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Tracker Issue Interfaces are whack
2596834 CF-3594182 Language Adam Cameron Interfaces are whack TBH, just read this: There's repro code in there, and an explanation of what's going wrong. Have not been able to work out WHY it's going wrong though
2609666 CF-3811279 Administrator ext-user CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3811279 External Customer Info: External Company
2596834 CF-3594182 Rupesh K. Thanks Adam for such an in-depth analysis. We need to revisit interfaces but not for CF 11. Deferring it to the next release.
3075454 CF-4198611 Performance Jonas Meller Interfaces are still slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I was using the sampler in Java VisualVM to analyze the performance of our application and noticed that a lot of time
2596942 CF-3334174 Performance KlaasJan Winkel Interfaces are slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) Problem Description: At each function call, coldfusion checks if the interface is implemented correctly, it checks if the interfaces files have
2596942 CF-3334174 External U. Calling a function f that is part of an interface with f(argumentcollection=args) .. will invoke: public final Object _invoke(Object instance, String methodName, Map args) instead of: public final Object _invoke(Object instance, String methodName, Object args
2596942 CF-3334174 External U. Made a proof of concept, discovered that it ONLY happens when calling the interface function with argumentcollection: interfacedFunction(argumentCollection=s) it will be ok if explicitly called: interfacedFunction(s.a,s.b)
2596942 CF-3334174 External U. I can't believe this is not going to be fixed in Coldfusion Splendor. I know a company that spend a week removing interfaces from cfc's because of the performance problem, this company has a lot of sites and is a major customer of Adobe.
2596942 CF-3334174 External U. I remember i tried, but just to be sure i tried again with Cache Template in request enabled. This does not make a difference. calling an interfaced function on a cfc with NAMED arguments is a factor 3000 slower - f(argumentcollection=s) f(a=1,b=2) are slow. - f(1
Comment on CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces by External U.
Comment on Interfaces are slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) by Awdhesh K.
Comment on CFCExplorer not working for ColdFusion Interfaces by Nimit S.
Comment on Interfaces are slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) by External U.
Comment on Interfaces are still slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) by Bradley W.
Comment on Interfaces are slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) by Nimit S.
4147513 CF-4201768 Vijay M. Java8 introduced the support for having static methods in interface. CF today doesn't support invoking java interface methods. This will be an ER.
Tracker Issue CF -> Java Lambdas
CF -> Java Lambdas
Bug 77762:(Watson Migration Closure)Please provide interfaces to implement when creating custom implementations of gateways included with CF
5284704 CF-4203968 Matt G. This is a big issue that blocks the use of stream interfaces with ACF. Please fix.
Bug 75114:(Watson Migration Closure)The Java classes and interfaces implementing the CF core types should be documented
4607226 CF-4203134 Suchika S. Hi Brad, We have made changes in Interface checks because of the feature "Default Functions in Interfaces" that was introduced in CF 2018 . Please give us a simple repro case .We will check  at our end to see if it can be fixed or not. Thanks, Suchika    
2599336 CF-3040316 Language : CF Interfaces Henry Ho Bug 80395:(Watson Migration Closure)Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder Problem: Interface with non-fully-qualified name is not implementable by CFC in a different folder. Method: see \\10
2599735 CF-3039775 Language : CF Interfaces Micky Dionisio Bug 79584:If a concrete class is using automatic getters/setters via cfproperty/property and that class is implementing an interface that specifies a get and set for that property, it throws an exception Problem: If a concrete class
2612313 CF-3527009 External U. For us not implementing interfaces resolved the issue. And it is also a performance fix, since the check if a component complies to the interface is normally checked for all requests.
2598049 CF-3041802 Language : CF Interfaces Adam Cameron Bug 83649:Summary: CFINTERFACE should not care about the OUTPUT attributeCFINTERFACE enforces its methods' OUTPUT attribute, ie: if the interface specifies an OUTPUT attribute value, then the implementing metho Problem: Summary: CFINTERFACE
2609049 CF-3941525 External U. Also see
2612092 CF-3558899 Language Adam Cameron Covariance in CFML data types with interface contracts Extracted from [...] I think when there's situations in which the type "any" is specified in an interface
Comment on Bug 75114:(Watson Migration Closure)The Java classes and interfaces implementing the CF core types should be documented by External U.
