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CFBuilder cannot be opened in Mac 10.11
CFBuilder 2016 Crashes when opening specific files
Why aren’t projects refreshing in CFBuilder 2018?
"setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder
CF Builder : Remote servers added are not retained on the restart of CFBuilder
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by Subir J.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by David B.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by Dattanand M.
Comment on CFBuilder 2016 Crashes when opening specific files by Adobe D.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by Dattanand M.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by External U.
Comment on CFBuilder 2016 Crashes when opening specific files by External U.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by David B.
Comment on "setting" script always shows an error in CFBuilder by David B.
Comment on CFBuilder 2016 Crashes when opening specific files by Milan C.
Comment on CF Builder : Remote servers added are not retained on the restart of CFBuilder by extuser
Comment on CF Builder : Remote servers added are not retained on the restart of CFBuilder by extuser
Comment on CF Builder : Remote servers added are not retained on the restart of CFBuilder by extuser
CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files
2682215 CFB-4152897 extuser Same here, CFBuilder 3 on Mac is not highlighting correctly.
2682215 CFB-4152897 extuser Can confirm this behavior is occurring on my Mac as well in CFBuilder 3.
2608741 CF-4013824 External U. Agree 1000%. Since CFBuilder licenses come with CF server licenses, why not integrate it there?
2609620 CF-3819753 External U. oh I forgot to mention the uninstaller for CFBuilder does not work either
2598086 CF-3041757 External U. This would be very handy for code generation and CFBuilder extensions.
Comment on CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files by Delxino
Charlie Arehart My guess is that there is confusion about whether the CF instance is the one installed (optionally) INSIDE of CF Builder vs one installed SEPARATELY from CFBuilder. If during the install of CFBuilder you chose the option to install CF also, it implemented a full copy of CF whose
CFBuilder3.0 do not get launched in Mac 10.11 after installation
2682570 CFB-3939632 Installer Renaud Uninstaller does not seem to delete importantes files Problem Description: Coldfusion crash at startup because it is an able to load the default "starting" page. Steps to Reproduce: 1 - Install CFBuilder, change the folder name ; let say "Applications
Josh Kutz Does IntelliJ IDEA do any of the code introspection on your components or ORM Entities? CFBuilder does that but Sublime and VSCode do not.
Comment on CFBuilder, FTP and Compare Files by Jim Priest
[cielen] preselect directory for CF-Builder installer on OS X
2682151 CFB-4191665 David B. Mukesh Kumar, please test that this actually works in Neon before the release of CFBuilder 2018 (on Neon)
Comment on [cielen] preselect directory for CF-Builder installer on OS X by CFwatson U.
2682321 CFB-4120009 Mukesh K. Hi George, Can you please send us screenshot of the extension list in your CFBuilder. ( Windows --> ShowView --> other --> type "Extension ) . Thanks, Mukesh
2682460 CFB-4090449 Mukesh K. Hi John, Can you please add the entry of vm above the vm args in CFBuilder.ini file and the lanch the builder again . -vm
2682666 CFB-3775884 extuser CFBuilder is flagging "errors" of "illegally formed XML syntax" and "missing ; before statement" errors that do not match the working file. These are problematic as it makes seeing real issues difficult.
2682680 CFB-3761672 External U. Confirmed in CFBuilder 2016 as well: Version 3.1.0 Build 298004 @Sarkar, I don't believe the Tour De CF stuff is still on the web
2682139 CFB-4198117 Unknown U. I have solved this problem by uninstalling ColdFusion Builder and using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate instead. No more CFBuilder, ever.
