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Bug 87142:-(Watson Migration Closure)If you combine PDF files in a package with CFPDF you get different behavior in Acrobat than if you combine the files within Acrobat itself
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only <body>,<p>,<i>,<b>,<span> in <cfhtmltopdfitem type="header|footer">
[ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Acrobat team to lift limitation for only ,
,,, in
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF pagebreak not working with CSS position:relative by Rupesh K.
2609726 CF-3791543 Rupesh K. This seems to be a special case that does not work with Acrobat as well. We have logged a bug with Acrobat.
Tracker Comment Comment on thead and tfoot are not working either in cfdocument and cfhtmltopdf by Rupesh K.
2609777 CF-3776793 Rupesh K. Yes, we have logged a bug with Acrobat. Acrobat bugbase is not public.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfhtmltopdf showing chart oddly by Rupesh K.
2609654 CF-3814641 Rupesh K. This is how Acrobat generates the PDF.
Portal Topic MyAcrobat.com is here
MyAcrobat.com is here
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by External U.
2609216 CF-3910367 External U. +1 - This ticket should be Open/ToTrack/ThirdParty since you said "We have already logged an issue with Acrobat for the same" and we're unable to track that Acrobat ticket.
2609442 CF-3846985 Rupesh K. The acrobat library needs to be rebuilt on power PC. Right now, Acrobat/Livecycle does not have any plans of doing it. Closing it.
2609112 CF-3928680 Rupesh K. No. Acrobat bugbase is not public.
2609099 CF-3931678 Adobe D. uses Acrobat engine to generate PDF from HTML. Acrobat engine does not allow to use document related variables. So this is a limitation from Acrobat. Thus deferring it.
(Comment added from ex-user id:bukkittu)
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdf(action="import" incorrectly overwrites some metadata by External U.
2673421 CF-4126619 External U. Hi Mayur,
It sounds like I should also join the Acrobat Prerelease :) B/c in order to get some PDF bugs fixed in CF, I need to push the Acrobat team to fix issues on their end first.
Instead of Closed/NeverFix, could you please change it to Closed
2608571 CF-4060894 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data cfpdfparam's overwritedata=false overwrites data
1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf
2) Run this code:
cfpdfform(action="read", source=expandPath("./PDFWithAcrobat
2608572 CF-4060893 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data Duplicate ID: CF-4060894
cfpdfparam's overwritedata=false overwrites data
1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf
2) Run this code:
cfpdfform(action="read", source=expandPath("./PDFWithAcrobat
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdf(action="import" incorrectly overwrites some metadata by Mayur J.
2673421 CF-4126619 Mayur J. This is a feature provided by Acrobat and we should retain the same behavior.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. My original question was: "can a ticket please be created w/ Acrobat team?"
I do appreciate the explanation about how the Acrobat engine runs, but Adobe can you please stop ignoring my question?
I'm sure the smart engineers on the CF Team and Acrobat Team can find a
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by External U.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Bouton J.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Bouton J.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by External U.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Merging PDFs with Signature Blocks by Kailash B.
2609988 CF-3738881 Kailash B. Unfortunately, this is a current design limitation and will not be fixed given that this is an edge case.
Also, Acrobat doesn't support this.
Tracker Comment Comment on PDF Generation for Solaris by Aaron N.
4254300 CF-4202162 Aaron N. Hi Ian,
cfhtmltopdf uses a library provided by the Acrobat Team; limited to a spec originated by Adobe.
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by Kailash B.
2609099 CF-3931678 Rupesh K. Acrobat engine runs in a separate process and it can only render the content that is given to it. It cannot process any conditional expressions/script. Nor can we get a callback for each page while acrobat is building the pdf. Hence evalAtPrint can not be supported.
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. Again as Aaron Requested, why is this WITHDRAWN since it's being raised with the Acrobat team? This definitely needs to be addressed. Very limiting...
per @Aaron - "I think Deferred is appropriate since the issue is internally being raised with Acrobat. But public
, who is the Acrobat Team Manager that oversees the Acrobat Engine that CF is using?
is also able to recognize the alt text for the image. However, the accessibility test tool in acrobat is not able to recognize it. We have already logged an issue with Acrobat for the same.
2609216 CF-3910367 External U. Hi Adobe,
This ticket should be Open/ToTrack/ThirdParty since you said "We have already logged an issue with Acrobat for the same" and we're unable to track that Acrobat ticket.
