search : cf searching

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Please include InstaSearch in CF Builder
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
6673166 CF-4206689 Logging ElasticSearch / Logstash log format ColdFusion logs outputs to ElasticSearch / Logstash friendly format.
4483635 CF-4202963 Administrator Garbled characters in Searchbox Garbled characters occur when searching on CF2018 CFAdmin using search box. (Multibyte_garbled _characters.jpg) SearchIndex_ja.json occurs garbled characters and is not displayed in proper japanese.
2609154 CF-3919057 Subir J. Ron, Fix will be available in upcoming update. At the same time API has also changed so test.cfm you attached will not work. Please use the following code snippet which utilizes current API. //application[type].searchFlights = aSearchStruct.getSearch
XML Webservices not working on CF 10
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
2611023 CF-3650399 Piyush K. updated script (only cfsearch is uncommented): indexed. ---> `CF10`'> ---> search result...
6963259 CF-4207639 PMT : Server Search box for servers It would be useful to have a search box in the PMT next to or underneath Servers/Sites. I have 200+ instances and this would be useful when I'm trying to find one.
typical “Home” icon? 3) Why is it placed obscurely at the top-right between the Search & Info icons? I think that icon can be removed, since clicking the CF logo & “Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Administrator” […] The post CF Admin’s “Resources” icon appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,aether,cf admin
4321208 CF-4202424 Peter F. Oops I did search before submitting this but I searched in the "Issue Key" field... sorry.
2613451 CF-3315068 External U. +1, can documentation please be added for cfscript versions (collection/index/search)?
Tracker Issue Java bug in CF
Java bug in CF
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
3349916 CF-4199410 Michael C. Hi, I wasn't able to see anything at (server not found), and searching for issue CF-4198198 returns 'no issue found'. Please could you double-check the issue ID number? Many thanks, Michael.
Michaela Light Wanted CF Dead or Alive It’s almost impossible to type ColdFusion into a search bar and avoid a google suggestion, ”Is ColdFusion dead?” Sometimes it seems that ColdFusion is being targeted by one of those old Wild West Wanted Posters that say “Wanted, Dead or Alive”: I was so tired
6289484 CF-4205362 Installation/Config: PMT Installer Allow External Elastic Search A nice feature of PMT would be to allow us to use our own Elastic Search instance. The benefits here would be to leverage existing infrastructure and also require less resources on the monitoring server.
2600186 CF-3039297 Administrator : Administrator Console CF Searching Bug 78823:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot clear/remove the OpenOffice Directory from ColdFusion Administrator screenThere does not seem to be a way to clear the OpenOffice Directory value from the CF Administrator screen once
"Connected to ElasticSearch" and "Monitoring Enabled" (good) 2) In services.msc, stop PMT and PMT Datastore services 3) Refresh CF Admin's "Performance Monitoring Toolset" page Actual Result: "Connected to ElasticSearch" and "Monitoring Enabled" still have green checkmarks Expected Result: "Connected
2608292 CF-4135460 External U. Hi Nimit/Adobe, +1 to Mary Jo's statement/request. Bugbase's search form doesn't work properly wrt Fixed In Build. I've just filed 4150968 for the same. Currently, only THREE tickets are returned when searching for tickets Closed/Fixed in CF2016. And searching "CF11
.adobe.coldfusion.query();q.setDatasource("cfartgallery");q.setSQL("select * from art where artname like :search or description like :search ");q.addParam(name="search", value="s", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");results = q.execute();writeDump(results); Result: The SQL specified in the query select * from art where artname like :search or description like :search .You can use add
2600207 CF-3039275 Language : CF Component CF Searching Bug 78777:(Watson Migration Closure)[wishlist] CFCProxy was an enterprise only feature in previous versions Problem: [wishlist] CFCProxy was an enterprise only feature in previous versions. Are there any changes to this restriction in CF9
2672120 CF-4197642 API Manager : Monitoring and Analytics ext-user Analytics UI: A wrong query search makes the search box unusable. Problem: A wrong query search makes the search box unusable. Method: 1) go to analytics page 2) search a wrong query in the query box. 3) refresh the page. 4) the UI
4216882 CF-4202013 PMT : UI [ANeff] Bug for: CF Admin PMT wording Here are some suggestions for CF Admin's PMT page: Suggestion 1: In the "ElasticSearch Host" description, change "the host on which" to "the host/IP on which" (to match same wording in the "ColdFusion Host" description
2600157 CF-3039329 Language : Tags CF Searching Bug 78868:[cfmediaplayer] Style colors change to black when ## signs are usedApplies to: "style" properties: titletextcolor, titlebgcolor, controlscolor, etcetera Problem: [cfmediaplayer] Style colors change to black when ## signs are used
2600235 CF-3039247 Documentation : General CF Searching Bug 78726:ArrayContains() performs a case sensitive comparison of String values Problem: ArrayContains() performs a case sensitive comparison of String values. This should be mentioned in the documentation. Method: string found
