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CF Objective 2017 Links and Wrap Ups
CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object
CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by Piyush K.
Unable to instatiate object for using CF Webchart feature
Comment on CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row by External U.
CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object
Tracker Issue CF -> Java Lambdas
4014007 CF-4201310 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano CF -> Java Lambdas Doing modern Java integration sucks at this point with CFML. No easy way to class load dynamically, extend java objects and implement java objects from CFCs. Please look at my other tickets on extending java classess
Comment on Unable to instatiate object for using CF Webchart feature by Adobe D.
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by H_kumar
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by lscherr
2609183 CF-3915081 File Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CF caches S3 metadata Duplicate ID: CF-3226380 CF caches S3 metadata Steps to reproduce: 1) run writeDump(storeGetMetadata("s3://mybucket/file.txt")) 2) add/edit/delete any of the object's metadata 3) run write
2608722 CF-4017604 Web Services : Axis 2 Abram Adams Web Services not listed in CF Admin - cannot delete Problem Description: When using createObject("webservice"...) to connect to a wsdl and consume the web service the CF Admin used to list these urls in the "Data & Services > Web Services
2609004 CF-3948955 Web Services : Axis 2 Kevin Benore Empty Query Improperly Displaying in WebServices in CF 11 Problem Description: Empty queries on Axis 2 for BOTH CF 10/CF 11 comes back as a QueryBean object instead of empty query (as it does with Axis 1). Queries with results come back
were asking “is ColdFusion dead?” Muracon 2017 Adobe ColdFusion Government Summit IntoTheBox 2017 ColdFusion Conference cf.Objective 2017 NCDevCon CFCamp 2017 Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2017 ColdFusion webinars Confirmed conferences for 2018 Confirmed conferences for 2018 So far […] The post Which CF
Comment on Error instantiating a COM Object - CF10 by External U.
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by lscherr
Comment on ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject not returning object in cf11 update 12 by Vamseekrishna N.
2616149 CF-3040504 External U. Even just using the following code will throw the error. function FileDateCreated(path) { var returnValue = ''; var FileSystemObject = CreateObject('COM', 'Scripting.FileSystemObject'); var GetFile = ''; if(FileExists(path)) { Get
3557837 CF-4199892 Dattanand M. @Aaron This is an expected behavior as an object as an argument works like a call by reference . For primary data types and string, it works as call by value, just like java.    
Comment on CF arrays no longer accepted by Java objects requiring arguments of type java.util.Vector by HariKrishna K.
Error instantiating a COM Object - CF10
Comment on The CF10 script query object adds spaces in quotes by External U.
2609154 CF-3919057 Milan C. The service is still working in axis1, probably it has to do something with the compatibility between axis1 and axis2 As a workaround, user can pass wsversion=1 in arguments while creating webservice object. obj = createObject("webservice", "accessiblewsdl", {wsversion
ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject not returning object in cf11 update 12
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by Charlie Arehart
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by Piyush K.
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by LOUIS S.
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by Dave Watts
Bug 83497:(Watson Migration Closure)Modify ArrayNew() to take a native java array and return a CF array:for( var i in arrayNew(object
3557837 CF-4199892 Aaron N. Hello? Date-time objects are simple values. Simple values pass by value. https
-requested module) use the target of the symlink. This inconsistent handling of symlinks is seen both at the Java level (stack trace available via exception object) and in a dumped CF exception (these steps use a simple exception to demonstrate the problem) For our application, this is critical, since we
Comment on Bug 83497:(Watson Migration Closure)Modify ArrayNew() to take a native java array and return a CF array:for( var i in arrayNew(object by External U.
Comment on CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row by External U.
Bug 85247:It would be nice if CF had a built-in function called Null() or None() which would return a special object (like struct/array) that can be used
5065022 CF-4203450 Piyush K. Chris, I've tried running the attached test code on CF2016 u12 and CF2018 u7 (on win x64). I can see the memory used by CF process getting reclaimed by the OS. I am using the default CF caching ehCahce with CF's objectLoad and objectSave (not your custom object
2608722 CF-4017604 External U. How is one supposed to "refresh" these webservices that are created via creatObject? The only way I've been able to is to delete the contents of the cfusion/stubs/ folder and restart CF. If this is by design, it's a bad one.