This ticket should *definitely* not be "Withdrawn"!
And +1 to what Stephen said
2609249 CF-3864467 Rupesh K. [Comment by Avinash] : PDF tagging is working. To get the alternate text working, the image width and height should be considerably large so that the text is visible. Also, when alt attribute is set for img tag, the Text-to-Speech feature of Acrobat reads out the alt
2608573 CF-4060772 External U. Steps to reproduce:
1) Download attached CF-4060772_repro.cfm, PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf and PDFWithLiveCycleForm.pdf
2) In Adobe Acrobat, create a PDF having a signature field and save it as PDFWithAcrobatSignature.pdf
3) In CF-4060772_repro.cfm, populate acrobat
Tracker Issue cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check.
cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check.
Tracker Issue Bug 82512:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdocument format=pdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check
Bug 82512:(Watson Migration Closure)cfdocument format=pdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by External U.
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data by External U.
2608572 CF-4060893 External U. Please close this as a duplicate of CF-4060894, b/c CF-4060894 contains the PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf attachment.
Somehow the bug tracker caused duplication.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. Hi Avinash,
Thanks for letting us know that. Can a ticket please be created with the Acrobat team to add this ability? Because this is an important feature.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. Repeating:
"Can a ticket please be created with the Acrobat team to add this ability?" Please ensure the ticket is public for voting.
This is a critical limitation and prevents our migration from to .
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. *bump*
Can a publicly-viewable ticket please be created w/ the Acrobat team? Then can you please share that ticket #?
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. Asking again, can a ticket please be created w/ Acrobat team? This is a limitation when switching from cfdocument to cfhtmltopdf.
2609112 CF-3928680 Saurav G. Everyone,
This is the updated PDF document: http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf#page=681
2609216 CF-3910367 External U. How is another Adobe product considered third-party? Accessibility is a huge requirement in many places and Acrobat is the defacto standard. If it can't pass the accessibility test, we cannot recommend the use of this feature.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Kailash B.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Kailash B.
2610066 CF-3734792 Adobe D. We have logged a bug with Acrobat team. Once the issue is solved we will incorporate the changes.
(Comment added from ex-user id:bukkittu)
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents by External U.
Comment on Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents by External U.
Comment on Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents by External U.
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: <cfpdf action="archive"..> fails for <cfhtmltopdf>-generated PDFs by Aaron N.
2608575 CF-4060764 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
Per today's ColdFusion Developer Week webinar ("PDF enhancements in ColdFusion 2016"), this ticket is still awaiting a fix from Acrobat.
Can you please change the State/Resolution/Reason to indicate the same?
Currently it is "Closed/Won't Fix
artifacts is limited to the 5 tags (body/p/i/b/span) that Rich Text Strings allow.
Since this is not a PDF spec limitation, is the limitation the cf-acrobat.jar? And thus this is a valid ticket for the Acrobat team?
in the jar provided by the Acrobat team, or it's a bug in CF's connection with it. Please reconsider this ticket and open a ticket w/ the Acrobat team (if the bug is on their end). B/c, either way, this is an Adobe-internal issue (not an external one).
2609216 CF-3910367 Adobe D. To get the alternate text working, the image width and height should be considerably large so that the text is visible. Also, when alt attribute is set for img tag, the Text-to-Speech feature of Acrobat reads out the alt text correctly. However, when we run accessibility
2610066 CF-3734792 Adobe D. PDF tagging is working. To get the alternate text working, the image width and height should be considerably large so that the text is visible. Also, when alt attribute is set for img tag, the Text-to-Speech feature of Acrobat reads out the alt text correctly. However
Should the documentation for 's flatten attribute be changed from:
"Applies to forms created in Acrobat only (not forms created in LiveCycle)"
"Applies to forms created in Acrobat and LiveCycle"
Tracker Issue Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents
Bug 75093:Acrobat 9 has a "portfolio" feature which makes PDF projects by combining various contents
in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (reader not pro). The PDF loses the extended features that allow reader to sign.
Steps to Reproduce: The below code gives an example of using cfpdfform with the name attribute to populate the PDF.
Actual Result: PDF is generated, but user
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by External U.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by External U.
CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdf read|merge=>write throws PDFInvalidDocumentVariableException unless "read"+LiveCycle
and it contained a LiveCycle form
(the following makes me wonder what's going on under the PDF hood)
1) Download attached PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf & PDFWithLiveCycleForm.pdf
2) Run each of the following 5 code blocks
This fails ("read" + Acrobat):
Actual result: PDFInvalidDocumentVariableException "An
Tracker Issue Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader
Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader
from Chrome PDF, Acrobat Reader, or another PDF program.
