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4676566 CF-4203250 Poonam J. Bakia, If you hit this issue again please let me know. Closing this bug.   Thanks Poonam
5143436 CF-4203636 Poonam J. Hi Aaron and Bakia, I understand your concern here, possibly I will discuss this with Development team and get back to you. -Poonam
2673499 CF-4126483 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-03 20:12:24.0
2608324 CF-4126482 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-03 20:38:00.0
2673514 CF-4126462 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-01-12 11:53:51.0
4676566 CF-4203250 Poonam J. hi Bakia, I have replied you on email about the possible reason for hitting this issue. Could you please acknowledge that so that I can go ahead and close this bug.   Thanks Poonam
2673364 CF-4126692 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Updates: 1) Shortly after I had the problem, I found a workaround: I replaced the file /lib/neo-datasource.xml with a back-up copy from ColdFusion 11. 2) Following your query, I uninstalled and reinstalled
2603151 CF-3035942 Language Alfred Bakia Bug 72876:(Watson Migration Closure)Inverse functions for htmlEditFormat, htmlCodeFormat and xmlFormat should be made available Problem: Inverse functions for htmlEditFormat, htmlCodeFormat and xmlFormat should be made available. Suppose they are called
2682271 CFB-4130096 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Correction: Please read Actual Result: The description says "Ending value of index" for the 'from' attribute, and "Beginning value of index" for the 'to' attribute. See attached images. Expected Result
2682278 CFB-4130087 CFwatson U. Added By:prk Note Added: Issue is fixed and fix will be available in the next drop. Date Added :2015-11-17 09:53:32.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Please read "downloaded the CFBlizzard installation file from the prerelease website
4039748 CF-4201374 Dattanand M. @Bakia Please try downloading it from [link|] search for "Server Manager" you will find a link to download AIR file, this should work. If you still face this issue, please let us know.
2673365 CF-4126691 CFwatson U. Added By:suchsing Note Added: This is by design and mentioned in the documentation. Date Added :2015-07-20 05:37:01.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2015-07-19 13:52:15.0
2673405 CF-4126637 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2015-09-11 09:39:29.0
2673465 CF-4126521 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Entered Bug. Original reporter of this bug is Christian Polintan. See and Date Added :2015-12-06 13:53:10.0
4662100 CF-4203234 Poonam J. Hi Bakia, Will you try compilation by adding another jar C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\lib\closure-compiler.jar and see if this works for you? Thanks Poonam
4662100 CF-4203234 Poonam J. Hi Bakia, You cannot invoke CFC through java code directly as you might land up on dependencies likes this . i would suggest you  expose it as webservice or restservice and then use it outside.   Thanks Poonam
4662100 CF-4203234 Poonam J. Hi Bakia, If you are able to generate the class file, shall I go ahead and close this bug. Thanks Poonam
5119969 CF-4203581 Poonam J. Hi Bakia I don't see this error of CF restart. I am verifying this on CF2016. Could you please check that any piece of code is generating this error and let me know about the same. Thanks Poonan
5119969 CF-4203581 A. B. Hi Poonam, Thank you for taking a look at this ticket. I am withdrawing it, as I have been unable to reproduce the issue consistently. Nevertheless, I am searching for a solution or workaround myself. Kind regards, Bakia
2673456 CF-4126529 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: 1) Control Panel> Region and Language: Format: Dutch (Netherlands); System locale: English (United States). 2) The "Java Default Locale" setting in your CF admin > Server Settings > Settings Summary info page
2673365 CF-4126691 Language A. Bakia The logic of the new Safe Navigation operator (?.) is inconsistent Problem Description: According to the new Safe Navigation operator (?.), the expression, #employee?.getDesignation# is equivalent to #employee.getDesignation# This logic is inconsistent
2673412 CF-4126629 API Manager A. Bakia Installation of API Manager Add-on fails on 32-bit Windows 7, giving JVM error Duplicate ID: CF-4056159 Problem Description: I am on 32-bit Windows 7. I updated my JDK to version 1.8.0_60. When I double-click on the installer to launch it, I get a Windows
2673456 CF-4126529 Administrator A. Bakia Locale error on "Coldfusion Collections" page in Coldfusion Administrator Problem Description:You get an error when you open the Coldfusion Administrator and navigate to "Data & Services" => "Coldfusion Collections" Steps to Reproduce: (1) Open
