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2612386 CF-3516706 External U. Abram/Adam - are either of you of a bug/ER to make true/false the default boolean display format? I'd vote the heck out of that.
2608509 CF-4073787 Language Abram Adams Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects Duplicate ID: CF-3713323 Title says it all. We should have Map/Reduce/Filter/Each member functions for query objects. The query object should be treated like an array of structs, i.e: [{id
2608511 CF-4073759 Language,Wishlist Abram Adams cfquery/queryExecute - Add Return Type Let's add a return type argument to cfquery and queryExecute that allows at least: * query - default * struct - array of structs, like [{id:1,name="bob"},{id:2,name="jill"}] (named struct after the undocumented
2609310 CF-3859966 Installation/Config : Config Abram Adams Does not auto-start after reboot Duplicate ID: CF-3781603 Problem Description: When installing you are asked if you want to auto-start CF on boot, however when you reboot the server ColdFusion does not actually start. You can start
2598982 CF-3040724 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81452:When an entity has a data type of Date the adl Problem: When an entity has a data type of Date the adl.exe process does not terminate when you close the air application. The only way to terminate the process is to go
2673443 CF-4126544 Language Abram Adams Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs Now that we have ordered/sorted structs structNew("sorted/ordered") we need to also have literal syntax support. This was discussed in the PR forums, but no consensus was made on what the best syntax would be
2608510 CF-4073770 Language Abram Adams queryExecute - Add Map function This feature makes a lot more sense if gets emplemented as well... It would be very useful to be able to pass in a map function to the queryExecute function that would
2608547 CF-4067122 Language Abram Adams [elvis]?: Elvis operator not properly evaluating inline CFML When using ?: to set a default string value containing an inline CFML var it returns blank. If you concatenate the string & var it works. Example: test = "VALUE THAT SHOULD OUTPUT"; result1
2608722 CF-4017604 Web Services : Axis 2 Abram Adams Web Services not listed in CF Admin - cannot delete Problem Description: When using createObject("webservice"...) to connect to a wsdl and consume the web service the CF Admin used to list these urls in the "Data & Services > Web Services
2673406 CF-4126636 Language Abram Adams Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update Duplicate ID: CF-4058829 Quite often I’m working with arrays and structs and have the need to either add or override keys/indexes to a struct/array. To add a key, I can simply do struct
2598934 CF-3040778 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81610:When you have ManyToOne and ManyToMany relationships and fetch the parent entity from the server you get back from the server the parent entity and all of the child entity data (verifiable by debuggin Problem: When you have Many
2598981 CF-3040725 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81453:When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you run out of RAM) Problem: When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you
2608581 CF-4058829 Language Abram Adams Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update Quite often I’m working with arrays and structs and have the need to either add or override keys/indexes to a struct/array. To add a key, I can simply do struct["key"] = "something"; or struct
2610893 CF-3671657 ORM Support Abram Adams Implement oData (Open Data Protocol) API via ORM/Hibernate to Produce and Consume oData With development trends moving rapidly to mobile platforms (as well as a trend back to thick client paradigms: SPAs, web native OS, Chrome Apps, etc..) and CF's new
3090729 CF-4198667 Language : Expressions Abram Adams Operators not supported in evaluated expressions when inside #'s Problem Description: When using operators such as , >= or == in an evaluated expression inside #'s it fails with an error. Example code (also, see examples below) {code
structures. That is because these are complex types (objects). Whereas the operators imply simple types, being natural extensions of & and +, respectively. Date Added :2015-09-16 14:50:18.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Abram Adams Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2015-09-11 22:40:40.0
also supported member function for StructGetSorted, anyStruct.getSorted() // sorted struct in ascending order similarly all combinations will work in member function too Date Added :2015-10-29 05:00:09.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Abram Adams Note Added: Entered Feature. Date Added :2015