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Portal Topic Join us for Online CF Meetup, Aug 6: “I Didn’t Know S3 Could Do That!”, with Brian Klaas
Join us for Online CF Meetup, Aug 6: “I Didn’t Know S3 Could Do That!”, with Brian Klaas
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 10 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 16 released by brian.klaas
Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 10 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 16 released by brian.klaas
Tracker Issue Enable ehCache Autodiscovery via the CF Admin
2673016 CF-4156553 Wishlist Brian Klaas Enable ehCache Autodiscovery via the CF Admin A simple checkbox in the CF administrator which enables ehCache's automatic cache sharing across multiple CF instances would allow easy access to and enabling of this very powerful and woefully underused feature
Tracker Issue Add Support for Multiple Caching Engines
2673017 CF-4156552 Wishlist Brian Klaas Add Support for Multiple Caching Engines In addition to the existing ehCache integration, it would be extremely useful to allow for caching in other engines, especially Redis. These other caching engines do so much more than just get/put, and would provide CF
2608480 CF-4081225 Core Runtime Brian Klaas Update the AWS Java SDK Bundled with the Core ColdFusion Server The AWS Java SDK bundled with ColdFusion 11 at /cfInstallRoot/lib/ is woefully out of date. The current AWS Java SDK is at version 1.10.x. Bundling more recent builds of the SDK with new
Tracker Issue Bug 86568:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add callback support for CFMAIL success or failure
2597570 CF-3043502 Language : Tags Brian Klaas Bug 86568:-(Watson Migration Closure)Add callback support for CFMAIL success or failure Duplicate ID: CF-3648785
Add callback support for CFMAIL success or failure. It would be very helpful to be able to handle situations where an email sent
2597578 CF-3043447 Language Brian Klaas Bug 86483:(Watson Migration Closure)Add a tag to support inclusion of content at the end of the body output of a HTML page Problem:
Add a tag to support inclusion of content at the end of the body output of a HTML page.I’d also like to see CF support
2598622 CF-3041124 AJAX : UI Components Brian Klaas Bug 82396:CFFILEUPLOAD: More than one control with an onComplete callback results in the last onComplete in the last control to be called Problem:
CFFILEUPLOAD: More than one control with an onComplete callback results in the last on
and Eric host this weeks episode. ColdBox 6 is being released, Fusion Reactor has a 25% discount for Adobe ColdFusion to celebrate 25 years. They remind you about the Ortus Webinar and Adobe webinar you might have missed, and announce this weeks Online CF Meetup with Brian Klaas on speaking about “I Didn