2608324 CF-4126482 Language A. Bakia DateDiff is non-zero for two dates that are the same Problem Description: The function dateDiff results in -3600 seconds for two dates that are the same. Steps to Reproduce: UTC Date: #utcDate1
2597654 CF-3043034 Database : CFDBINFO A. Bakia Bug 85531:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdbinfo tag returns column_size of 10 for MySQL columns of datatype INT(8) Problem: cfdbinfo tag returns column_size of 10 for MySQL columns of datatype INT(8) Method: 1) I create a database with a number
2601468 CF-3037931 General Server Bakia Bug 76051:I have to start Coldfusion manually whenever I start Windows, even though Coldfusion is configured by default to start automatically as a Windows service Problem: I have to start Coldfusion manually whenever I start Windows, even though Coldfusion
2601760 CF-3037608 AJAX : UI Components Alfred Bakia Bug 75583:(Watson Migration Closure)New feature request: should have the href attribute Problem: New feature request: should have the href attribute. Its value will be the URL to hyperlink each grid row with. The solutions I know
Tracker Issue Bug 74761:The java
2602172 CF-3037149 General Server Alfred Bakia Bug 74761:The java Problem: The java.lang.String function toCharArray() returns an array of char primitives in Java. However, in Coldfusion Centaur, it returns an array of java.lang.Character objects instead. Method: 1) If you run the following
2682278 CFB-4130087 Installer A. Bakia Coldfusion Blizzard fails to install, saying evaluation period is over Problem Description: When I attempted to open CFBlizzard this morning, it failed to open. I received instead a Windows prompt that said "The evaluation period for Adobe Coldfusion Builder
, logged a different bug for the same. Thanks! Date Added :2015-12-22 12:35:37.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Jason Dean Note Added: I would love to get a copy of the attachment for this ticket to try things out. Date Added :2015-10-26 20:28:28.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note
2610464 CF-3700612 Documentation A. Bakia Please delete Bug 3700164, as it is accidental duplicate of Bug 3700163 Problem Description: After creating Bug 3700163, I accidentally resubmitted the form. The result is that the bug report is duplicated as Bug 3700164. My request to you is to please
4456191 CF-4202859 Piyush K. A Bakia, don't see an entry point for CFML code in the stack trace you've shared. Is that something you can drill down to in the thread dump or CF logs or in you CFM application perhaps. That could help with simulating the CPU spike at my end. One of the bugs you
4662100 CF-4203234 Poonam J. Hi Bakia, Yes, you will hit this issue because runtime service is not available. You can place the class file in WEB-INF ->classes and restart CF server. after that use CFM code to invoke the method.  class = CreateObject("java","CFCInvoker");   When you
4662100 CF-4203234 Poonam J. Bakia, yeah, I was talking about original question.C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\lib\closure-compiler.jar is a open source library and exception is thrown by it during class compilation which you are doing through java code. you will not get his error if you will use pure
5143436 CF-4203636 Poonam J. Hi Bakia In case applications wants to share cache region, then this is still possible. 1) Application doesn't have any name. They will be able to access server level cache regions. 2) if application name exists, then applications should have a common name which can
2673412 CF-4126629 CFwatson U. Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Please read 'launch' in place of 'lauch' Date Added :2015-09-24 15:40:55.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Found a workaround! Phew! I had already added %JAVA_HOME%\bin (that is, C
2809454 CF-4198295 Event Gateway A. Bakia java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when creating instance of ActiveMQ Gateway Problem Description: Every attempt to create an instance of ActiveMQ gateway in the Coldfusion Administrator of a Coldfusion instance fails. Steps to Reproduce: In Coldfusion 11
2609848 CF-3758421 Language A. Bakia Error in calling arrayset generates incorrect error message Problem Description: If you pass 0 as the second and third arguments of arraySet(), you will get an incorrect error message. Steps to Reproduce: Run a CFM file consisting of the following 2 lines
2609873 CF-3754580 Administrator A. Bakia Heading in ColdFusion Administrator displays the ColdFusion version as '10' Problem Description: The heading of the ColdFusion Administrator page displays the ColdFusion version as 10 instead of 11. When you do a mouseover on the heading, the text 'Cold
2610918 CF-3669307 Net Protocols A. Bakia CFFTP tag's 'getFile' action changes the file's lastModifiedDate Problem Description: When I use the 'getFile' action in the cfftp tag to copy a file to a directory on my local machine, the file's lastModified date is changed. Steps to Reproduce: Run code
