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5013320 CF-4203415 Language : CF Component ColdFusion 2018 Component Inheritance failing with Sandbox Security enabled. Problem Description: Starting in ColdFusion 2018 we're showing that CF is no longer allowing individual applications to utilize component inheritance with Sandbox Security
5013336 CF-4203416 Language : CF Component ColdFusion 2018 Component Inheritance failing with Sandbox Security enabled. Problem Description: Starting in ColdFusion 2018 we're showing that CF is no longer allowing individual applications to utilize component inheritance with Sandbox Security
5065022 CF-4203450 Core Runtime,Performance ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak setting requesttimeout=600; function testObjectLoadSave() { var itemCount = 1000; var thingMap = {}; for (var i=0; i
2608411 CF-4100650 Core Runtime Jork Zijlstra Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 Problem Description: When creating an object (on a site hosted via apache 2.2) the fullName and name is a FQDN. Complete with the whole path When creating an object (on a site
5065022 CF-4203450 Dave D. ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak Using ColdFusion 2016 Update 7. Running jdk1.8.0_172.We were caching components in ehCache (in-process) without any issues. We recently started using Redis for some of our caches. We were able
2603223 CF-3035863 Language : Tags Raymond Camden Bug 72735:When you view a CFC in your browser, the server automatically runs the Component browser Problem: When you view a CFC in your browser, the server automatically runs the Component browser. This tool uses metadata of the CFC to generate
5065022 CF-4203450 Chris P. At this point, I'm pretty sure that the memory consumption is somehow caused by the implementation of CFCs. (I work with Dave. He is our CTO.) When I identified this problem earlier, I thought it was a problem with ObjectLoad(), specifically for components. I'm able
Comment on ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak by Piyush K.
Comment on ObjectLoad() Component Never Garbage Collects / ObjectLoad() = Memory Leak by Piyush K.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by External U.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by External U.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by External U.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by Immanuel N.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by Immanuel N.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by External U.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by External U.
Comment on Component fullName, and name is different between apache2.2 and apache2.4 by Immanuel N.
2851134 CF-4198337 Language : CF Component Mosh Teitelbaum setMetaData() for component properties There are currently CF functions to set the meta data (e.g., datatype) of specific struct keys and array items via the structSetMetaData() and array.setMetaData() functions. This is essential
2610278 CF-3713381 Administrator Rob Bilson CFCExplorer Shows CF 10 Branding Problem Description: When pulling up the CFCExplorer, the login page still shows CF 10 branding. Steps to Reproduce: Open a component in the component explorer: http://cf11-localhost
Error in .NET component beginning with CF 2016
2597058 CF-3143543 AJAX ashraf hasan CF 9.0.1 breaks AJAX Tag. Problem Description: After applying CF 9.0.1 patch the ajax tag breaks. The message says error invoking CFC /PIC/Components/PicProxy.cfc: WDDX packet parse error at line 1,column 1 Content is not allowed in prolog. Steps to Reproduce
2617008 CF-2894559 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute is not supported in CF 10. Problem: CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute does not work when : 1) fullscreencontrol=false and video is flash (i.e. control should not be visible but it is ) 2
2610678 CF-3687747 Language : CF Component Steven Neiland Baked in AOP for component request lifecycle Per my notes on this article create option before/after processing functions in the request lifecycle of a component method
2609760 CF-3782981 Charting/Graphing Steve Teraji Unable to instatiate object for using CF Webchart feature Problem Description: Getting this message: Object Instantiation Exception. Class not found: Here's a discussion on this problem. https
2609363 CF-3853569 AJAX : UI Components Chad Fenske CFContent tag working differently in CF 11 Problem Description: when using in CF11 it now removes all included js from the CFIDE/scripts folder that are included for built in ColdFusion UI tags like cfgrid, cfpod, etc. Steps to Reproduce: run
3559055 CF-4199905 Language Raymond Camden cfargument doesn't validate an array of components properly Given your cfargument uses a type of foo[], which means, an array of foo components, CF will only validate the very first item in the array, not the entire array. Documented in 2007: https
6798667 CF-4207162 Charlie A. I got a notification that this bug had been changed to component "security:sandbox". I disagree with that change. What i report is not a big in the feature, it is in the docs only. (I don't see the change appearing here yet, as it still says "component:" "Documentation
2598593 CF-3041158 Language : CF Component Randy Merrill Bug 82445:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot self-close components Problem: Cannot self-close components.When doing components that only extend another component they cannot currently be self-closing. Method: Result: Invalid CFML construct
Bug 78773:If security setting in IE7/8 are set to not allow ActiveX, user gets a prompt when using CF Ajax components
Bug 86445:-(Watson Migration Closure)For some reason CF seems unable to find Components which do actualy exist
2608806 CF-3989771 Kailash B. Its throwing 500 for cf10 too. The message shown is: "The method RemoteFunc1 was not found in component Testing.CF-3989771.called_file"
2608082 CF-4195914 Core Runtime Geoffrey Demoulin GetComponentMetadata incorrectly displaying parent components full name when using relative names Problem Description: When calling GetComponentMetadata on a component extending a parent component located in an other directory by referencing
2611669 CF-3602420 External U. There is too much overhead built in to default CF to continue to make it competitive (Flex engine, UI components) against other popular application engines. Without some compelling improvement selling CF in the enterprise will get more difficult.
