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Tracker Issue CFC type check broken
CFC type check broken
Tracker Issue Call a CFC method
Call a CFC method
Error invoking CFC /CFIDE/administrator/mail/undeliveredmail.cfc
CFC Creation Memory Leak
PDFFORM Implemented as a CFC
Spelling error during ORM CFC generation
DirectoryWatcher gateway crashed on invoking a CFC
Bug 81013:Say I have a User CFC
CFC Generator Shows Oracle System Tables
CF11 Update 5 breaks CFC inheritance
CF9.0.1 CHF 3 breaks valid CFC syntax
Extending CFC with implicit getters and setters
CFC must be specified as a full path
Comment on Error invoking CFC /CFIDE/administrator/mail/undeliveredmail.cfc by Uday O.
Always include functions and properties in CFC metadata
Resolve CFC path like it would from a specific file
invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting
Add ability to register new ORM CFC location dynamically: ORMLoadLocation()
CFM can't find a CFC in the same directory.
CFC - problem with component inheritance using a mapping
CF internal _TEMPINDEX variable bleeds into CFC variables scope
Bug 78899:Configure the "saveMappings" orm setting on the CFC level
Bug 75390:Im am using a CFC called pagegenerator
Support setting a default returnformat for remote CFC calls
Memory leak when calling CFC directly with no method argument
Bug 72731:SendGatewayMessage can't send mapping based CFC object
Mapped CFC Variable not working when line contains var
CFC Invoke Broken for Half an Hour or Code Change
Bug 74246:cfinvoke against a persistent CFC fails with error message
Adobe ORM CFC Generator throws error on Mac
Inconsistent TypedArrayInvalidDataTypeException with cfimport and relative CFC paths
Bug 76100:Validate attribute for cfproperty and CFC types
CFC Method inside a customTag crash on Coldfusion 10
Cfqueryparam / queryExecute / Query CFC - Accept arrays
CFGRIDCOLUMN HREF attribute not binding with column returned from CFC
CFGRID with BIND to CFC failed for an incorrect JavaScript
REST Service Refresh fails with block-commented methods in script CFC
Bug 78589:Strict persistent CFC with integer id needs unsavedvalue
Deadlock resulting POST calls to web service CFC
CFC function returnformat of JSON incorrectly converting certain strings
java.lang.VerifyError thrown for a specific code construct within a CFC
Bug 79271:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: getWSDL() for getting WSDL from CFC w/o requring network call to CFC
Bug 82701:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: XML datatype not treated like a native datatype in CFC explorerIf one browses to a CFC file, the CFC explorer generates some API documentation for it
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Awdhesh K.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on REST Service Refresh fails with block-commented methods in script CFC by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Suchika S.
Comment on REST Service Refresh fails with block-commented methods in script CFC by Milan C.
[ANeff] Bug for: cannot assign null to variables in some scopes from CFC
Comment on REST Service Refresh fails with block-commented methods in script CFC by External U.
[ANeff] Bug for: Clear Template Cache breaks restInitApplication()+mapping in onApplicationStart() until CFC is re-saved
Wrong code generated when code is generated using "Adobe CFC Generator" for DB tables
Comment on Passing JSON argumentcollection to CFC from JavaScript broken after updater 4 by Manas M.
Comment on Passing JSON argumentcollection to CFC from JavaScript broken after updater 4 by Eric C.
Comment on CFGRIDCOLUMN HREF attribute not binding with column returned from CFC by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Aaron N.
CFDUMP does not output value of CFC properties that do not have getter methods
Comment on CF11 Update 5 breaks CFC inheritance by Suchika S.
Comment on DirectoryWatcher gateway crashed on invoking a CFC by Piyush K.
Comment on CFGRID with BIND to CFC failed for an incorrect JavaScript by External U.
Comment on CFGRID with BIND to CFC failed for an incorrect JavaScript by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Saurav G.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Saurav G.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Saurav G.
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by Adam C.
Comment on Memory leak when calling CFC directly with no method argument by Nimit S.
Comment on REST Service Refresh fails with block-commented methods in script CFC by Milan C.
Bug 82398:Event handler CFC is cached and not refreshed even after ApplicationStop()
property no longer allowed as a function name within a function in a CFC
Comment on DirectoryWatcher gateway crashed on invoking a CFC by External U.
Bug 83375:Got this error even though the CFC does indeed the relevant property
Opening a Script CFC Component, comments break Syntax highlighting until you edit a Commented Line
[ANeff] Bug for: REST CFC function names must be 3+ characters
"Disable CFC Type Check" does not "disables verifying an object that implements the right interface"
Bug 80395:(Watson Migration Closure)Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder
Bug 72735:When you view a CFC in your browser, the server automatically runs the Component browser
Need a quick way to set all cffunction's inside CFC to output=false
Comment on invokeImplicitAccessor should be a CFC setting, not an Application.cfc setting by External U.
eventhandler causes an exception every time the CFC is created or modified
Bug 78935:cfprogressbar, with bindings, requires that your CFC method return json
Bug 75869:The system CFC does not use output=false in the cfcomponent tag or the function calls
Comment on Passing JSON argumentcollection to CFC from JavaScript broken after updater 4 by Eric C.