2673456 CF-4126529 Piyush K. A. Bakia, Can you pls. confirm if the locale settings picked up by CF is with the default system settings. Or are you setting it in jvm.config. If I set my OS (Windows 7 x64) to dutch locale and system (in control panel options listed below) and remove -Duser
2673456 CF-4126529 Piyush K. A. Bakia, Thank you for sharing the details, once again. I have tried simulating the issue by setting my Windows settings to a non-default locale, but I can't seem to get CF to pick the system timezone/locale settings. It is possible that you are running into the issue
advantage of backward compatibility. Existing code in which distinct applications share a common cache-region wont break. A. Bakia
2672625 CF-4183041 Logging A. Bakia Feature request: include value of Maximum Heap Space in "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error message Suppose that your bank normally receives your regular bills (rents or mortgage, utility, shopping, and so on), which come up to around 2500
2673364 CF-4126692 Administrator A. Bakia After installation the Coldfusion Administrator worked at first, then gave error "The DataSource service is not available" Problem Description: I successfully installed Coldfusion Raijin on Windows 7, 32 Bit. I then opened the administrator and added My
2673499 CF-4126483 Installation/Config A. Bakia Executable coldfusionsvc.exe has JRun options Problem Description: The command-line options for coldfusionsvc.exe still include JRun parameters Steps to Reproduce (see attached file coldfusionsvc_cli_options.png): 1) Create the directory C
2597604 CF-3043297 Language : CF Component A. Bakia Bug 86202:-(Watson Migration Closure)There is in my opinion a language error in the system component C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\CFIDE\componentutils\cfcexplorer Problem: There is in my opinion a language error in the system component C:\ColdFusion9
2599672 CF-3039843 Language : Tags A. Bakia Bug 79664:This concerns the cfc attribute of the tag cfajaxproxy Problem: This concerns the cfc attribute of the tag cfajaxproxy. The cfajaxproxy apparently only works if the component is inside the web root. That is quite restrictive, as there are many
2601260 CF-3038154 Document Management : PDF manipulation Bakia Bug 76488:Coldfusion continued to hold the lock on a file seven minutes after I had used to merge the PDF files in a directory Problem: Coldfusion continued to hold the lock on a file seven minutes after I had used to merge the PDF
2601432 CF-3037968 Administrator : Administrator Console Bakia Bug 76102:(Watson Migration Closure)If you attempt to start an instance of an SMS gateway when the SMS server is off, the error message gives you no hint about it Problem: If you attempt to start an instance of an SMS gateway when
2601474 CF-3037925 Language : Functions Bakia Bug 76040:The function xmlValidate() invariably returns "[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content is not allowed in prolog" when you pass the schema parameter as an URL Problem: The function xmlValidate() invariably returns "[Fatal Error] :1:1: Content
2602402 CF-3036890 AJAX : Plumbing Alfred Bakia Bug 73862:(Watson Migration Closure)When triggered by radio buttons in a form, the cfdiv tag behaves erroneously in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Problem: When triggered by radio buttons in a form, the cfdiv tag behaves erroneously in Internet Explorer 6
2603115 CF-3035993 General Server Bakia Bug 72961:Quercus(http://quercus Problem: Quercus( can break Coldfusion 9 permanently. If you extract quercus.jar, resin-util.jar and script-10.jar into {cf_root}/WEB-INF/lib and modify {cf_root}/WEB-INF/web.xml accordingly
2682271 CFB-4130096 Editor Features : Dictionary A. Bakia Mistake in code-assist documentation for cfloop Problem Description: The code-assist documentation for the cfloop attributes 'from' and 'to' is wrong. Steps to Reproduce: Open a CFM page in CFBlizzard. Type the tag, . Type a space after
2609506 CF-3840648 Administrator : HotFix Notification A. Bakia Coldfusion 11 Update 2 impossible due to error in Coldfusion Administrator Problem Description: When you attempt to update ColdFusion 11.0.1 to Coldfusion 11 Update 2 using the update facility in the ColdFusion Administrator, you get
2610306 CF-3712098 Language A. Bakia InputBaseN returns incorrect result Problem Description: The function inputBaseN returns an incorrect result. Steps to Reproduce: Run the following code in a CFM page: #inputBaseN("1CF2F8E6E559E00",16)# Actual Result: 1851104768 Expected Result: 1.30375203E
2596914 CF-3429822 Documentation A. Bakia Adobe's download page for Hot Fix 2 has suddenly gone missing Duplicate ID: CF-3429821 Problem Description: When you click on the link to the Hot Fix 2 page, you get a file-not-found message. Steps to Reproduce: Go to the general hot fix page http