5964450 CF-4204865 Language : CF Component CFComponent extends path is caching The extends attribute path of the CFComponent seems to be caching on the server level the first request being made. Instead of just creating an error for the requested application, every application that uses dot
2601425 CF-3037975 Language : CF Component Jon Hartmann Bug 76109:I was seeing how CF9 interacted with CF on Wheels 0 Problem: I was seeing how CF9 interacted with CF on Wheels 0.9, and as soon as I tried to open it I received an error. It seems that CF is mistaking a line of code for a component
2609363 CF-3853569 Piyush K. The test code attached with this test case works with Update 5, but the issue can still be observed with certain other scenarios and Ajax UI components. Thanks Chad, for reporting this.
2610694 CF-3685736 Frank J. See the updated doc here:
Bug 83764:If I create a one-to-one relationship in the mappedsuperclass component, CF is not able to generate DDL for table creation
2598088 CF-3041755 Suchika S. Fix tested TestCase Location: //depot/qa/cf/regression/coretests/components/invokeImplicitAccessor/invokeImplicitAccessor-true/accessors-true/CF-3041755/
Bug 77819:The problem I’m having is that component is a restricted keyword in CF script now, so if you have a structure created in CFScript that is passed through a function call and into as an attri
Bug 87107:-(Watson Migration Closure)1) Given two components in the same directory c:\somewhere\somedirectory\ and a mapping to that directory in CF ADmin: /somedir =c:\somewhere\some directory CFC1
2608741 CF-4013824 External U. To improve security this should be a separate component/application to the CF engine. The install location should be our choice.
2602047 CF-3037289 Language : CF Component marc esher Bug 75031:(Watson Migration Closure)This is an ER to request support for relative component paths Problem: This is an ER to request support for relative component paths. This would provide the ability to create objects from a location relative
2609814 CF-3761652 External U. This is RESOLVED. It turned out to be a period in the directory name where the component resides. It worked in CF8, but CF10 doesn't like it.
2598501 CF-3041265 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 82581:Component Cache setting breaks new operator and import statement Duplicate ID: CF-3040623 Problem: Component Cache setting breaks new operator and import statement. Wrong types are always returned. Method: [vmannebo 4
4935961 CF-4203365 Language : CF Component The cfinclude attribute runonce not working inside components Problem Description: The error message "Routines cannot be declared more than once" is being shown for a function that is included twice with runonce="true" specified both times. This problem
6638785 CF-4206542 Language : CF Component cannot call certain functions on a component Problem Description: We have in ColdBox a Base Test Case which has API testing capabilities. Basically it has several functions with the following names: get(), post(), put(), head(), options(). However, on a
4625828 CF-4203161 Toine V. Additional: using a network path for the component with the onServerStart method worked in CF2016.