Headers and footers generated with do not have this problem.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3955600
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name
Tracker Comment Comment on Java Heap Space OutOfMemoryError using CFINDEX after installation of Update 12 by Kailash B.
3076497 CF-4198615 Kailash B. Hi Eric,
Please try the steps mentioned below. This should solve the heap space outofmemory error you are getting:
1. Goto [CF Home]\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-11-00012\backup\lib
2. Copy the files cf-acrobat.jar and xmpcoreold.jar
3. Goto [CF Home]\cfusion\lib
4. Take a
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. *bump* (a month later)
Can a ticket *please* be opened w/ the Acrobat team, and ticket number posted here?
The CF Team should not be satisfied w/ these cfhtmltopdf limitations and should be working w/ other Adobe teams to lift the limitations so that customers can
Tracker Issue PDFs created by cfhtmltopdf are not accessible
to Section 508 guidelines. For most agencies, this means the document must be able to pass Adobe's own accessibility check, which is part of the Adobe Acrobat tools. Many authoring tools will automatically tag PDFs they create with proper structure (headings, paragraphs, tables) and meta-data (alt text from
get the following error:PDFDocException error during thumbnail operation.The PDFs it has problems with are those that are created with the "Extract Pages" function in Adobe Acrobat X Pro.
fails on any PDF that was created via the "Extract Pages" function in Adobe Acrobat X Pro unless you
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfhtmltopdfitem broken link to "5-tagger" PDF spec by Saurav G.
3366106 CF-4199439 Saurav G. Here is the doc with the updated link:
The new PDF is: http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_reference_1-7.pdf#page=681
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by Kailash B.
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Comment on CFPDF Issue: cf-acrobat.jar is missing PDFToUnicodeCMap.class by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: <cfhtmltopdfitem evalatprint="true|false"> by External U.
2609099 CF-3931678 External U. Hi Rupesh,
Thanks very much for that explanation. So could a ticket please be created w/ the Acrobat team (either for conditional expressions or a callback), so that code can be upgraded from cfdocument to cfhtmltopdf?
2609112 CF-3928680 Rupesh K. This is not an oversight but a limitation. As you know, CFHTMLToPDF uses acrobat engine and that engine supports a very limited set of HTML tags for header and footer. You can refer to http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/PDFReference16.pdf#page=664
2609112 CF-3928680 Rupesh K. Aaron, you are getting confused between this bug and evalAtPrint bug. The status for this bug changed from "Withdrawn/AsDesigned" to "Withdrawn/DesignLimitation" based on your comment.
Yes, we have raised it with Acrobat.
2609112 CF-3928680 Chinoy G. I know this issue is pending for a long time but as mentioned earlier, we have already raised a bug with acrobat for the same. Once we get a fix from them, we will update you.
at least be "Closed/Deferred/ThirdParty". (even tho the Acrobat team isn't -completely- 3rd party ;))
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Nimit S.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Nimit S.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFPRINT cut the top margin of the page by Akhila K.
2609796 CF-3767744 Akhila K. We tried cfprint with "pageScaling"(within "'attributeStruct'" parameter) set as "fit-to-printer-margin" or "reduce-to-printer-margins". With this setting, there was no difference in printed documents using Adobe PDF/Acrobat and that of cfprint. Both the documents were
2614085 CF-3132948 External U. BTW, I should have said that, yes, I realize there is the bookmarks panel on the left when viewing the PDF in Acrobat. Even so, that tree structure does not make it easy to appreciate how many new features there are, unless you open every one.