2682323 CFB-4119447 Adobe D. Hi Wil Genovese, 1. CFBuilder 2016 as a plugin to Mars Packages with JDK 1.8 will work. Coming to Standalone, we are working on updating the eclipse to recent version. 2. CFBuilder 2016 is running on Java 1.8.0_72. You can verify this in configuration details (Help
2878494 CFB-4198192 Editor Features,Performance David Belanger High processor and memory usage when editing a simple cfm file Problem Description: When I'm editing a cfm file, while editing a function, after I hit comma and space (to enter another parameter) CFBuilder goes unresponsive. My
2682323 CFB-4119447 General - IDE Wil Genovese Outdated Eclipse and Java Duplicate ID: 4119444 ColdFusion Builder Problem Description: CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Eclipse Kepler CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Java 1.6 - THAT IS A DEAD VERSION!!! We cannot use newer Eclipse plugins
2682507 CFB-4012044 Editor Features : Code Colorization Matthias Syntax color setting for variable names Problem Description: No settings available to set the coloring of variable names (gets the same color like the tag). Steps to Reproduce: See attached screenshot (on the left side the CFBuilder
3865242 CFB-4198265 Installer Silent install doesn't support installing builtin server Problem Description:There isn't an option to install the builtin server when installing cfbuilder using a properties file Steps to Reproduce:Create a properties file using the options from http
2611068 CF-3646258 External U. This is a definite +1 from me. I too have been using Ruby heavily and the CLI integration has been a VERY useful feature. I actually use the terminal panel in CFBuilder / Eclipse, so it should be built in to CFB (x) as well (in a ideal world)
2611068 CF-3646258 External U. This is a definite +1 from me. I too have been using Ruby heavily and the CLI integration has been a VERY useful feature. I actually use the terminal panel in CFBuilder / Eclipse, so it should be built in to CFB (x) as well (in a ideal world)
ACF engine ( which is used in CFBuilder ) as available engine in the commandbox
2682321 CFB-4120009 Mukesh K. Hi George, Please provide the extension list in your CFBuilder. ( Windows --> ShowView --> other --> type "Extension" and select "Extension" and click ok ) . You missed the last two steps before sending screenshot . Also , provide the screenshot of step to repro
2682460 CFB-4090449 Mukesh K. Hi John, Please give path location of java1.8.0_65 as below in vm parmaters in CFBuilder.ini as below : -vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_65.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib Thanks, Mukesh
2682507 CFB-4012044 External U. The problem is, in CFB there's no option to set the variable name separate from the attribute name (see CFB-Preferences.png). So I can't set the tag & attribute names red and the variable name black in CFB like I'm able in CFEclipse (SyntaxColoringCFBuilder3.png
2682617 CFB-3833130 External U. This bug makes using CFBuilder unusable on large files. It would be a nice "quick fix" to be able to select what you would like to appear in the code assist box. For example, if you could limit the results to ColdFusion functions, scoped variables, etc... This might
2682617 CFB-3833130 External U. A co-worker suggested cleaning my workspace, so I ran "CFBuilder.exe -clean" from the command line, and it appears to have corrected the hanging issue for me for the moment.
2682667 CFB-3775120 External U. @CFJSGeek, I don't believe the instructions said to "replace" the p2 folder. The zip file doesn't contain an entire p2 folder structure, only part of it. So you needed to place the zip file in the main CFBuilder installation folder and unzip it, which would
2682683 CFB-3760370 External U. As indicated in the comments on this forum thread:, this is not completely fixed. Changing the tab setting works for the current file open in CFBuilder, but as soon as you close the file and reopen it, the display
2682683 CFB-3760370 External U. @Ram, Sorry. I think the fact that your comment come before the release of the first "update", and seeing a somewhat changed behavior in the new build of CFBuilder (tab space setting actually partially works), we assumed that the update you spoke of was part
4481296 CFB-4198401 David B. I've purchased and am using CFBuilder 2018 and Wil is correct, this big red icon is awful and distracting. Can we get the old icon back? The ticket Aaron refers to is in the pre-release and therefore not accessible so we'll need an update on what the decision was here.
johng58900177 Can I use Cold Fusion Builder to auto generate forms and queries? Back in the earlier days of CF, I was able to generate pages out of CFStudio. I have been away from it for a long time and am wondering if I can do this in CFBuilder 2018. The post Can I use Cold Fusion Builder to auto
Charlie Arehart Solved: Why won’t ColdFusion Builder accept my serial number? To license CFBuilder, you need to put in a valid serial number. If you put in one for the wrong product (like CF) or the wrong CFB version, it will reject it as invalid, but it won't explain why. The post Solved: Why won
Tracker Issue Hangs when indenting
2963039 CFB-4198201 Editor Features,Performance John Thwaites Hangs when indenting Problem Description:When editing a CFM with 500+ lines and select a block of text, say 10 lines, and press tab to indent, CFBuilder becomes unresponsive for 30+ seconds.It eventually returns and indents the text
2673021 CF-4156097 External U. Not a fan of advertising in a development environment. If they did do that, which I hope they don't then I would expect it would be CF related. CC is a dying subscription for developers. If CFBuilder was actually was a good product, I'd cancel CC subscription and just
2682460 CFB-4090449 External U. Hi, in the CF Builder.ini file: Do I erase what is just under the -vm arg, and replace it with: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_65.jdk Thanks so much for your help! Johnny
2682632 CFB-3803692 External U. Installed CFBuilder 2016, version 3.1.0 Build: 298004, Yeah! Confirmed this bug still a problem, Booo! For example: gives red circle X and hovering over tells us "Invalid Token url=..." with location of column 20 which is just after the cflocation and before
2682654 CFB-3786077 External U. So I hit this bug multiple times again this week and I think I figured out how to reproduce it. Open a file that's not part of a Builder project (like double clicking a .cfm file on your desktop). Then kill the cfbuilder.exe process. When you re-open builder
and updater numbers (at least for CF10+ / CFBuilder). Then we can all stop going "wait, it's still broken" and "when is this fix going to be available?" when we see an "internal" build number appear in the "Fixed In Build" box. I think maybe I've found a blog topic for myself...