5065022 CF-4203450 Core Runtime,Performance ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak setting requesttimeout=600; function testObjectLoadSave() { var itemCount = 1000; var thingMap = {}; for (var i=0; i
3557837 CF-4199892 Aaron N. Hi Dattanand, Simple values, like date-time objects, must pass by value? Please see: https
2613606 CF-3206511 Adobe D. Bug verified. Exception : Object [object Object] has no method 'strobemediaplaybackhtml5' at cfmediaplayer_wrapper.js:343 (Comment added from ex-user id:vnigam) at at at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTag( at cfprocessaddserver2ecfm69052581._factor17(C:\work\cf9
2608387 CF-4104246 Immanuel N. James, I raised another bug, CF-4179264, to track reported inconsistencies in isPDFObject() For the rest of the cases, isObject returns NO. isObject returns True/YES only for ColdFusion objects.
2608722 CF-4017604 Akhila K. With latest versions of ColdFusion, web services created using createObject do not get added dynamically to administrator. This is as per design and got introduced with latest Axis framework addition to server. Thanks, Akhila.
Bug 87251:-(Watson Migration Closure)I'm running CF 9
2608886 CF-3971067 External U. Further questions: If the exception object is not a "Map", what is it? What is the business reason for using a different object type for exceptions than other structures?
2613519 CF-3299625 Rupesh K. Added a method IsFileObject(fileObj) which will check if the object passed is the fileStream object that you get upon calling FileOpen().
XML Webservices not working on CF 10
Comment on ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject not returning object in cf11 update 12 by Sridharan R.
2608385 CF-4104564 External U. I tried using spreadsheetNew().getClass().getMethods() to find all of a spreadsheet object's member functions. I called .getName() on each result, but not all of the member functions are listed. I hope this ER is considered for Aether. Adam's idea for a CFML object w
Comment on An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object on CF9.02 32 bit & Win 64 bit OS by Piyush K.
2608559 CF-4064813 External U. +1 - Thanks, Preethi, for filing this. It should also be documented that "Object" is the default type.
2608510 CF-4073770 Vamseekrishna N. We will be adding map and reduce member functions on query object as part of #CF-3713323
Bug 87144:-(Watson Migration Closure)document the now undocument getTime() method on cf datetime objects & make it official
some investigation at our end and the behavior is exactly as you say. However it seems that it is not an onCFCRequest issue but a general issue with serializing throwable CF objects.When any request is thrown from event handler functions like onrequest() et al, we wrap it with Event handler exception
2608387 CF-4104246 External U. Can the title please be changed to: [ANeff] Bug for: isObject(image) and isObject(spreadsheet) and isObject(file) return YES Updated repro which shows isObject() returns YES for a file object: cfhtmltopdf(name="myPDF") {writeOutput("foo");}; myQuery = query
2612231 CF-3536920 Core Runtime John Bartlett A query object with a column type "object" becomes column type "longvarchar" after being converted to WDDX and back Problem Description: Creating a query with a column of type "object" does not stay "object" if converted to WDDX and back. Adding a new
2608387 CF-4104246 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: isObject(image) and isObject(spreadsheet) and isObject(file) return YES isObject(image) and isObject(spreadsheet) returns YES Repro: cfhtmltopdf(name="myPDF") {writeOutput("foo");}; myQuery = queryNew("myColumn"); myXML = xml
2611760 CF-3594771 External U. This is a feature that I would find useful, especially pushing functions into an object's metadata.
Comment on CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object by lscherr
2601243 CF-3038171 Language Elliott Sprehn Bug 76508:(Watson Migration Closure)Add objectCreate(path) as an alias for createObject("component",path) Problem: Add objectCreate(path) as an alias for createObject("component",path). Currently a new form of createObject() was added that has a single
2611754 CF-3595899 Rupesh K. createObject does not initialize the object - it just loads the class. It is your responsibility to do that by calling init method.
2608559 CF-4064813 Documentation ext-user Need to document Timestamp and Object, for the columntypelist. Related Bugs: CF-3929913 - Similar to Problem: Need to document Timestamp and Object, for the columntypelist. Method: Result: Expected: Workaround
3866898 CF-4200656 Language : Functions Daniel Roberts Objects with property defaults defined do not serialize properly Problem Description: We have a web service that our clients hit either through SOAP or basic HTTP with XML or JSON response formats. We have built many response components
3821566 CF-4200440 Language : Java Serialization Tyler Clendenin ObjectSave: Object passed is not serializable coldfusion.runtime.Variable Problem Description: When I use a function I get the error Error occurred while performing ObjectSave: Object
2608071 CF-4197019 Jonas M. I've done some further testing and research. DataDirect article 000070365 "With the Connect for JDBC Oracle driver, an exception occurs: SQLException: "Object has been closed" when reading a row from a table that has an XMLType column" (
conference in Europe. Today, we will be talking about ORM–or Object Relational Mapping. Often dubbed as the “Vietnam of Computer Science” due to its seemingly endless complexities, ORM can be a topic of debate among CF’ers. ORM is not devoid of benefit, however. There […] The post CF Camp 2018: Madness
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: isObject(image) and isObject(spreadsheet) and isObject(file) return YES by Immanuel N.
