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2597120 CF-3114268 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87268:-(Watson Migration Closure)Attribute 'bookmarkTitle' for the DDX command TableOfContents is documented to work but it produces an error Problem:
Attribute 'bookmarkTitle' for the DDX command Table
2597119 CF-3114269 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87269:-(Watson Migration Closure) DDX Assembler variable within TableOfContentsEntryPattern produces an error Problem:
DDX Assembler variable within TableOfContentsEntryPattern produces an error.
does not produce an error
Tracker Issue Bug 87267:-(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation Issue
2597121 CF-3114267 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bryn Parrott Bug 87267:-(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation Issue Problem:
Documentation Issue.
Location of coldfusion_ddx.xsd file on adobe server.
Documentation gives this location as:
Note space before coldfusion_ddx.xsd.
In any