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Comment on cfhttp tag running under CF2018 is causing error `I/O Exception: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate` when https mutual authentication by Adam v.
Tracker Comment Comment on Member functions for encoding by S V.
2608653 CF-4033628 S V. Hi Adam,
These are added as string member functions now like for example
s = "My url-encoded string has special characters & other stuff";
I didn't understand what you are asking about. What do you mean by static functions
Tracker Comment Comment on Member functions for encoding by S V.
2608653 CF-4033628 S V. Hi Adam,
We don't have support for invoking a static class methods directly from CFML(other than createobject java). Also doing this requires a way to have package and import for those classes to avoid conflicts with user's variables. we can log an enhancement
Tracker Comment Comment on CFMap falsely requires API key by Adobe D.
2611814 CF-3588783 Adobe D. Hey Adam,
Google Maps JavaScript API was updated from v2 to v3 in CF10 Update 8
You can fine more details here : http://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/coldfusion-10-update-8.html.
Are you on the right update level for this code to work ?
(Comment added from ex
Tracker Issue struct.filter() missing
2610329 CF-3710336 Language Adam Cameron struct.filter() missing It looks like all struct functions have had their methods implemented except for structFilter().
// structFilter.cfm
base = {a="b", c="d", e="f"};
filtered = structFilter(base, function(k,v){
return k == "a" || v =="f
Tracker Comment Comment on Either remove allowedextforinclude functionality entirely, or at least implement it so it can be disabled by External U.
2610330 CF-3710326 External U. S V Pavankumar, Hello?
You still haven't put forward a case as to why you implemented this functionality, and accordingly haven't explained why you haven't simply taken it out completely.
3048748 CF-4198572 Language : Functions Adam Cameron sort higher order functions should return the sorted object, not simply "YES" See http://blog.adamcameron.me/2017/04/cfml-lucee-13-v-4-14-v-6-coldfusion-we.html
member functions like Query.sort(), Array.sort() etc should return the sorted
2609889 CF-3750733 Language Adam Cameron listFilter() doesn't correctly handle multi-char delimiters See:
original = "11,23;31:43^53-61";
delims = ",;:^-";
filtered = listFilter(original,function(v){
Tracker Issue Improve implicit getters/setters
2608759 CF-4010489 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron Improve implicit getters/setters From http://blog.adamcameron.me/2015/06/what-id-like-to-see-in-coldfusion12.html
Implement them properly, not simply via the invokeImplicitAccessor Application.cfc setting. I recommend using the C# syntax
Tracker Issue arrayEach() (and listEach()) slightly broken in CF11
2610290 CF-3713035 Language Adam Cameron arrayEach() (and listEach()) slightly broken in CF11 See http://cfmlblog.adamcameron.me/2014/02/coldfusion-11-map-and-reduce.html
In CF10 one did not NEED to specify the arguments in the callback definition for arrayEach(), this would be fine:
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79063:I used my Google Docs API to get a spreadsheet from my google account by External U.
2600054 CF-3039436 External U. +1 vote. I get the same error. If I open the file in Excel - I have v11 (Office 2003) - and save it, the file shrinks from 43 kB to 25kb, and then CF can open it OK. Not sure if this is a problem with the way Google exports, or a problem with CF. That said: CF
Tracker Issue Bug 78657:Summary: rename CFMAP's attribute "markerwindowtext" to "markerWindowContent"
rendered. "text" kind of suggests to me that only plain-text is supported.
I'm only marking this as "important" because it's important to sort it before v1.0 of this goes out the door. It would be bad to release it then change it later.
Tracker Issue Add arrayMap()
2611105 CF-3641351 Language Adam Cameron Add arrayMap() Duplicate ID: CF-3595198
For observations see:
Summary (extracted from the above article... it's better to read it in the above context):
JavaScript also
Tracker Issue sort member functions should accept compare and compareNoCase functions as comparator callbacks
3048633 CF-4198573 Language : Functions Adam Cameron sort member functions should accept compare and compareNoCase functions as comparator callbacks See: http://blog.adamcameron.me/2017/04/cfml-lucee-13-v-4-14-v-6-coldfusion-we.html
This should work:
arrayToSort = ["d","C","b","A"];
Tracker Issue list iteration & member functions all need to expect both a "delimiters" and a "includeEmptyValues" argument.
2609888 CF-3750734 Language Adam Cameron list iteration & member functions all need to expect both a "delimiters" and a "includeEmptyValues" argument. SSIA, but details: http://cfmlblog.adamcameron.me/2014/04/bugs-in-iterator-functions-in-both.html
list = ",2,,4,,,7,,,,";
Tracker Issue listMap() doesn't work
2610289 CF-3713038 Language Adam Cameron listMap() doesn't work See: http://cfmlblog.adamcameron.me/2014/02/coldfusion-11-map-and-reduce.html
This function doesn't work, I'm afraid (or I'm doing something wrong which I cannot identify). We're not off to a good start here. Here's some
" notion to get over a performance hump, then there's clearly a performance hump there needing to be surmounted.
Down the track I suppose we're going to want to solve this perceived performance issue with *all* CFC instantiation, but this is a good v1.0 step (or, let's be honest... they've had multiple
Tracker Issue refind() doesn't return all matches
External Customer Email: CAMERON.ADAM@GMAIL.COM
External Test Config:
Bug File Paths:
3048634 CF-4198574 Language : Functions Adam Cameron duplicate member functions missing from boolean and numeric types This is an edge case, an I'm raising it for completeness only.
You've gone out of your way to implement a duplicate member function for all native CFML types... except for boolean
it detect when it's in a different locale automatically, and use appropriate other-language text? I guess that would be OK for v1.0.* the selectcolor can be set, but not the hover colour or striping colours. Seems incongruous.Cheers.-- Adam
We are taking these:
* accepts any nonsense for the alignment
Tracker Comment Comment on DeSerializeJSON of null values causes strange structure formatting by External U.
2612480 CF-3505249 External U. I have to agree with Adam here. Reverting back to CF's previously broken behavior is the wrong thing to do, IMO. While I sympathize with the pain that this may cause some in having to modify their applications to deal with the "new" behavior, legitimate bugs should