of CFBuilder for 60 days). Instead, I’m talking about the Express edition, which is entirely free, even for production use. What happens is that after that trial is over, if you don’t add a license key, it will switch automatically to this Express edition, warning […] Blog,ColdFusion,ColdFusion Builder
Fusion Builder,Adobe ColdFusion Builder 3.1,Blog,CFBuilder,ColdFusion,ColdFusion Builder
Charlie Arehart Filing issues for things like ColdFusion docs, Docker images, PMT, CFFiddle, and even the bug tracker itself Did you know you can file bug reports or feature requests not only against CF or CFBuilder, but also for things related to CF like the CF docs, the CF2018 PMT, the CF Docker
----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 4119277 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: blagui Mehdi External Customer Email: External Test Config: Windows 7-64 bits/ CF in CFBuilder 20016.
2682180 CFB-4166790 Security Code Analyzer Muraoka Shigeyoshi (Update 2) charts are not displayed in Security Analyzer Report (Japanese Ver.) Problem Description: After applying CFBuilder Update 2, charts are not displayed in Security Analyzer Report. The issue occurs only in Japanese Cold
that I'm really missing here is the ability to just select a bunch of code and hit the minus sign to collapse it. Please add this feature to CFBuilder. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 4128367 Reason: BugVerified External Customer
2682572 CFB-3936098 Installer Rich Uninstaller doesn't always run Problem Description: When running the uninstaller for CFBuilder3 the uninstaller simply won't run. Steps to Reproduce: Close the application, in Finder navigate to the Uninstaller and double click. Actual Result: Nothing. Expected
Customer Name: Leftbower External Customer Email: External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Windows 8.1 64-bit, CFBuilder 3 as plugin to eclipse Kepler 64bit
sense? Why is there no telling you that you need the JDK 8!! Yes it is very confusing what versions you are downloading, where do I complain? The only thing now is to get CFBuilder to set up a server! Why are they making ColdFusion so hard to set up, so many issues, but I am so happy that at least I
2598073 CF-3041771 Rupesh K. @Adam, I don't want to go in an unending discussion on this. I don't have the exact date but this is what I remember - The public bug base was opened in March 2011 but at that time only CFBuilder was made public. The ColdFusion server bugs were migrated later and were
2682267 CFB-4130100 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Jason Dean Note Added: So you worked for three hours without saving your file and when you lost that work it is because CFBuilder is lacking? I can think of many, many more important features than one that will save you from
2682575 CFB-3932740 External U. 1. Since there is no separate documentation for ColdFusion Builder 3, one assumes, unless update notes say otherwise, the it continues to match the CFBuilder 2.0 documentation, specifically the page on Syntax checking and highlighting found at http
CFBuilder on eclipse and adopt either intellij base or Visual Studio Code. I cant believe Adobe (the photoshop creators) can not make stable solid IDE for ColdFusion.
2682683 CFB-3760370 External U. @Ram, I retract my previous comment. The built shown to the right (Fixed in Build) is 290015. My current build in CFBuilder 3 (per Help-->Product Details) is 290048. Seems like a newer build than the one it was supposedly fixed in. So aside from build numbers
: These links result in a 404: "Release Notes" - "ColdFusion Builder Product Page" - "Installing Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2016 - "Using Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2016 - http
/Adobe Dreamweaver CFEclipse CFBuilder IntelliJ IDEA I feel like each IDE that I’ve used over time served a purpose.  Dreamweaver, for example, was a great learning tool and for someone just starting to learn web design, the “design view” and integrated FTP synchronization was a valuable […] The post What Cold
the connection in a cf page from CFBuilder, I get the error, Datasource AP2 could not be found. The error occurred in D:/ColdFusionBuilder2018/ColdFusion/cfusion/wwwroot/CFTest1/TestDB.cfm: line 3 1 : // script 2 : 3 : myquery = QueryExecute('SELECT * FROM artists', [], {datasource = 'AP2
Charlie Arehart Legorol, I suspect that will be a frustrating answer about achieving level benefits. In the meantime, did you realize first that there is a free editon of cfbuilder? It's called the express edition, and it's what a cfb trial reverts to after 60 days when you have not entered a
the server) to launch the Admin. It's nothing more tricky than that. So it's usually just a matter of that not being properly configured. Richard, when I asked what URL you use to access the CF Admin, I was getting at how THAT then should be the domain used for the definition of the server (in CFBuilder
:\AdobeColdFusionBuilder2016” and type the command: “CFBuilder.exe -clean” 3. Relaunch ColdFusion Builder 2016. ColdFusion Builder launches successfully with a fresh workspace.
