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Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Thumbnail Function Performance With Java 8 Incredibly Slow by External U.
2608895 CF-3968983 External U. Seconded, as per Ben Nadel's article, we are also seeing similar processing issues.
2610146 CF-3725691 Core Runtime Ben Nadel isValid() accepts email addresses with leading / trailing whitespace. isValid( "email" ) will return True for email addresses that have leading and or trailing whitespace.
See: http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2593-Is
Tracker Issue Compile Error - Function Expressions as First Argument
2614298 CF-3118435 Language : Closures Ben Nadel Compile Error - Function Expressions as First Argument Problem Description: Function expressions will not compile if they are the FIRST argument in a list of arguments.
Steps to Reproduce: See this blog post -- http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2332-Cold
2598093 CF-3041747 Language : Exception Handling Ben Nadel Bug 83515:(Watson Migration Closure)It seems that errors raised in onApplicationEnd() and onSessionEnd() won't show up in the CF Application log files Problem:
It seems that errors raised in onApplicationEnd() and onSessionEnd() won't show
2598109 CF-3041729 Documentation : General Ben Nadel Bug 83475:(Watson Migration Closure)In CF9, you no longer need to pass in the TYPE argument for CreateObject():However, the documentation does not mention this, nor is in the "History" of the CreateObject() function. I have added a note
Tracker Issue Bug 78981:If a cache'd function's code file is deleted, it can no longer be gotten from the cache
2600097 CF-3039392 Caching Ben Nadel Bug 78981:If a cache'd function's code file is deleted, it can no longer be gotten from the cache Problem:
If a cache'd function's code file is deleted, it can no longer be gotten from the cache.
See htis blog post.
Tracker Comment Comment on serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. by External U.
2610633 CF-3689989 External U. Ben Nadel has just blogged about this issue!
You will see that there are two further ASCII characters that need dealing with.
8232 - Line Separator
Tracker Comment Comment on throttled CFHTTP by External U.
2612938 CF-3366102 External U. See Ben Nadel's blog on using cfthread with cfhttp. [ http://www.bennadel.com/blog/749-Learning-ColdFusion-8-CFThread-Part-II-Parallel-Threads.htm ] There he solves the problem by using multiple, asynchronous threads, like this:
Tracker Comment Comment on throttled CFHTTP by External U.
2612938 CF-3366102 External U. tested using the multi threaded solution suggested by Ben Nadel [ http://www.bennadel.com/blog/749-Learning-ColdFusion-8-CFThread-Part-I I-Parallel-Threads.htm ].
Does not seem to make a difference.
CF9: We Got 1000 Results in 0.72 seconds using CFHttp and CFThread
2596925 CF-3364510 External U. Ben Nadel explored this further and has some additional code samples to test against: http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2550-Very-Strange-Script-Based-Behavior-For-CFParam-In-ColdFusion.htm
2598137 CF-3041699 External U. Same bug on all large files on our recently upgraded servers. Even when switching to use Ben Nadel's cmartcfcontent customtag (http://www.bennadel.com/index.cfm?event=blog.view&id=1227), the system cuts all files off at 127 MB
2596847 CF-3565260 AJAX : Plumbing Ben Nadel DeserializeJSON() messes up ArrayContains() With Database Ints Problem Description:
If I am using deserializeJSON(), I cannot find a database INT (via query-loop) using arrayContains() or arrayFind(). If I remove the deserializeJson() step, it works
Tracker Issue Bug 84895:(Watson Migration Closure)Adam Cameron and I are not agreeing on the expected behavior of argumentCollection
2597788 CF-3042634 Language : Functions Ben Nadel Bug 84895:(Watson Migration Closure)Adam Cameron and I are not agreeing on the expected behavior of argumentCollection Problem:
Adam Cameron and I are not agreeing on the expected behavior of argumentCollection. However, there is definitely
2600006 CF-3039490 General Server Ben Nadel Bug 79175:When you pass an implicit struct to a method, and the implicit struct contains, itself, a call to a method that takes an implicit struct (also with arrays) Problem:
When you pass an implicit struct to a method, and the implicit struct contains
Tracker Issue Bug 78816:ColdFusion framework checks for remote method name EVEN if OnCFCREquest() event handler is present - http://bjam
2600190 CF-3039293 Language : CF Component Ben Nadel Bug 78816:ColdFusion framework checks for remote method name EVEN if OnCFCREquest() event handler is present - http://bjam Problem:
ColdFusion framework checks for remote method name EVEN if OnCFCREquest() event handler is present - http
2675973 CF-4010693 External U. I think the largest issue for me (being a CF developer since v3) is the lack of cfscript documentation. When I do a Google search, let's say for example "loop in cfscript 10" I get no relevant results. Rather end up resorting to Ben Nadel's for-in blog entry for CF 10
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Thumbnail Function Performance With Java 8 Incredibly Slow by External U.
2608895 CF-3968983 External U. I am now seeing the same behavior even with Java 1.7. This is a HUGE problem as several of our apps depend on this functionality. When can we expect a fix?