2608162 CF-4175902 External U. If that's the case, please update the doc as it sort of implies it will "disable verifying an object that implements the right interface" including on object instantiation. Thanks.
4147513 CF-4201768 Vijay M. Not a Bug. The java artifacts ( and in the example mentioned in the bug are interfaces. You can't create an object of an interface or abstract class.
2603276 CF-3035809 External U. using a datasource/webserive/gateway kind of listing and adding interface, multiple intems would be perfect as we use diffferent connection strings for different access to different systems. I've seen a few instances where one readonly account and one write account
2597680 CF-3042970 Language : Datastructure Ting-hin SHUM Bug 85367:(Watson Migration Closure)System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface" Problem: System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface".CFSET are ok in some scenarios.Keys other than "interface
4607226 CF-4203134 Sean C. When interfaces were introduced, you insisted on NOT doing runtime checks for performance reasons. Now you've added a Java feature that no one asked for and added runtime checking and broken a widely used framework.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on Three-way comparison operator ( <=> ) & Comparable interface by External U.
Comment on Three-way comparison operator ( <=> ) & Comparable interface by External U.
Comment on Expose the interfaces that dictate built-in types by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Expose the interfaces that dictate built-in types by External U.
Comment on Interface restrictions too rigid regarding optional arguments by External U.
Comment on Interface restrictions too rigid regarding optional arguments by External U.
2613071 CF-3347145 External U. Just upgraded to CF10 on an eCommerce site and this bug breaks the Authorize.NET interface. Authorize.NET requires a UTC timestamp and their sample code returns local time instead.
2599336 CF-3040316 External U. This occurs for me as well. E.g.: files laid out like so: {webroot}/{approot}/IConvertable.cfc {webroot}/{approot}/subfolder/Converter.cfc -- the Converter component cannot implement the IConvertable interface unless it uses the entire webroot path up
API docs for interfaces broken in CF11
2608752 CF-4010512 Language Adam Cameron Three-way comparison operator ( ) & Comparable interface From Also add a Comparable interface which CFCs can implement to allow
2613869 CF-3154883 External U. Repro: index.cfm ----------- (basically, just create any task) MyCFC.cfc ----------- W/in any method, run the same code above. exception said: ________________________________________ Error: Eventhandler does not implement required interface ________________________________________
2609879 CF-3753750 Himavanth R. ORM Application event handlers that implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler will fail with the error "CFC xxxx does not implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler." Users will have to add two new functions preFlush and postFlush to their event handlers.
2599443 CF-3040186 Language : CF Interfaces Steve Onnis Bug 80088:[CFFILEUPLOAD] "style" attribute does not do anything Problem: [CFFILEUPLOAD] "style" attribute does not do anything. I have tried putting the styles inline into the attribute and putting a path to a css file and nothing. Method
2609865 CF-3755230 ORM Support Giancarlo Gomez ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does Duplicate ID: CF-3753750 Problem Description: ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does Steps
2609866 CF-3755218 ORM Support Giancarlo Gomez ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does Duplicate ID: CF-3753750 Problem Description: ORM EventHandler is stating that it must implement interface cfide.orm.IEventHandler when it does Steps
2599336 CF-3040316 Adobe D. This looks like usage issue. Either relative path is specified in interface it should import the folder where User.cfc is present. Also in User.cfc returnUser method should either return fullyQualified name or relative nam( User). (Comment added from ex-user id:sandeepp)
2609049 CF-3941525 Language Adam Cameron Interface restrictions too rigid regarding optional arguments See: Given this interface: ~~~~ // IAdditionalOptional.cfc interface { public numeric function f(required numeric x
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by External U.
Comment on Expose the interfaces that dictate built-in types by External U.
Comment on Interface restrictions too rigid regarding optional arguments by External U.
Comment on Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox by Aaron N.
Comment on Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox by Jim P.
Comment on Calling methods on JDK 8 interfaces does not work by Peter F.
Comment on Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox by Sid W.
2609052 CF-3941304 External U. Same as with exceptions: just implement the same interface on queries. Simple. And what is the status of "open / totest" supposed to mean?