CTRL+T as it does not respond to A. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install CFBuilder as Plugin into Eclipse 2. Open a CFM file with "CFML Multi Page Editor" 3. Press CTRL+T A 4. Nothing happens. Actual Result: Shortcuts are not working Expected Result: Shortcuts should work without a mouse Any Workarounds
tags. Steps to Reproduce: Open the included 'index.cfm' file in CFBuilder to see the highlighting. I have included a screen shot of what I see. Actual Result: 1) ColdFusion function go to the default color of the area they are typed in. 2) The code within the tag takes on the attribute coloring
has expired. Thank you for trying Adobe Coldfusion Builder." Steps to Reproduce: (1) I launched the program cfbuilder.exe as usual. Then I got the message about expiry. (2) I uninstalled CFBlizzard, downloaded the CFBlizzard installation file from this forum and re-installed CFBlizzard. Actual
2682492 CFB-4029822 Performance Bradley Builder hangs with 100% Problem Description: While editing a script CFC, Builder will occasionally hang and consume 100% of my CPU. I have to kill the process and restart the editor. I am attaching a series of stack traces that I pulled from the CFBuilder
/scope variables. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3854326 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Henweigh99 External Customer Email: External Test Config: CFBuilder 3 as Plugin for Eclipse Windows 7 x64
of the tag normally after the comment is closed. Dreamweaver handles this fine. So does CFEclipse. Any Workarounds: Open file with CFEclipse editor instead. Within CFBuilder there is no workaround that I know of. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2682619 CFB-3831711 Bundled Server David Belanger Bundled server update doesn't run from within CF Builder's internal browser Problem Description: The update doesn't run when you use CFBuilder’s internal browser. The “Download and Update” button simply does nothing. The “Download” button works
2682769 CFB-3727747 General - IDE raZorTTZ Perspective switch not working correctly Problem Description: When CFBuilder asks for permission to switch perspectives (ColdFusion debug or Team syncronize) it opens a view instead of the perspective. Steps to Reproduce: -Ensure windows > preferences
. Then also the GC-button from the heap status bar will not help. I tried many things to fix it myself including several installations, several projects, many tips from the eclipse community, eclipse with CFBuilder plugins and it is also reproducible on an old Coldfusion Builder 2 installation, so
2682460 CFB-4090449 External U. yikes looks like no links here. Here is the CFBuilder.ini file: -startup ../../../plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20130327-1440.jar --launcher.library ../../../plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.cocoa.macosx.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140116-2212 -vm
Charlie Arehart You mention the problem as being in ColdFusion Builder, but then you refer to the CF Admin. Can you confirm if the CF Admin is talking to the CF that you optionally chose to embed within CF when you installed CFBuilder? Or might the CF Admin be pointing to some OTHER CF, whether
that I can close the bug . Thanks, Mukesh Date Added :2016-02-11 06:39:56.0 Added By:mukumar Note Added: Hi David , Sure , Timeout configuration of RDS in CFBuilder will that documented . Thanks, Mukesh Date Added :2016-02-11 06:14:48.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:David Epler Note Added
Charlie Arehart There seems nothing wrong with any of the steps you list. Instead, it seems to be related to one you do not: the "workspace" you identified for cfbuilder, and/or the existence already of a project where you are trying to create it. A bigger point to help you and readers find
be stored on a directory path that the user has access to? It would be nice if CFBuilder could get access to those reports via FTP and interpret them. The user would have to be assigned some base domains so that reports would only include requests from their domain(s) assigned to that user. Could the server
2615152 CF-3044030 General Server Jim Priest Bug 87105:Discussed this with Josh / Rakshith a bit at NCDevCon Problem: Discussed this with Josh / Rakshith a bit at NCDevCon . Include a link to the bug tracker within the CFAdmin, within CFBuilder and it would be nice to have a link
, "Status structure keys". This link takes you to a "Topic not found" page. Method: In CFBuilder the help file is missing ( the Internet in LiveDocs