2613698 CF-3183856 REST Services Ben Dalton ORM Search XML Serialization Issue Duplicate ID: CF-3183868 Problem Description: When using the RESTful API support, returning a ORM Search result fails to serialize via XML. Steps to Reproduce: Create simple, indexed, ORM entity. Create restful
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
3992246 CF-4201203 Language : Functions Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayFindAllNoCase() not constrained to string searches Issue: ArrayFindNoCase() was updated per CF-3316776 to be constrained to string searches to match behavior of ArrayContainsNoCase() and ArrayDeleteNoCase(). Same should
4404403 CF-4202648 Text Search : Solr Integration CF admin UI Solr collections : collection settings are not retained Problem: CF admin UI  Solr collections : collection settings are not retained Method: #1. cf admin> coldfusion collections> #2. create a collection. #3. click on the colleciton
6138303 CF-4205066 Suchika S. Hi Aaron , We removed searching of complex objects back in Cf 2016 and have not got any request to get it back . Also , for searches like these we introduced the support of callbacks with all ArrayFind* , ArrayContains* & ArrayDelete* functions. Developers could use
4468915 CF-4202901 Suchika S. ArrayFindNocase would only search for strings,number and boolean. This was changed as part of bug :  [] We will fix ArrayFindAllNoCase to only search for strings,number and boolean. This will maintain consistency.
2609912 CF-3744955 Aaron N. Hi Tim, Nice find. IMO, CF should search import paths before searching for components in the same directory. So, IMO, you found a bug. But I'm interested to hear Adobe's explanation. Adobe, could you please explain? Should a bug be filed? Thanks!, -Aaron
Charlie Arehart Finding the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) for your installed CF version Do you know how to quickly and easily find the EULA (End User Licensing Agreement) for your installed ColdFusion version? Sure, you can search for one online, but did you know it’s actually available
2608129 CF-4185354 Text Search : Solr Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CF Admin "Enable Term Highlighting" issues There are a couple of issues w/ CF Admin's "Enable Term Highlighting" feature: 1) The setting only affects the "standard" requestHandler, but not the "dismax" requestHandler, in solrconfig
4467022 CF-4202893 Aaron N. Hi Vamsee, You've very welcome! It's minor, but still unfortunate, that CF Admin will forevermore pay homage to PMS. A search&replace for "pms"=>"pmt" wouldn't resolve this? The characters 'p'+'m'+'s' aren't often found joined together like that.. Thanks!, -Aaron
2609791 CF-3770905 Piyush K. tried this on 2 different platforms: Win7x64 and Win 2013 R2. size of the collections is the same in both the cases (1,595kb) with the 4 PDFs used. test case: search result... done...
2612189 CF-3546959 External U. UPDATE! This issue is now logged with a reproducible test case in bug xmlSearch() has not been thread safe for since CF8!!!
2603771 CF-3035212 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 71980:If the OS is OSX, the CF Admin should pre-select Lucene as the collection type Problem: If the OS is OSX, the CF Admin should pre-select Lucene as the collection type. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson
[ANeff] Bug for: typo in CF Admin's collection deletion error
2612166 CF-3551492 Text Search Michael Bleyer The search needs a faceted drill-down option Your search on needs a faceted drill down option by product at least, and maybe other facets - really really really urgently. The way it currently
2597661 CF-3043022 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 85496:(Watson Migration Closure)If you search against 2 collections, the results are not ranked by score - but by collection Problem: If you search against 2 collections, the results are not ranked by score - but by collection. This means
2617179 CF-3709024 AJAX Jeff Cookle ExtJS Updates - ColdFusion.Grid.refresh not working like it did in CF 9, and 10 Problem Description: We use CFGrids and have search options for a user to change the data that appears in the grid. The users enters the search info and we do a Cold
2608145 CF-4182180 Server Manager Henry Ho Cannot setup start/stop @ CF Server Manager with standalone Tomcat Problem Description: "Search for the string, org
2609791 CF-3770905 Text Search : Solr Ling Lin CF 10 and CF 11 - ColdFusion Collections unable to index pdfs consistently Problem: If you create ColdFusion Collections in CF 10 or CF 11 admin and index them for .pdf files located anywhere, you will get inconsistent results for the same set of pdfs
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
2611010 CF-3652284 Text Search Raymond Camden Disxmax type not working If you use type="dismax" in cfsearch, you won't get an error, but the standard search is used. You can see this yourself if you check the logs and compare a standard search versus dismax
2599724 CF-3039787 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 79600:Tried this search, and got the error shown before: Method: Result: Index: 1, Size: 1 ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3039787 External Customer Info: External
