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Comment on RIAForge decommissioning by Bradley Wood
Comment on RIAForge decommissioning by Bradley Wood
Comment on What are the editions of Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and how are they priced? by Bradley Wood
Comment on Oracle’s Java policy change by Bradley Wood
Comment on Trying out CFML on by Bradley Wood
Comment on Enhanced Support For New Operator by Bradley Wood
Comment on Oracle’s Java policy change by Bradley Wood
Comment on Docker images for ColdFusion by Bradley Wood
Comment on final == immutable? (or not?) by Bradley Wood
Comment on Type-Specific vs Type-Casting member functions by Bradley Wood
Comment on Oracle’s Java policy change by Bradley Wood
Comment on Oracle’s Java policy change by Bradley Wood
Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Refreshed Installers by Bradley Wood
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Support Policies and Options FAQ by Bradley Wood
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Support Policies and Options FAQ by Bradley Wood
Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Public Beta Refreshed Installers by Bradley Wood
Comment on New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps by Bradley Wood
Comment on No more GUI based installers for ColdFusion next? – Need your feedback by Bradley Wood
Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Bradley Wood
Comment on No more GUI based installers for ColdFusion next? – Need your feedback by Bradley Wood
Comment on New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps by Bradley Wood
Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Bradley Wood
Comment on The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers by Bradley Wood
4014007 CF-4201310 Ashudeep S. @Bradley Wood: We might be taking this feature in the next release. Just to cover up for all the problems that you are facing, Can you attach the code or a sample test for it?
2608090 CF-4194596 Language Bradley Wood Elvis operator with struct literal as second operand returns "{" Problem Description: Passing a struct literal as the second operand to the Elvis operator returns the string "{" instead of an empty struct. I've tested this on CF11 update 10. Steps
2672626 CF-4182565 Language Bradley Wood Allow cfproperty default to be a CFML expression The default attribute of the cfproperty tag requires a string. Allow CF expressions to match the way the default attribute of the cfargument tag works. component accessors=true { // This is just a string
2608291 CF-4136028 Language : Serialization Bradley Wood serializeJSON() doesn't escape control characters As reported by Sean Corfield in CFML Slack Problem Description: serializeJSON() doesn't escape control characters Steps to Reproduce: writedump(serializeJSON("I don" & chr(18) & "t know
2682484 CFB-4060885 Editor Features Bradley Wood Add macro for "selected text" on key bindings When creating a key binding with "inserting text" I can use the macro "$${cp}" to control the "caret position" in the inserted text. Please add an additional macro for keeping selected text
2943351 CF-4198416 Language Bradley Wood Convert URL and FORM fields like "id[]" to an array Lucee Server (and other popular languages like PHP) support a feature where form or URL variables that end with "[]" will be converted into an array. URL Ex: file.cfm?id[]=foo&id[]=bar Form Ex: Those
2943345 CF-4198415 Language Bradley Wood Support this.sameurlfieldsasarray setting Both Adobe CF and Lucee server support the this.sameformfieldsasarray setting. However Lucee Server supports an additional setting called this.sameurlfieldsasarray which does the same thing but applies to the form
3942495 CF-4200994 Language Bradley Wood Always include functions and properties in CFC metadata If you have a CFC with no methods or properties, the metadata for this CFC does not contain a functions or a properties array at all. This adds more work since I have to check for the arrays' existence
Bradley Wood Introducing CFConfig : A new way to manage your CF server’s configuration from the command line We’re very excited to unveil a brand new project we’ve been working on called CFConfig.  It’s a command line tool that can help you manage the configuration for any CF server in a simple
3096217 CF-4198705 Language Bradley Wood Generated accessors are not available to included CFM templates Problem Description: A met5hod in a CFC exists in the variables scope of that CFC. Included CFM templates in a CFC also share the same variables scope. However, an included CFM template in a
2978699 CF-4198479 Language Bradley Wood isNull throw errors when passed struct key inside array Problem Description: isNull() throws an error when you pass it a non-existent key referenced from a struct inside an array. Steps to Reproduce: myArray = []; myStruct = \{}; myArray[ 1 ] = my
2952237 CF-4198437 Language Bradley Wood Whitespace management not available on J2ee installations I realize this is by design, but it needs to change. The artificial limitation of only allowing the white space management settings when deployed on the standalone install is unnecessarily
2918733 CF-4198396 Language : Closures Bradley Wood Support "arrow functions" syntax for closures Please support the popular "arrow function" syntax for declaring closures. Please copy the precedent already set by Lucee Server. This is documented here:
2609472 CF-3844972 Language Bradley Wood Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals The following two code examples run as expected on Railo, but produce errors on 11.2 {code:java} writeDump( { foo:'bar' }.append( { bum:'baz' } ) ); writeDump( [ 'a', 'b' ].append( [ 'c', 'd
