displaying top 100 results
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list" by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters by External U.
Comment on Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters by External U.
Tracker Issue Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying
Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
2609282 CF-3862308 Suchika S. Is this a limitation from S3 side ? Because using cfdirectory we can create recursive directories.
Tracker Comment Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by Akhila K.
Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 74107:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdirectory needs to return a nested object when using recurse="Yes" by External U.
Comment on Bug 74107:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdirectory needs to return a nested object when using recurse="Yes" by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list" by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters by External U.
Comment on Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters by External U.
Tracker Issue cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list"
cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list"
Bug 85405:if I make a cfdirectory type = "list", if the folder there are files that contain the word "report" (lowercase) that is read and printed by CF as "MyCompany QuarterlyReport"
Tracker Issue Cfdirectory create in cPanel public_html directory fails
Cfdirectory create in cPanel public_html directory fails
Bug 83927:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Bug for: cfdirectory error msg suggests "recursive" attributeAttempting to delete a non-empty directory, throws the following error message (if not using recurse attribute):"This directory is
Tracker Issue Bug 74107:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdirectory needs to return a nested object when using recurse="Yes"
Bug 74107:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdirectory needs to return a nested object when using recurse="Yes"
Comment on Cfdirectory create in cPanel public_html directory fails by Cody W.
Comment on cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list" by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on Accept an assignment statement as a parameter for built-in CF functions by External U.
2612212 CF-3540467 External U. Just experienced this in DirectoryList function as mentioned here. Been using cf_directory action="list" all the time
Tracker Comment Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by HariKrishna K.
Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by HariKrishna K.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Aaron N.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Aaron N.
2673253 CF-4140642 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: filter attribute should also accept array The "filter" attribute for cfdirectory/directoryList()/cfzip/cfzipparam should also accept an array. Currently, cfdirectory/directoryList() accepts a pipe-delimited list and cfzip/cfzipparam accepts a
Tracker Issue Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters
Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters
Tracker Issue Non-conformity of slash usage in CFDIRECTORY
Non-conformity of slash usage in CFDIRECTORY
Tracker Issue <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory
<cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory
Tracker Issue Connectivity to S3
4050065 CF-4201428 File Management : CFDirectory Tony Barroqueiro Connectivity to S3 Problem Description:When trying to run the following command, some directories return just fine, others do not. As far as I know, nothing has changed on S3 in years.
As a point of reference, the following
Comment on cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list" by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
2609282 CF-3862308 S V. cfdirectory is used for creating/deleting bucket and should not be used for creating directories inside a bucket.
check the documentation https://wikidocs.adobe.com/wiki/display/coldfusionen/Optimizing+ColdFusion+applications
But creating a file like this
2596897 CF-3492087 Frank J. The documentation is being actively cleaned. Many obsolete functions are refactored. For instance, take a look at:
The page has now correct examples and also community-contributed snippets.
In the case of
Tracker Comment Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79759:(Watson Migration Closure)Add type attribute to DirectoryList by External U.
2599611 CF-3039908 External U. I needed to call DirectoryList () from a cfscript block in order to get all directories. But in order to use this function, I had to write a bunch of code to manually get the directories from the results since there's no way to filter only directories. cfdirectory
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
Comment on Bug 76183:(Watson Migration Closure)I was kind of surprised to find that cfdirectory doesn't support direct copying by External U.
6259329 CF-4205250 James M. No start up errors for me. I think what I may have been testing was actually badly nested cfml. I migrated my test script to a non-updated CF2016u4 server and it threw the same error. I modified the same sample code in the report (to use CFDirectory instead of CFQuery
Tracker Issue cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes
cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: CFFiddle's restricted tags and functions undocumented by Aaron N.
* cftransaction,
* cfapplet,
* cflocation,
* cfschedule,
* cfdirectory
ColdFusion Functions
* createobject(java),
* islocalhost,
* createobject(.net),
* createobject(com),
* createobject(corba),
* objectsave,
* objectload,
* directorylist
And PR participants suggested these should be allowed:
Tracker Issue direcortyList has no type in script
2611031 CF-3649420 File Management : CFDirectory Andrew Scott direcortyList has no type in script As it stands there is no way, like the tag to just return either files, dirs or all.
This is a huge oversight in the script implementation.
Also this is the 3rd time I have mentioned it, this bug
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by Akhila K.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Comment on cfdirectory listing Amazon S3 files returns empty file size and last modified attributes by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Amazon S3 Support with DirectoryList by External U.
2612138 CF-3554224 External U. I had issues with the cfdirectory with S3 as well. Here is what I found.
if you do
:@bucket/x/y" NAME="GetResults">
it works just fine.
if do
:@bucket/x/y/" NAME="GetResults">
which, has a trailing / on it it doesn't return anything..
But, that's not all
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 78544:Trying to install the June 30th intermediate build as a WAR on a CF8 server by External U.
\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\temp_zip cannot be deleted.
Detail: You may not have permissions to delete this directory. The exception occurred during a cfdirectory action="delete".