2596915 CF-3429821 Documentation A. Bakia Adobe's download page for Hot Fix 2 has suddenly gone missing Problem Description: When you click on the link to the Hot Fix 2 page, you get a file-not-found message. Steps to Reproduce: Go to the general hot fix page http
4039748 CF-4201374 Server Manager A. Bakia ServerManager.air installation file that ships with ColdFusion is corrupt Problem Description: I attempted today to install the ServerManager for the first time since installation. I downloaded the file ServerManager.air. However, when I double
.cfc.CFCProxy.( at CFCInvoker.directInvoke( at CFCInvoker.main( Regards, Bakia
4456191 CF-4202859 Piyush K. A. Bakia, I am not sure if it is practical or a good idea to take up the fixes you are proposing based on your analysis and research of the issue you are facing on your environment. I've tried a simple test script where-in I an serializing and deserializing a struct
2673405 CF-4126637 CLI A. Bakia Command-line(CLI) pdf metadata export results in java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Problem Description: When you attempt to export PDF metadata using the command-line interface(CLI), you get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/rsa/jsafe/JSAFE_SecureRandom. Steps
2673465 CF-4126521 Web Services A. Bakia Web service based on CFC and wsdlfile fails to return string; produces error instead Problem Description: I created a web service CFC which includes just one function. The CFC has attribute wsdlfile, whose value is a relative URL. I experiment
2673514 CF-4126462 Language A. Bakia XMLParse() and XMLValidate() generate error when validating against namespace-aware schema Problem Description: XMLParse() and XMLValidate() generate error when validating against namespace-aware schema. There is no such error when I validate using Java
2609788 CF-3772481 Document Management : PDF generation A. Bakia cfhtmltopdf does nothing Problem Description: When I run a CFM test page to demonstrate the tag cfhtmltopdf or the function cfhtmltopdf, nothing happens. Steps to Reproduce: Create the pages test.cfm and html2pdfTest.cfm. The page
2610470 CF-3700164 Language A. Bakia The function gethttpRequestData() fails when form posted with encType="multipart/form-data" Duplicate ID: CF-3700163 Problem Description: The function gethttpRequestData() fails to function as expected when a form is submitted with attributes method
2610471 CF-3700163 Language A. Bakia The function gethttpRequestData() fails when form posted with encType="multipart/form-data" Problem Description: The function gethttpRequestData() fails to function as expected when a form is submitted with attributes method="post" and enc
": 1, "b": 2, "key": "something", "key2": "something else", "key3": "something else", "key4": "something else" } Date Added :2015-09-21 04:17:29.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:A. Bakia Note Added: Sorry, I consider the operators, &= and +=, inappropriate between two arrays or two
2601436 CF-3037964 General Server Bakia Bug 76095:(Watson Migration Closure)The error "coldfusion Problem: The error "coldfusion.util.FastHashtable cannot be cast to java.lang.String" occurs a few seconds after Coldfusion starts. It occurs every time I start or restart. It is recorded
2682270 CFB-4130097 Security Code Analyzer A. Bakia Security Code Analyzer reports false positives for upload code, and repeats warnings/errors Related Bugs: CF-4087973 - Similar to Problem Description: Security Code Analyzer reports warnings and errors where there should be none. It also
2610354 CF-3707543 Documentation A. Bakia Little to no documentation on interoperability of ColdFusion with servlets, and the little there is, is wrong Problem Description: When you search ColdFusion 10 documentation, you will find little to no documentation on using servlets directly in Cold
4048083 CF-4201413 Performance,Server Monitoring A. Bakia At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use Problem Description: Suppose that Server Monitoring is disabled for your
subelement to : 6) Modify each of the application's caches so that it includes the Terracotta cluster setting. For example, A. Bakia
2598152 CF-3041683 Administrator : Administrator Console A. Bakia Bug 83393:The error occurred just after I installed Updater 1 of CF9 Problem: The error occurred just after I installed Updater 1 of CF9. I Method: 1) Install Updater 1 of CF92) Open the Administrator page3) Click on the link
2603197 CF-3035890 File Management : VFS-RAM Alfred Bakia Bug 72767:I wished to test the virtual file system ram:/// Problem: I wished to test the virtual file system ram:///. I used self-contained CFML code, which I stored as the file vfs_test.cfm. When I run it I get java