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Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Andrew O.
Tracker Issue Bug 82239:On CF 8
2598709 CF-3041029 Scheduler Andrew O Bug 82239:On CF 8 Problem: On CF 8.0.1, after an out of heap space memory error, sometimes certain scheduled task that are scheduled to run will be completely ignored. Strangely, only some tasks are ignored, some continue to run fine.The task that is ignored
Tracker Issue Bug 80536:In 8
2599290 CF-3040371 Core Runtime : Session Management Andrew O Bug 80536:In 8 Problem: In 8.0.1, Breaking behaviour in sessions when security hotfix HF801-1875.jar applied, when using sessionmanagement with clientcookies and clientmanagement off. Haven't got time to reproduce this in CF9 yet
2599404 CF-3040236 CFIMAGE Andrew O Bug 80223:No response reporting to CF8 Problem: No response reporting to CF8.0.1 so trying CF9 bug report.Certain JPG images from certain digital cameras cannot be loaded and then saved using CF image functions (whether with manipulation or not). If the image
2608735 CF-4014234 Net Protocols : sFTP Andrew O CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" Problem Description: When using CFFTP to connect to some S-FTP server, the during the connect phase, error "Algorithm negotiation fail" is returned. Suspect that this is caused by non
Comment on Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service by ANDREW L.