Tracker Issue CFC type check broken
2845779 CF-4198335 Language : CF Component Jonas Meller CFC type check broken Problem Description: CFC type check seems to be broken. I have not checked "Disable CFC Type Check" in CF Administrator. Steps to Reproduce: Cat.cfc: Dog.cfc: Service.cfc: test.cfm: Actual Result
5828352 CF-4204492 Language : CF Component CFC - problem with component inheritance using a mapping Problem Description: ColdFusion can't find the component specified in "extends" attribute. Steps to Reproduce: Website - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\ Mobile website - C
2599703 CF-3039810 Language : CF Component Brett Suwyn Bug 79627:(Watson Migration Closure)currently if you want to return THIS from a function you have to specify the name of the component as the the returntype of the function Problem: currently if you want to return THIS from a function you
2608289 CF-4137849 Language : CF Component Henry Ho defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component") Duplicate ID: CF-4076193 Problem Description: with accessor=true, property default should be set and ready to go in Variables scope, but it is only true if the object
2596858 CF-3546237 HariKrishna K. Verified the fix in CF10 HF16, added test at //depot/qa/cf10/regression/coretests/components/functions/getmetadata/bugCF-3546237
2608442 CF-4093045 Core Runtime Jork Zijlstra Methods are overwritten by CF version with the same name Problem Description: When creating a (private) method named '_binary" in a component it causes a runtime exception "argumentNotFound" or IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch. Although
2600166 CF-3039319 Language : CF Component Nathan Strutz Bug 78853:Implicit getters and setters are turned off by default, and the only way to turn them on currently is via a setting in the CF Admin Problem: Implicit getters and setters are turned off by default, and the only way to turn them
2845235 CF-4198334 Language : CF Component Girish Kattil Date Column not getting sorted in ColdFusion cfgrid 10 Problem Description: Hi, We have a cfgrid populated from a database with date columns which is having the property mask="M/d/y" and type="date" .When we sort these colums they are getting
2614130 CF-3130900 Language : CF Component Aaron Neff tag that defines which variable to get/set. Example: This would get/set This way we can keep these variables separate from the rest of the variables scope. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2608746 CF-4012852 External U. As far as I know, none of the attributes on (cf)component are inherited and if you look at them, most of them wouldn't make any sense to inherit anyway (extends, inherits, nearly all of the ORM-related stuff). Since the vast majority don't make sense to inherit
2608085 CF-4195754 Language : CF Component,Scheduler Geoffrey Demoulin Cannot schedule tasks which event handler extend a component that inherits "CFIDE.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler" Problem Description: When adding a new application task, the task will generate an exception saying "Error
2611154 CF-3636794 Nimit S. Yes, casting to Time will result in the time component only.
2597842 CF-3042299 Language : CF Component Raymond Camden Bug 84445:(Watson Migration Closure)The Mail CFC that ships with CF to allow for script based mail operations has one simple attribute for the mail body: body Problem: The Mail CFC that ships with CF to allow for script based mail
2609160 CF-3917793 Nimit S. Hi Nando, I have been trying to repro this issue but unfortunately I am not experiencing this issue. Are you facing this issue with any CFM/CFC or is there any specific template/component ? Are you able to repro this issue consistently or is it intermittent? Share CF
thomasn38535197 Where do set the components directory How do I set up the components directory in the ColdFusion 2018 server? The post Where do set the components directory appeared first on ColdFusion. CF2018 Updates,ColdFusion 2018,Question,administrator,cf2018 updates,coldfusion 2018,question
2608488 CF-4078539 Language : CF Component Raymond Camden Calling an unknown remote method throws a NPE Build a CFC. Try to call method=X where X is *not* defined. In the past you got an error saying it wasn't a valid method. Now you get a NPE: java.lang.NullPointerException at coldfusion.filter.ComponentFilter.normalizeParamTypeForAjax(Component
2597922 CF-3041946 Language : CF Component marc esher Bug 83956:Using the new import keyword, I will frequently get errors when attempting to create two different components from the same package Problem: Using the new import keyword, I will frequently get errors when attempting to create two
Bug 87251:-(Watson Migration Closure)I'm running CF 9
2608666 CF-4028272 Web Container (Tomcat) Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CF duplicates IIS requests CF duplicates IIS requests. Steps to reproduce: Application.cfc: ---------------- component { = "ticket_CFDuplicatesIISRequests"; void function onRequest() { cfsetting
2614288 CF-3119366 Milan C. Thanks for providing the component. This is reproducible and we will try to fix it. Please also tell if I can use this component in my regression suite for future testing. Thanks.
4322443 CF-4202429 Language : Null Support Null cannot be used as a component name Problem Description: Null cannot be used as a component name Steps to Reproduce: foo = new Null()//coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException writeDump(foo) Actual Result: Variable undefined exception
2608442 CF-4093045 External U. When creating the _isBinary in a cfm file an error is thrown that there is a duplicate method. So in a cfm file it is parsed differently. But it is still an weird error. You only programmed it once and so it only exists once in your component. I can understand
5361980 CF-4204022 Language : CF Component Latest CF11 patch kills queries Problem Description: Latest patch kills queries. See above link. Basically, we are now getting an error message that "qRead is undefined" from a CFC function that is getting
2609167 CF-3916906 Database Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: THIS.datasources changes ignored until CF restart Changes to THIS.datasources are ignored until CF restart Repro: Application.cfc --------------- component { = "myApp"; THIS.datasources.myDSN = {driver="MSSQLServer", database
2608169 CF-4173282 External U. Workaround, use getComponentMetaDate() if possible
2609999 CF-3738232 External U. What third-party component does it use? Any solutions for now?
2613644 CF-3196327 Language : CF Component Aaron Neff dumping unnamed application scope is broken When the "Disable creation of unnamed applications" option is not checked, then dumping unnamed application scope is broken. In CF9.0.1, the following would dump the unnamed application scope
2596975 CF-3283249 Adobe D. Test case at cfsuite\components\ImportNew\CF-3283249\ (Comment added from ex-user id:vnigam)
2597951 CF-3041907 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 83864:-(Watson Migration Closure)Creating unqualified imported components without the "Component Cache" on is EXTREMELY SLOW Problem: Creating unqualified imported components without the "Component Cache" on is EXTREMELY SLOW. This is a
Comment on CF2016: cfhttp - use of buggy 4.4.1 http components (hostname verification fails when it shouldn't) by External U.