5846717 CF-4204512 Language CF Elvis Operator does not function as defined. Problem Description: Definition of Elvis from Adobe documentation "In an expression, if the resultant value is not defined, then the object will be assigned to the left most part of the expression otherwise a default value
2608162 CF-4175902 External U. If that's the case, please update the doc as it sort of implies it will "disable verifying an object that implements the right interface" including on object instantiation. Thanks.
2613441 CF-3316776 External U. Sorry, here's Object.cfc (it's used in the test code above. component { public Object function init(value){ variables.value = arguments.value; this.value = variables.value; return this; } }
2602354 CF-3036949 Adobe D. Hibernate automatically checks if the object is dirty and saves it only if needed. Even if user calls EntitySave() on an object without caring if it needs to be saved, hibernate will anyway check it and no extra call will go to the DB. For the use case that the user has
Comment on CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row by Himavanth R.
2596942 CF-3334174 External U. Calling a function f that is part of an interface with f(argumentcollection=args) .. will invoke: public final Object _invoke(Object instance, String methodName, Map args) instead of: public final Object _invoke(Object instance, String methodName, Object args
2608385 CF-4104564 External U. Just noting I like [url=]Adam's suggestion[/url] of a CFML object w/ methods. Thanks!, -Aaron
CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row
5065022 CF-4203450 Dave D. ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak Using ColdFusion 2016 Update 7. Running jdk1.8.0_172.We were caching components in ehCache (in-process) without any issues. We recently started using Redis for some of our caches. We were able
2609104 CF-3929913 Himavanth R. Aaron, You are right. Object type is treated as java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT. You should be able to view the other bug now.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CF rewrites file://host as file:////host by Adobe D.
2610279 CF-3713323 Immanuel N. The scope of this bug is limited to inclusion of each() and filter() methods for query objects. Support for map, reduce and sort will be addressed in bug CF-3863003.
Comment on CF9 Query of Queries on CF10 Query object only returns the first row by Adobe D.
2673638 CF-4120119 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: deadlocks Duplicate ID: CF-4126642 Calling the following code creates a deadlock in CF2016 but doesn't in CF11: function getObjectFromCache(id) { var result=""; lock name="" type="exclusive" timeout=10
CF 2016 - Query Caching Issue - cfstoredprocprocedure
circumstances. We have nightly processes that loop through thousands of LDAP objects and something is causing CFLDAP to stop working under this load. It is completely random, but CF does require a service restart to fix it. We have three CF 2016 servers processing this workload and they all fail at random
2603286 CF-3035798 External U. does make sense when parent-object killed from cache then child-objects also be cleared
2609537 CF-3835743 ORM Support : ORM Search ext-user ORM: Exception while deserializing persistent object Calling ObjectLoad function to get the persistent object saved in a file throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException exception. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2672895 CF-4157939 External U. Additional wishlist: * Real exception objects, so that you can write: throw new com.application.MyException();
2608886 CF-3971067 Awdhesh K. While Calling structKeyExists(), Coldfusion explicitly convert an exceptopn object to Map. Same can't be done in for member function call. For member function, the object has to be an instance of Map object.
Bug 80973:COM Interoperability with CF on 64 bit Windows throws 32 bit dll error
2602676 CF-3036592 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting João Fernandes Bug 73497:[Flex] CF Deserializer doesn't handle circular references and throws an error Problem: [Flex] CF Deserializer doesn't handle circular references and throws an error. If you try to send a ObjectA with Many Objects B and if one
2673612 CF-4121949 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: managing complex objects says: -------------------------------------------- Managing complex
5747630 CF-4204401 Language structCopy cannot be used on exception object Problem Description: structCopy cannot be used on exception object Steps to Reproduce: var getNull = function(){}; try { foo = createObject( 'java', '' ).init( getNull() ); } catch( any e ) { e = structCopy( e
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CF10 vs CF11 wrt cacheGetAllIDs() for query objects by Rupesh K.
The CF10 script query object adds spaces in quotes
CFDOCUMENT not working while enabling Windows authentication IIS 7 and CF 901
CF 9.0.2 - deleteAuthorizedUser method was not found.
6643049 CF-4206551 Documentation Description of cacheRemove ("Removes an object from the cache") is incorrect Problem Description: As from ColdFusion 11, the cacheRemove's id argument may be an array. Each array item may represent an object to be removed from cache. Therefore the description