Tracker Issue cfhtmltopdf Accessibility Failure
5097819 CF-4203475 Accessibility,Document Management : PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF) cfhtmltopdf Accessibility Failure Problem Description:
Use the cfhtmltopdf functionality does not generate a pdf which passes Adobe Acrobats PDF Accessibility checker. There is a current bug tracker, https
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" angle=""
2673447 CF-4126540 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" angle="" Related Bugs:
4135668 - Blocking CT Gibson
This ER is for cfpdf(action="addstamp" to allow rotation of the stamp, as is allowed in Acrobat. Example: cfpdf(action="addstamp" angle
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" opacity=""
2673448 CF-4126539 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" opacity="" Related Bugs:
4135671 - Blocking CT Gibson
This ER is for cfpdf(action="addstamp" to support cfpdf's existing opacity attribute to specify the stamp's opacity, as is allowed in Acrobat
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" source=""
2673449 CF-4126538 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: cfpdf(action="addstamp" source="" This ER is for cfpdf(action="addstamp" to support cfpdf's existing source attribute for specifying the source stamp PDF (each page is a different stamp), as is used by Acrobat. Example: cfpdf
Tracker Issue PDFs created by cfhtmltopdf are not accessible/tagged
guidelines. For most agencies, this means the document must be able to pass Adobe's own accessibility check, which is part of the Adobe Acrobat tools. Many authoring tools will automatically tag PDFs they create with proper structure (headings, paragraphs, tables) and meta-data (alt text from images, etc
Comment on Unable to open Sanitized PDF using acrobat reader by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfhtmltopdf/cfpdf are not yet a replacement for cfdocument by Kailash B.
2608271 CF-4145441 Kailash B. The bug #CF-3931678 has been taken up. But since it requires language changes, we will take it up in the next release of ColdFusion.
For the other two bugs, #CF-3928680 and #CF-3931673, we have already raised an ER with the acrobat team. We will keep you updated about
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: <cfpdf action="archive"..> fails for <cfhtmltopdf>-generated PDFs by Aaron N.
of Adobe's control. When, in actuality, the fix is _within_ Adobe's control.
The Acrobat Team should own this bug, and the CF Team shouldn't back down.
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. Thanks very much Rupesh! Could a ticket please be created w/ the Acrobat team to create a workaround? I think this should be done if cfhtmltopdf is positioned as an upgrade to cfdocument (same as w/ CF-3931678).
Hi Adam,
It sadly looks like a limitation of PDF (I
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. > This is not an oversight but a limitation. As you know, CFHTMLToPDF uses acrobat engine and that engine supports a very limited set of HTML tags for header and footer. You can refer to http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/PDFReference16.pdf#page=664
was temporarily marked Deferred. I'd like it to become "Deferred".
I think Deferred is appropriate since the issue is internally being raised with Acrobat. But public-facing "Withdrawn" doesn't reflect this.
Again, could this be Deferred instead of Withdrawn?
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: cfpdfparam(overwritedata=false overwrites data by Aaron N.
2608571 CF-4060894 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
I've verified this is NOT fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513).
overwriteData=false is ignored when XMLdata attribute is used. Data corruption!!
Just save attached PDF as PDFWithAcrobatForm.pdf and re-run same steps in description.
This ticket
Tracker Comment Comment on [cielen] cfhtmltopdfitem - error when used with special characters by Ajay R.
4607209 CF-4203132 Ajay R. Default Encoder "ISO-8859-1" is inconsistent with generating byte streams for these gereman characters because they not supported by encoding ISO-8859-1. Thus when acrobat content reader is not getting correct stream of bytes it is throwing exceptions. These characters
Tracker Comment Comment on [cielen] cfhtmltopdfitem - error when used with special characters by Kailash B.
4607209 CF-4203132 Kailash B. Default Encoder "ISO-8859-1" is inconsistent with generating byte streams for these gereman characters because they not supported by encoding ISO-8859-1. Thus when acrobat content reader is not getting correct stream of bytes it is throwing exceptions. These characters
an official bug report was made and the root cause identified.
When creating a PDF with CFDOCUMENT and only the "userpassword" is specified, the security in the PDF that is created does not seem to be valid - there is no password that can be entered that will allow changes to the PDF using Acrobat Pro
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Bouton J.
Comment on cfdocument format=pdf and cfhtmltopdf doesn't pass the adobe acrobat pro 508 complience check. by Bouton J.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: support for redaction overlay text
2673494 CF-4126489 Document Management Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: support for redaction overlay text Related Bugs:
4104379 - Blocking CT Gibson
Currently, overlay text is not supported for redaction. Overlay text should be supported.
Example, just refer to Acrobat which has these overlay text
Tracker Issue CFPRINT cut the top margin of the page
2609796 CF-3767744 CFPRINT John Walker CFPRINT cut the top margin of the page Problem: The margin on the of page gets cut off when printed with CFPRINT
Method: Use the below code:-
Result: When the output is print using Adobe PDF/Acrobat, the page prints fine. However, the margin on the of page
2598255 CF-3041547 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83085:Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader correctly identifies