2608183 CF-4168693 Language : CF Component Geoffrey Demoulin Application.cfc this.timout not working Duplicate ID: CF-3963559 Problem Description: The Bug 3963559 has been marked as fixed but seems to still occur on cf11u9. I've uploaded a sample project using the code in the bug's steps
2961715 CF-4198444 Language : Functions Evert Nagel getComponentMetadata().extends contains stale information Problem Description: The information about extended components obtained through getComponentMetadata() is refreshed only when the extending object is altered or instantiated, not when
5964450 CF-4204865 Michael T. Using the attached file, load the URLs in the following order: (generates error) Clear the template cache, then load (error is resolved):
6277325 CF-4205342 Jack D. Component: Text Search : Solr Integration is clearly NOT correct. Don't even know how that got there. That's not what I chose.
2609783 CF-3774074 External U. Adam, see the attachment in the bug I posted for a repro case, but from what I can tell: It breaks if component A extends component B, and component B extends component C. If a function is defined on components B and C (but not explicitly defined on A
2608596 CF-4053554 ORM Support Alexandre Potvin Latreille Persistent components shall not need a persistent or embeddable attribute when a mapping file is defined Problem Description: It's currently impossible to make components completely persistence-ignorant because the persistent
Bug 79291:A "Nice to Have" button to be added to the CF Administrator Console
2600121 CF-3039367 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78934:This may not be a CF issue per se, but I think it should be addressed Problem: This may not be a CF issue per se, but I think it should be addressed. I bound a cfprogressbar to a CFC. The CFC threw an error. I then became 'locked
2610696 CF-3685532 Language : CF Component Aaron Martone Adding an attribute to target instances with implicit setters and getters I love implicit setters and getters, however they are not currently capable of detecting whether component properties are being placed into a container object
2608792 CF-3993718 Language : CF Component Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: per-App mappings unusable in pseudo-constructor Adobe, here is the ticket as requested: per-App mappings are unusable in Application.cfc's pseudo-constructor repro: Application.cfc --------------- component { THIS
3272153 CF-4198981 Language : CF Component Luis Majano script function metadata failsto compile if keys contains : or - Problem Description: If you create functions with metadata that contains either colons : or dashes - the compile will fail. This works in lucee. Steps to Reproduce: Create
2609595 CF-3825535 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron properties should not be exposed in the this scope See: ColdFusion exposes properties in the this (PUBLIC) scope. It should not. Railo gets this right, btw
2614020 CF-3137175 Language : CF Component Henry Ho Need a quick way to set all cffunction's inside CFC to output=false Problem Description: without output="false", functions in cfc will generate lots of whitespaces and sometimes leads to memory leak. Any Workarounds: need to set output
2598570 CF-3041187 Language : CF Component Elliott Sprehn Bug 82479:(Watson Migration Closure)[ES] (new Object()) Problem: [ES] (new Object()).method() fails. You cannot use the new operator as an expression in parenthasis and then call a method.What's weird is that new Object().method() DOES work
2603106 CF-3036006 Language : CF Component Seth Bug 72974:(Watson Migration Closure)Allow function argument to be able to specify cfimage as a type Problem: Allow function argument to be able to specify cfimage as a type. Something like: or Method: Result
5241384 CF-4203901 Language : CF Component csrfGenerateToken generates error in Update 15 We recently updated to Update 15 When we use csrfGenerateToken( forceNew = true ) it generates the following error: A built-in ColdFusion function cannot accept an assignment statement as a parameter
3181125 CF-4198850 AJAX : UI Components cf grid: on change event handler not working Problem: cf grid: on change event handler not working Method: On change event parameters {cfgridaction},{cfgridrow},{cfgridchanged} are being passed to a function. When i print the values fetched inside
2614138 CF-3130306 AJAX : UI Components Andrew Scott J2EE archive created from administrator doesn't get deployed properly
2614070 CF-3133316 External U. This functionality would be useful within a component without having to utilize a UDF