2612189 CF-3546959 External U. Intermittent down time. Issue isolated to medium size XML file and XmlSearch 'hanging'.
2596879 CF-3517341 Uday O. Can we have repro code and the files which are being indexed/searched. And if there were any exceptions thrown (check logs)
2612864 CF-3377581 General Server Mikel Goicoechea XmlSearch No Longer Supports No-Name Namespace Problem Description: XmlSearch() used to accept search paths such as this: "/:Something/:SomethingElse Steps to Reproduce: See code snippet in note Actual Result: error Expected Result: text from
2612189 CF-3546959 External U. We have also run into this bug in xmlSearch() - also on CF 10 Update 12 and JVM 1.7 as well as JVM 1.6; Errormessage is mostly: Expression: Unable to process the result of the XMLSearch for ''.
2609018 CF-3946143 External U. I'm getting this error too Cache iSearch-BFS already exists CF11 update 7 Win 2012 x64
2598797 CF-3040933 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 82077:CFPDF - rotation produces blank/distorted pagesUsing the rotation attribute with pdf's created by CFDocument and OpenOffice 3 seems to produce blank/distored pages Problem: CFPDF - rotation produces blank
2598815 CF-3040911 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 82020:CFPDF - Rotation works in opposite direction expectedWhen using CFPDF action="transform" with rotation, the pages are rotated counterclockwise instead of the expected clockwise direction Problem: CFPDF - Rotation
2599981 CF-3039515 Administrator : Administrator Console CF Searching Bug 79224:When disabling runtime permissions, the wrong item is moved to the disabled list the first time a Sandbox is added Problem: When disabling runtime permissions, the wrong item is moved to the disabled list the first
2600219 CF-3039263 Document Management : PDF manipulation CF Searching Bug 78757:The documentation states that when foreground="true" the watermark appears in the background (behind the page content) Problem: The documentation states that when foreground="true" the watermark appears
4122182 CF-4201700 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: ormSearchOffline typo Issue: In ormSearchOffline()'s Returns section, "scorebeing" should be "score being" (missing space). Related URL:
6138303 CF-4205066 Language : Functions [ANeff] ER for: Allow Array NoCase functions to search for any object case-insensitively This ER is to allow Array NoCase functions to search for any object case-insensitively. History: CF-3316776 was fixed incorrectly, IMO. Searching for complex objects
search button that allows users to type and get auto suggest options- For example typing Form would bring up anything in out links database that has the word form in it. This works perfectly on CF9, on CF11 it works ( no errors) except for the query only pulls based on the first letter typed For Example
2602322 CF-3036983 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 74074:When using startrow and maxrows in a Solr search, the result structure's FOUND key doesn't return the total number of search results Problem: When using startrow and maxrows in a Solr search, the result structure's FOUND key doesn
2603740 CF-3035251 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 72018:If you search for a collection and mispell the name, instead of being told 'This collection doesn't exist', you get told: Unable to connect to the ColdFusion Search service Problem: If you search for a collection and mispell the name
am NOT referring to the other CF "downloads" page, which IS up to date: But since both come up as the top 2 in a Google search for: coldfusion downloads, it really ought to be updated (or removed).
2609018 CF-3946143 External U. I'm getting this error too Cache iSearch-BFS already exists
2614255 CF-3123145 External U. We are just beginning to migrate our application searches to Solr and found very fustrating that this bug is still alive.
2599644 CF-3039871 ORM Support Andrew Powell Bug 79706:(Watson Migration Closure)Integrate Hibernate Search into ORM functionality Problem: Integrate Hibernate Search into ORM functionality. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. Critical to have as part of CF11 install. I've searched for hours before finding this and had thousands of errors before I changed these files.
