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Comment on Bug introduced in ColdFusion 9 still plagues us today - session scope gets trashed by Andrew S.
Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Andrew O.
2614107 CF-3131509 Kunal S. Hi Andrew, Since the last release we have upgraded the CryptoJ library and with that it should be fixed. We are not able to see this issue on our latest builds. Can you please try it on the public beta intermediate build (released on 04/06/2012)? Thanks Kunal
2608735 CF-4014234 Net Protocols : sFTP Andrew O CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" Problem Description: When using CFFTP to connect to some S-FTP server, the during the connect phase, error "Algorithm negotiation fail" is returned. Suspect that this is caused by non
2930836 CF-4198406 Language : CF Component Andrew Jackson Amazon AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 signature support Problem Description: The CF built in AWS S3 functionality only works with version 2 of Amazons signature versions. There are a few regions that only support the newer version 4 (AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
2612284 CF-3530539 Language : Java Integration Andrew Scott ColdFusion 10 for Windows 8 / Server 2012 Problem Description: The following code works when it is on ColdFusion 8, 9 and ColdFusion 10 if it is running on anything but Windows 8 and Windows 2012. Error message is No group with name