4607226 CF-4203134 Aaron N. Hi Suchika, This is possibly related to?: That's Adam's unanswered PR question that I duplicated into the Portal. If the behavior Adam and Brad see is new in Aether, then I agree backward
4607226 CF-4203134 Language Interface checks are now runtime and not at CFC creation, breaking TestBox Interfaces have always been checked at the time of the CFC creation, but 2018 appears to have a new runtime check which is causing a lot of issues. Frameworks like TestBox create runtime method
2608162 CF-4175902 Documentation Henry Ho "Disable CFC Type Check" does not "disables verifying an object that implements the right interface" Problem Description: According to the doc @ "Disable CFC
2608758 CF-4010490 Language Adam Cameron Expose the interfaces that dictate built-in types From Currently a struct function can only take an actual struct (well: it's some underlying Java class, but you get my point
2609865 CF-3755230 External U. Okay, this is what you posted in the notes. CF-3753750 - ORM application event handlers that implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler will fail with the error "CFC xxxx does not implement the interface CFIDE.orm.IEventHandler". You have to add two new functions
2608752 CF-4010512 External U. It should work with anything. It's the equivalent for compare() and dateCompare(), and fills that missing gap with numerics. If they also implemented a Comparable interface, one should then be able to use it with any object which implements Comparable. That's when
2598132 CF-3041704 External U. This makes close to unusable. One would normally create the interface between Sharepoint and the CF app via a CFC, and this bug really prevents using in a CFC. -- Adam
2609274 CF-3863003 External U. Oh, and there should also be a sort method too. Again, for parity with the other collections' iteration methods. All collection types should have the same "Iterable" interface, really (obviously not an *actual* interface, as the method signatures vary from type
2610279 CF-3713323 External U. Oh, and there should also be a sort method too. Again, for parity with the other collections' iteration methods. All collection types should have the same "Iterable" interface, really (obviously not an *actual* interface, as the method signatures vary from type
2612090 CF-3558908 Rupesh K. Currently CFC does not have the concept of abstract class. This needs to be considered & discussed along with other enhancement requests related to OO - such as dynamically implementing an interface by injecting methods in object etc. We will consider these together
2608886 CF-3971067 External U. Yeah that's a bullsh!t excuse, Awdhesh. don't convert anything, just implement the same struct interface on the exception class too. This is basic OO.
Fusion Component or Interface org.onflexwithcf.test3.event. Ensure that the name is correct and that the component or interface exists." 2 coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage$NoSuchTemplateException: Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface org.onflexwithcf.test3.event. 3 at coldfusion
2673658 CF-4119277 HariKrishna K. CLI doesn't render white spaces. Please go through the documentation for more information.
Bug 86958:I hit on the topic when I tried to port some Java code to CF
2612313 CF-3527009 External U. We are experiencing the same issues. Servers will run great and then stop resolving known good component paths on CreateObject calls. Will play with the idea of not having an interface, but that really blows.
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. I would propose using the existing perfmon interface for exposing these (and other) stats. That makes it possible to use standard Windows monitoring and alerting tools to manage CF servers, which is a big PLUS from an operational aspect.
2609054 CF-3940947 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron Dependency inject mixin to fulfil interface See: Given this: // I.cfc interface { function f(required numeric x); } and this: // functions.cfm function f
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on Revise API for member functions to use a "fluent interface" by Immanuel N.
2598229 CF-3041581 Administrator : Administrator Console Mitch Scimemi Bug 83128:Unable to archive log files from the Coldfusion Administrator 9 interface Problem: Unable to archive log files from the Coldfusion Administrator 9 interface. Screen refreshes but log file is not zeroed out
2612313 CF-3527009 External U. We have also occasionally encountered a java.lang.NullPointerException at coldfusion.runtime.InterfaceTemplateProxyCache.getTemplateProxyFromPath( in ColdFusion 10,0,12,286680. In our case it seems to have been caused by Max
to be uniform, Adobe. If structKeyExists() can take an Exception, then an Exception needs to also have a keyExists() method. CF shouldn't be coercing the types here; structKeyExists() should take an argument that is an implementation of SomeInterfaceWhichDefinesAStructsBehaviour (and both Structs and Exceptions
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.
Comment on make queries implement an array interface by External U.