Tracker Issue Bug 85199:[ANeff] Doc Bug for: S3 defaultLocation/storeLocation values missing1) Page #52 of cf901features
-WEST", in description for storeLocation attribute2) Online Help for <cfdirectory tag does not mention new attributes "storeLocation" and "storeACL"3) Online Help for Application.cfc does not mention this.s3 (accessKeyID, awsSecretKey, defaultLocation[US,EU,US-WEST])URL to cf901features.pdf: http
Bug 80741:When copying a directory (using cffile and cfdirectory tags) and then trying to delete the source directory it appears that certain files are remaining locked resulting in the following error: Coldfu
versions of the AWS Java SDK are not backwards compatible with ColdFusion's handling of S3 services using the cffile/cfdirectory tags and related functions. That functionality breaks when using newer versions of the AWS Java SDK.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
of developers (particularly those new or less familiar with the language) perpetuating use of these deprecated functions. Which would be a bad thing.
Steps to Reproduce:
For instance, the documentation for cfdirectory ( http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7f
Tracker Issue Bug 83595:(Watson Migration Closure)Using the Amazon S3 console, I added a Folder to my bucket
2598070 CF-3041776 File Management : VFS-S3 Raymond Camden Bug 83595:(Watson Migration Closure)Using the Amazon S3 console, I added a Folder to my bucket Problem:
Using the Amazon S3 console, I added a Folder to my bucket. When I next did a cfdirectory on the bucket, I got the error.
Tracker Comment Comment on Amazon S3 Support with DirectoryList by External U.
2612138 CF-3554224 External U. UPDATE! We have found that this issue is only related to certain directories. Currently our S3 bucket has four subdirectories within our main set of subdirectories: thumb, gallery, zoom, and catalog. We have found that cfdirectory and the directoryList function
Tracker Issue CFZIP and CFFILE cannot read archives containing stored files with exotic characters in their names
and ColdFusion 10 beta.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a zip file called test.zip.
2. Add a file inside the zip file, which has an exotic character in the file name (é, è, á, à, etc.)
3. Try to read the test.zip file with CFZIP (ColdFusion 9 and 10)
4. Try to read the test.zip with CFDIRECTORY using
cfdirectory action="delete".
Each time, I shut down services, remove the directory, reboot and then install it into a new instance name. Each time, it fails.
This worked previously on Beta 2. I am attempting to add this via CFAdministrator 8.0.1 instance manager.
The CF of the multiserver is version 8
Tracker Issue Amazon AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 signature support
could see either:
"The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256."
Or if doing something like a cfdirectory:
"The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.null"
where the signature doesn't work and hence returns "null" as the "AWSAccess
: Darren Pywell
External Test Config:
Bug File Paths:
There’s no real good reporting system for Flex.
I think this would get a lot of use for people building RDS Bolt extensions with a Flex UI. That, and creating db management clients.
cffile, cfdirectory, cfzip, cfftp
Document / Content Management clients
cfquery, cfsproc cfldap
Tracker Comment Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
Comment on <cfdirectory action="list" recurse="yes" throws NullPointer upon encountering an inaccessible directory by External U.
_header, status_code?
What about getTimeZoneInfo()’s result variables: utcTotalOffset, utcHourOffset, utcMinuteOffset, isDSTOn?
Should those be: utc_total_offset, utc_hour_offset, utc_minute_offset, is_dst_on?
What about cfdirectory’s datelastmodified result value? Should that be date_last_modified?
. It looks like cfdirectory does reliably report the correct MIME type. You could blindly upload everything and anything and then check the file for correct / expected content after the fact.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3695879
about getTimeZoneInfo()’s result variables: utcTotalOffset, utcHourOffset, utcMinuteOffset, isDSTOn?
Should those be: utc_total_offset, utc_hour_offset, utc_minute_offset, is_dst_on?
What about cfdirectory’s datelastmodified result value? Should that be date_last_modified?
What about get
Comment on cfdirectory maxrows filter for action="list" by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Unable to index older versions of MS Word using SOLR and ColdFusion by Piyush K.
Output("creating collection " & coln_name & "...");
writeOutput("collection " & coln_name & " pre-exists...");
//fodder_path = "#expandpath("./")#pdfs";
fodder_path = "C:\inetpub\cf2016\misc\solr\docs";
cfdirectory (action="list", directory="#fodder_path#", name
Tracker Issue directoryList("s3://key:secret@bucket", false, "query", "", "name asc", "file") throws NPE.
the directoryContent
Workaround:Use cfdirectory tag instead
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3945665
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name:
External Customer Email:
Tracker Issue Bug 72793:When creating a manual ColdFusion Installation an error regarding th Folder Not existing when trying to delete it
Action delete
Detail The exception occurred during a cfdirectory action="delete".
Dir /JRunServers/MyBlog/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/WEB-INF/cfusion/db/slserver54
Message The specified directory attribute value /JRunServers/MyBlog/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war/WEB-INF/cfusion/db/slserver54 does