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Tracker Issue CF10 Session variables lost
2609409 CF-3849572 Core Runtime : Session Management Brian Goetke CF10 Session variables lost Problem Description:Upon upgrading from CF8 to CF10 on Oct 17, 2014, Some of our users are losing their session variables right after they are set upon logging in to our web application. This is affecting
2609163 CF-3917313 Administrator Brian Goetke JSESSION ID variables created sporadically when turned off in CF Administrator Duplicate ID: CF-3916254
Problem Description: Several users experience an error: File does not exist
when doing a file upload using form element
For some reason a
2609171 CF-3916254 Administrator Brian Goetke JSESSION ID variables created sporadically when turned off in CF Administrator Problem Description: Several users experience an error: File does not exist
when doing a file upload using form element
For some reason a JSESSION ID is being
Tracker Comment Comment on CF10 Session variables lost by S P.
2609409 CF-3849572 S P. @ImpDust : Thank you for this piece of information.
@Brian Goetke : We would like to know some more information to repro this issue, about the point where you are losing the session id (as soon as the cfml opens your web application or after logging in). Also could you