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2597594 CF-3043339 Text Search : Solr Barry C Bug 86295:(Watson Migration Closure)With the release of Coldfusion 9 Problem:
With the release of Coldfusion 9.0.1 updater, it secures the Solr search service by locking down 'Jetty' to localhost only. (also mentioned in tech note http://kb2.adobe
for #2 above, but Barry’s idea was quite good IMO)Newer, related thread: https://prerelease.adobe.com/r/?c9af4f4054dd4bc88f4b1a132382e3ac
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3039302
External Customer Info:
2602144 CF-3037180 Language : CF Component barry.b Bug 74804:This ER is to do with the proposed feature of being able to write CFComponent and it's related CFFunction using a scripting syntax Duplicate ID: CF-3037174
This ER is to do with the proposed feature of being able to write