Ben Nadel has also happened on what looks like a related problem:
2609096 CF-3932161 Debugging : writeDump Ben Nadel WriteDump() With Format=Text Inside CFSaveContent Inside CFThread If you make TWO CALLS to writeDump() with Format=Text inside a CFSaveContent block inside a CFThread block, you get a parsing error:
>> Attribute validation error.The tag requires
2613929 CF-3144695 Language Dominic Watson Create native functional style functions that make use of closures It would be great to see native functions for functional programming, such as Map and Reduce. I.e. native:
Ben Nadel has a good post
Tracker Comment Comment on SerializeJSON turns strings that look like scientific notation into floats. by External U.
2610574 CF-3695627 External U. I think a solution here might be fore CF to cater for type mapping. Exactly how to do that, I don't know. But it needs to be made to work *somehow*.
In the interim, Ben Nadel has written this: http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2505-Json
Portal Comment Comment on Regular expressions – practical examples to get you started by James Moberg
in using more regex matching functions in ColdFusion, check out Ben Nadel's JRegEx:
Tracker Issue Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters
2601443 CF-3037957 Documentation : General Aaron Neff Bug 76088:Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters Problem:
Bug for: The docs don't mention cfdirectory uses pipe character for multiple filters.
Blogged by Ben Nadel: http
Tracker Comment Comment on IIS 404 custom error handler URLs that are .cfm files do not consistently return entire document by External U.
2612631 CF-3488063 External U. I came across a different post regarding a different issue, and I'm wondering if the solution isn't the same for this issue, as the problem manifested itself in much the same way (no data being returned and blank pages). Ben Nadel documents the issue here: http
to output formatted dates and produce consistent results w/correctly formatted dates:1. Ben Nadel’s POIUtility.cfc (faster, generates smaller native XLS files)2. CSV (using quoted “yyyy-mm-dd” and “yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss” syntax) (I
to output formatted dates and produce consistent results w/correctly formatted dates:
Ben Nadel's POIUtility.cfc (faster, generates smaller native XLS files)
CSV (using quoted "yyyy-mm-dd" and "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss" syntax) (I
to output formatted dates and it produces consistent results w/correctly formatted dates:
Ben Nadel's POIUtility.cfc (faster, generates smaller native XLS files)
CSV (using quoted "yyyy-mm-dd" and "yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss" syntax)
Portal Comment Comment on Regular expressions – practical examples to get you started by James Moberg
) simplifies escaping characters that match regular expression control characters.
If interested in using more regex matching functions in ColdFusion, check out Ben Nadel's JRegEx:
27 | /go/portalentry.html?entryID=2406&commentID=2121#comment2121
Tracker Issue Bug 86960:Summary: change in behaviour in CFABORT in CF9 breaks backwards compatIt looks like this E/R - http://cfbugs
it (that I can find).I think this is serious enough that removal of the current behaviour should be treated as a hotfix. Reimplementation of another way of handling this could perhaps wait until a subsequent point release of CF.There is further discussion on this topic on Ben Nadel's blog, here
Tracker Issue Bug 79245:(Watson Migration Closure)Most developers are comfortable using HTML/CSS to create tables
and cascade appropriately.For a sample implementation see the POI ColdFusion Custom Tag Features of Ben Nadel's POI Utility: http://www.bennadel.com/projects/poi-utility.htm
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3039533
Tracker Issue ArraySort() callback chokes on large numbers returned
6986713 CF-4207690 Language ArraySort() callback chokes on large numbers returned Consider this code (taken from Ben Nadel's blog). Technically the docs require the callback to return -1, 0 or 1 but it's widely practiced to return any positive or negative number. This code returns a number
Tracker Comment Comment on latest update (June 2019) blocks upload of files with no extension, without offering a way to control that by Chad N.
5961389 CF-4204857 Chad N. Charlie, I have uploaded a zip of an example that will trigger the problem. The original source code I have is highly integrated into our system, so I have taken an example that Ben Nadel had and modified it to cause the error. I upgraded the plupload to the same version
it was or could be possible with ColdFusion.
I found a [url=http://www.bennadel.com/blog/275-passing-arrays-by-reference-in-coldfusion-sweeet.htm]Blog Post by Ben Nadel[/url] that was posted some time ago back in 2006 by the looks of it. I think those were the ColdFusion MX days =)
I put together a bit of code
) Downgrade JVM until you identify one that works with ColdFusion's built-in functions (Not sure which one this is. I know u15 works.)
2) Avoid using built-in functions and use Ben Nadel's POIUtility.cfc https://github.com/bennadel/POIUtility.cfc
or possibly...
3) POIUtility.cfc only uses the following
other than the lightest production use. Creting a 100-row spreadsheet takes consistently a second or more for me. Creating a 500-row spreadsheet takes consistently 20+ seconds. 1000 rows takes @100 seconds. Attempting several thousand rows will hang my CF ServerCompare this performance with Ben Nadel
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Numeric member functions
-coldfusion-s-precisionevaluate-function-to-perform-big-integer-math.htm (comment from Ben Nadel on Oct 27, 2010 at 10:21 AM)
Tracker Comment Comment on Some cflock names cause deadlocks by CFwatson U.
:\ColdFusion\cfusion\wwwroot\contens\framework\apphelper.cfc (60)
Date Added :2015-11-25 11:28:17.0
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Harry Klein Note Added: Hi, I already sent you some mails and I am still waiting for an answer?
Meanwhile I temporary changed the cflock code to Ben Nadels CFRedlock solution (https