 78666:Summary: Client var settings not correctly archived or deployed Problem: Summary: Client var settings not correctly archived or deployed [quote
2600283 CF-3039196 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 78634:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: leverage IMAP folder capabilities when sending mail Problem: Summary: leverage IMAP folder capabilities when sending mail There's a thread discussing this here: https
2673651 CF-4119888 Language Adam Cameron toJson() method should work on numerics and booleans See Repro: a = ["tahi"]; st = {two="rua"}; ost = {three="toru"}; q = queryNew("en,mi", "varchar,varchar",[["four","wha"]]); cfxml
3048633 CF-4198573 Language : Functions Adam Cameron sort member functions should accept compare and compareNoCase functions as comparator callbacks See: This should work: arrayToSort = ["d","C","b","A"]; array
2600146 CF-3039341 ORM Support Adam Cameron Bug 78894:Summary: spelling & terminology error in docsAt this URL: http://help Problem: Summary: spelling & terminology error in docsAt this URL:
3089445 CF-4198661 Language : Member Functions Adam Cameron doesn't work same as dateCompare Repro: nowAsDateObject = now(); nowAsString = toString(now()); dateFromParsedString = parse
2600172 CF-3039312 CFForm : Standard XML Adam Cameron Bug 78843:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: add CF-ORM support to CFFORMWouldn’t it be nice if one could do this:[code][code]This would take either the name of an entity (for a data entry form for a new object Problem: Summary: add CF
2600279 CF-3039201 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 78643:Summary: Dumping a CFIMAP connection displays different data from what's actually exposed by the underlying object Problem: Summary: Dumping a CFIMAP connection displays different data from what's actually exposed by the underlying object
2600127 CF-3039361 Language : Functions Adam Cameron Bug 78927:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: spreadsheetReadBinary() function poorly namedSee discussion / confusion here: https://prerelease Problem: Summary: spreadsheetReadBinary() function poorly namedSee discussion / confusion here: https
2609677 CF-3809485 Language Adam Cameron API docs for interfaces broken in CF11 Duplicate ID: CF-3811279 Repro: {code} // TestInterface.cfc interface { public void function f(required numeric x); } {code} Save this interface somewhere
2600301 CF-3039175 Language : CustomTag Adam Cameron Bug 78591:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: implement CFC-based custom tags as per Railo Problem: Summary: implement CFC-based custom tags as per Railo Railo has implemented CFC-based custom tags, detailed here: http
2608602 CF-4051598 Document Management : Office Integration Adam Cameron spreadsheet.addRows() doesn't work with commas in data Problem Description: The addRows() method treat commas as column delimiters, not as data. See repro case below One can pass an array of data in to addRows(), but instead
2600267 CF-3039215 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 78659:Summary: ambiguous wording in docs for CFIMAP Problem: Summary: ambiguous wording in docs for CFIMAP [quote centaurbeta2_cfmlref.pdf, p319] MessageNumber Optional Specifies the message number or a comma delimited list of message numbers
2609221 CF-3909712 Language Adam Cameron Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works This is appallingly awful syntax: cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input={}, output="w"); a) It looks like a function, but isn't a function (although it SHOULD be a function!) b) and it returns a value but one needs
2613134 CF-3344090 Language Adam Cameron pageEncoding only works in CFCs Problem Description: See these docs: {quote} You can specify the character encoding
2597712 CF-3042852 Documentation : General Adam Cameron Bug 85177:-(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: docs for structKeyExists() are wrongFrom the docs:[quote]ReturnsTrue, if key is in structure; if structure does not exist, ColdFusion throws an exception Problem: Summary: docs for struct
2982780 CF-4198483 Language : Closures Adam Cameron Add higher-order functions for strings Here's a usecase that came up today: ``` postcode = "E18 1ED"; nato = postcode.listToArray("").map(function(c){ var nato
2673464 CF-4126522 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Reminder: It should be StructNew('Ordered') Most CF developers will be confused by the word "Linked" b/c they do not know about Java's LinkedHashMap. They will think "linked to what?" And "what is my struct
2609463 CF-3845476 Administrator Adam Cameron Unhandled error in CFAdmin Full repro here: Extract: {quote} I went into CFAdmin, into the Security section, and user manager. I added a user apiuser, and when trying to set
2613922 CF-3146604 Database : Query-of-Query(IMQ) Adam Cameron QoQ getting ccolumn data type wrong G'day: What do you make of this: [code] SELECT AVG(myCol) AS avgMyCol FROM qBase [/code] Yields: [quote] Error casting an object
/ CF Root, when returning to that screen from a previous/next screenAlso, a note from Adam Cameron: Also note the (c) notice only covers you to 2009. Should be updated to say 2010, I guess. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson
, the location/path field is auto-restored to the default- the wizard should not auto-restore the CFIDE Location / CF Root, when returning to that screen from a previous/next screenAlso, a note from Adam Cameron: Also note the (c) notice only covers you to 2009. Should be updated to say 2010, I guess. Method
2600128 CF-3039360 Documentation : Examples Adam Cameron Bug 78925:Summary: docs for relationships for ORM integrationI’m just going through the docs for the ORM stuff, and am currently looking at relationships (I can feel Rupesh cringing as I type this [Wink] , this Problem: Summary: docs
2612220 CF-3539042 Logging Adam Cameron coldfusion-error.log logs non-error stuff The coldfusion-error.log logs a bunch of stuff that is just "normal processing", eg: INFO: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8500"] Apr 10, 2013 10:07:41 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol init INFO
: External Customer Name: Cameron Childress External Customer Email: 7529291B4460E1979920157F External Test Config: 09/28/2009
displaying first and lower case strings displayed alphabetically after the uppercase strings. Thanks Method: create grid, and populate with string values starting with upper and lower case , add type=string_nocase to the column and try to sort.. Adam Cameron has been able to reproduce as well after my
2673458 CF-4126527 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Reminder: It should be StructNew('Ordered') Most CF developers will be confused by the word "Linked" b/c they do not know about Java's LinkedHashMap. They will think "linked to what?" And "what is my struct
2673460 CF-4126525 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Reminder: It should be StructNew('Ordered') Most CF developers will be confused by the word "Linked" b/c they do not know about Java's LinkedHashMap. They will think "linked to what?" And "what is my struct
2599324 CF-3040329 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, This ticket can be marked Closed/Fixed (this ticket was fixed in CF11), per the comment I just posted in Slack: ----------- That was fixed in CF11, but we didn't know b/c the docs weren't updated correctly. The docs said CF11 added `use
2599552 CF-3039968 CFForm : Flash Adam Cameron Bug 79876:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFGRID gets confused by semi-colons Problem: Summary: CFGRID gets confused by semi-colons. I spotted this on the Adobe forums (, and have checked that it's still bung