2609743 CF-3787245 Debugging : CFDump Bradley Wood Cfdump doesn't display values of empty struct keys Problem Description: If a struct has an entry with an empty string for the key, the value is not displayed when dumping the struct. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: The text foo
3489207 CF-4199640 Language Bradley Wood Allow negative offsets for right() and left() Lucee Server has a very handy feature where the left() and right() functions allow you to pass a negative number which strips that many chars off of the Opposite end of the string. It's basically turns
2956727 CF-4198442 Language Bradley Wood Cannot have argument named "default" in script function Problem Description: Cannot have argument named "default" in script function. This worked in tags, and is also supported by Lucee Server so it is certainly doable. I get that "default" is a keyword
3272269 CF-4198982 Language Bradley Wood JSON serializing cfcatch struct changes the stacktrace and loses tagcontext Problem Description: When you serialize a cfcatch struct, the JSON doesn't match the same data format at all. stackTrace switches from a string to an array tagContext disappears
3017644 CF-4198536 Language Bradley Wood IsNull() doesn't work on missing key of struct returned from function call Problem Description: IsNull() doesn't work on missing key of struct returned from function call Steps to Reproduce:
2610282 CF-3713264 Application Deployment Bradley Wood Allow dynamic addition of application mappings outside of Application.cfc It is difficult to add app mappings outside of the actual Application.cfc file. The information is available here: get
2611027 CF-3649985 Database Bradley Wood Query of Query column alias ignored Problem Description: Query of Query column alias ignored when column name is preceded by the name of the query Steps to Reproduce: SELECT qryName.col as aliasName FROM qryName #qryResult.aliasName# Actual Result
2609471 CF-3844976 Language Bradley Wood append member functions don't return a useful value The following code sample works as expected on Railo, but throws an error on Adobe ColdFusion ("The append method was not found") writeDump( structNew().append( { foo:'bar' } ).append( { bum
2609496 CF-3842667 Language Bradley Wood Allow exceptions to be nested In other languages like Java, I can catch an exception that was thrown from another library or subroutine and throw a new exception of my own that describes at a higher level what failed but still includes the original exception
2609607 CF-3822982 Debugging Bradley Wood "Report Execution Times" is prohibitively slow on large apps "Report Execution Times" is prohibitively slow on large apps There is not a simple repro case for this since the issue doesn't show itself in a simple .cfm page, but CFC-heavy apps that include
2610316 CF-3711305 Language : CF Component Bradley Wood Javadoc-style comments don't handle line breaks like Java does Note, this is not a regression-- it's just always been parsed wrong. It would be great to see the fix roll out in CF11 though. I'm comparing the CFML behavior to Java since that
2610968 CF-3656754 Database Bradley Wood Allow per-application data sources created in Application.cfc In the same manner that ColdFusion mappings can be created at the server level and overridden by a single application with code, allow for developers to specify data sources in their Application
3487396 CF-4199641 Language Bradley Wood Metadata from functions never report default "output" setting Problem Description: It is imperative for frameworks such as MockBox to be able to tell via the metadata of a UDF if that UDF had output set to "true" so it can correctly mock methods. When you
2920419 CF-4198397 Language : Framework Support Bradley Wood App-specific mappings added outside of Application.cfc can dissappear Problem Description: The ColdBox framework makes use of app-specific mappings that are added inside the framework to allow for portability of modules. We have a
2610939 CF-3662524 Core Runtime Bradley Wood Request is unable to reacquire the same named lock Problem Description: My understanding is that ColdFusion supports a style of reentrant locks where the same request can reacquire the same lock again. I've had a very hard time confirming in the docs
3540794 CF-4199825 Installation/Config : JEE Deployment Bradley Wood getPageContext().getResponse().getContentType() throws UnsupportedOperationException Problem Description: getPageContext().getResponse().getContentType() throws UnsupportedOperationException Adobe's coldfusion
4090354 CF-4201538 Language Bradley Wood expandPath in event gateways throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Problem Description: The following code is erroring when being run from inside an event gateway. expandPath( appMapping ) The value of the appMapping variable is "cbroot". When I debug
2609500 CF-3842365 Language : Java Integration Bradley Wood Error when instantiation a Java object is misleading Problem Description: When creating an instance of a Java class, if any exception is caught, the following message and detail is thrown: Object instantiation exception An exception
2611836 CF-3586424 Installation/Config Bradley Wood gvInterval JVM args no longer work Problem Description: In previous version of coldfusion, the JVM args -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval and -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval could be used in jvm.config to increase the frequency of major garbage
3280535 CF-4199020 Installation/Config Bradley Wood CF admin errors on Linux VM when CFIDE mounted to Windows host. When I install ColdFusion on a Linux VM running inside of VirtualBox on a case insensitive host (like WIndows) and place the CFIDE folder in a location that's mounted to a folder