2671906 CF-4198012 API Manager : Consumer Portal ext-user [Suscriber Portal] Input search textbox not working in MyAPIs Problem: Method: Steps to repro: 1. Login to Suscriber portal 2. Suscribe the multiple api 3. Go to My API --> search api Result: Input search textbox not working in My
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
2608335 CF-4119914 Nimit S. Brian, Please provide the information mentioned below: 1. Both CF9 and CF11U7 are pointing to the same database server. 2. Execute the code given below on the both CF servers and share the output details SELECT PageName FROM dbo.links WHERE UPPER(PageName) LIKE UPPER('
2609060 CF-3940374 External U. +1 - Same typo in multiple files, even after fixing CF-3342991? I'd just search the entire code base and replace all Hanlder w/ Handler.
2597054 CF-3150840 External U. When searching for this error I also found this:
2600140 CF-3039347 Administrator : Administrator Console Joseph DeVore Bug 78905:In the examples we're searching for the word ROAM Problem: In the examples we're searching for the word ROAM. In the example code it shows the keywords +Java +Programming. I don't think that's correct.Alternate way
2597660 CF-3043023 Text Search : Solr Raymond Camden Bug 85497:If you search against N collections and use MAXROWS, the MAXROWS applies per collection Duplicate ID: CF-3042125 Problem: If you search against N collections and use MAXROWS, the MAXROWS applies per collection. So you can get more
2600142 CF-3039345 Documentation : General CF Searching Bug 78903:Documention Errors for Array Functions:1 Problem: Documention Errors for Array Functions:1. All pages that display a summary of the available Array Functions are missing the new CF9 functions (ArrayContains, ArrayFind, etcetera
4463872 CF-4202880 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfsearch doc says criteria is case-sensitive Issue: cfsearch doc says criteria is case-sensitive As confirmed by Piyush and Pavan (and I see the same as well), criteria is not case-sensitive. Good. So, doc just needs changed. Current
2613443 CF-3316760 Adobe D. String search in arrayContains is case sensitive, but in this case the element to search is a struct object. In case of a struct object comparison would pass or return true. Try this: Equals. Here the condition - objectEquals(str1,str2) would return true. (Comment
6277325 CF-4205342 Jack D. Component: Text Search : Solr Integration is clearly NOT correct. Don't even know how that got there. That's not what I chose.
3322599 CF-4199244 Terry F. Note that a search indicates that this has been an unresolved issue since CF11: Another web search indicates that this is also an issue that hits a lot of Tomcat users:
6277325 CF-4205342 Text Search : Solr Integration CFINDEX action="status" not working in CF2016 or CF11 Problem Description: Attempting to check the status of a SOLR collection does not work. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: This results in an error: "Variable SINFO is undefined." Expected
2612254 CF-3534476 External U. Regarding my comment in my vote: That's only true if the array doesn't contain the function that's being searched for. Basically, if the second parameter is a function, ArrayFind()/ArrayFindAll() executes the function for each element in the array and Array
2673654 CF-4119653 External U. NB, the new searchImplicitScopes setting does not influence this behavior.
2613451 CF-3315068 External U. And the cfscript versions (collection/index/search) should also be documented on these pages: - -
2613697 CF-3183868 REST Services Ben Dalton ORM Search Serialization Issue Problem Description: This may or may not be tied to ORM Search or the REST support. If I conduct an ORM search inside a REST handler/listener, if I want to return an array of the entities and not the entire ORM search
Charlie Arehart Did you know there’s far more to the CF docs than just the CFML Reference? Are you making full use of the ColdFusion documentation? I see many people labor and suffer in their use of ColdFusion (or failing to take full advantage of it) because they tend to use search engines like
2613429 CF-3317598 Text Search Rob Sherman xmlsearch() not supporting xpath1.0 namespace alias Problem Description: When you have an xml doc with a namespace the old xpath1.0 xmlsearch using xpath syntax "//:nodename" now throws an error. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Sample xml
2610089 CF-3731425 Suchika S. The case reported in this bug works when the flag this.searchImplicitScopes is set to false. The flag was introduced in CF 2016. Hence closing this bug.
4468466 CF-4202903 Suchika S. ArrayFindNocase would only search for strings,number and boolean. This was changed as part of bug :  [] We will fix ArrayFindAllNoCase to only search for strings,number and boolean. This will maintain consistency
2613539 CF-3284123 Language Scott Stroz RegEx search for structKeyExists It would be cool if structKeyExists() could test against a regular expression. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3284123 External Customer Info: External
Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header
Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
3091324 CF-4198668 Matthew H. This was marked as a duplicate, but the bug cited in the comment above ( CF-4198589 ) does not come up when I search. Can you please tell me how to follow the progress on this bug.