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Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Aaron G.
2608501 CF-4075206 Chinoy G. Aaron, this bug was not about incorrect timeout value. This issue was happpening because of some unhandled exception in the code which resulted in timeout error. So I don't think it is relevant for the scenario you are talking about.
2608501 CF-4075206 Chinoy G. Aaron, I think you can file bug for that and we can have a look into it. As for the second note, which CF version you were trying it on?
2608666 CF-4028272 Chinoy G. Aaron, I was also not able to find any way to do it.
2608829 CF-3982328 Chinoy G. Aaron, it is fixed for CF12, CF11 and CF10.
2608634 CF-4042294 Chinoy G. Hi Aaron, Thanks for the additional info and repo case. Can you raise a new bug for this issue
2672355 CF-4197214 Saurav G. Aaron, Thanks for the inputs. The updated page is:
2672356 CF-4197198 Saurav G. Aaron, Thanks for pointing this out. The updated page is:
2835003 CF-4198319 Saurav G. Aaron, Here you go.
2672355 CF-4197214 Saurav G. Aaron, I shall get back to you on this as soon as possible. I've forwarded the request to the engg team.
2672359 CF-4197185 Saurav G. Aaron, Thanks for your inputs. Here is the updated document:
2672404 CF-4196853 Saurav G. Aaron, Thanks for your inputs. The updated page is:
2672406 CF-4196851 Saurav G. Aaron, I shall have to get back to you on this. Probably in a day or two.
2673085 CF-4152455 Saurav G. Aaron, The updated page is now live: Thanks.
4166453 CF-4201819 Saurav G. Thank you Aaron for the suggestions. I've incorporated the changes. Please check.
2672356 CF-4197198 Saurav G. Hi Aaron, I've updated the History section: Thanks, Saurav
2609099 CF-3931678 Chinoy G. Hi Aaron, cfhtmltopdfitem tag has an attribute called numberformat. Its default is numeric but it can be set to ROMAN also. Now if it is set as ROMAN and evalAtPrint is true and user has some conditional code based on pagenumbers, then that code will not work properly.
2612193 CF-3546046 Saurav G. Hi Aaron, Here is the link to the live doc: Thanks a lot for your help.
3554228 CF-4199854 Saurav G. Aaron, I've modified the document: Thank you.
3960347 CF-4201076 Kenneth G. Aaron, I think you're missing the point. If debugging output option is on on the server then CF should be generating the debug output. When CF sees the debug output "off" option then it needs to stop generating debug output. That is the whole point of having
2608426 CF-4097008 Chinoy G. Hi Aaron, The fix will be available in the upcoming updates, both for CF 2016 and CF11..
2609298 CF-3861184 Saurav G. Hi Aaron, Here is the updated page: You may want to check in a while. Thanks, Saurav
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: imageMakeColorTransparent() not accepting *array of* "r,g,b" by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: imageMakeColorTransparent() not accepting "r,g,b" by Aaron N.
2603105 CF-3036007 Saurav G. Aaron, I've updated the doc. Please check. Thanks, -Saurav
2673469 CF-4126518 Chinoy G. Hi Aaron, It seems it is not possible to make this work directly though appcmd. In case of "All", the connector entry is done at global level in IIS.So if a website is already configured and someone tries to configure "All", a double connector entry is made
Comment on cf11 update 12 : macromedia_drivers not working on Oracle 11g R11. - 64bit by Aaron N.
Comment on cf11 update 12 : macromedia_drivers not working on Oracle 11g R11. - 64bit by Aaron N.
2608666 CF-4028272 Chinoy G. As mentioned, IIS does duplicate the request. But there is no way to handle it properly. Connector does not store any request related information, so nothing can be done there. On CF side, as Aaron mentioned, apppcmd can be used to check for duplicate request
2614189 CF-3126141 External U. *bump* The color attribute still needs to accept an array, b/c each of the colors could be in this format "r,g,b". Thus, that becomes problematic when trying to specify a list of colors in "r,g,b" format. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment on cf11 update 12 : macromedia_drivers not working on Oracle 11g R11. - 64bit by Aaron N.
Comment on [elvis] CFML: "Elvis" operator and null coalescing operators are two different things G'day: by Aaron N.
2608493 CF-4077069 CFIMAGE Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: imageMakeColorTransparent() not accepting *array of* "r,g,b" Once 4077066 (to fix "r,g,b" support in imageMakeColorTransparent()) is fixed, then it will be necessary for imageMakeColorTransparent() to accept an array of color values (b/c, per
to the client side file, or CFC seems to make it work shortly after. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3843498 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: AaronG33K External Customer Email: External Test Config: My
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: imageMakeColorTransparent() not accepting *array of* "r,g,b" by External U.
Comment on [elvis] CFML: "Elvis" operator and null coalescing operators are two different things G'day: by External U.
2608494 CF-4077066 CFIMAGE Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: imageMakeColorTransparent() not accepting "r,g,b" The image functions accept "r,g,b" list of three 0-255 integers as a color value. But, imageMakeColorTransparent() doesn't (tho the doc says it does). Repro: myImage = imageNew("", 200, 200
4119135 CF-4201664 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: getSafeHTML() missing syntax Issue: getSafeHTML()'s syntax is missing Related URL:
4120032 CF-4201661 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: floor() syntax and parameters combined Issue: floor()'s syntax and parameter sections are combined and should be separate Related URL:
4120041 CF-4201663 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: getSOAPRequest() syntax and parameters mismatch Issue: getSOAPRequest()'s syntax and parameter sections don't match (webservice missing in syntax) Related URL:
4102685 CF-4201584 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: FileOpen's FileRead link is incorrect Issue: FileOpen's FileRead link is incorrect Steps to Reproduce: go to Actual Result: 'See also
4120034 CF-4201662 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: getBaseTagList() caller parameter undocumented Issue: getBaseTagList(caller) is undocumented. It seems to only accept a javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag value. An example of how to use this parameter should be documented. Related URL
2598132 CF-3041704 External U. A workaround is to prefix the "out" parameter values. So this: {fields='f', stream='s', getItemResult='g', url=theURL} becomes: {fields='local.f', stream='local.s', getItemResult='local.g', url=theURL} f, s and g are then written to the local scope instead
Comment on [elvis] CFML: "Elvis" operator and null coalescing operators are two different things G'day: by Suchika S.
: function f() { var theURL = "http://#myLogin.domain#/Shared Documents/mytxt.txt";//be sure this file exists var theParams = {fields='f', stream='s', getItemResult='g', url=theURL};//fields, stream and getItemResult are "out" parameters cfsharepoint(action="getItem", name="local.r", login
3554228 CF-4199854 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: 2 issues in ImageMakeColorTransparent() color parameter description Currently, ImageMakeColorTransparent doc's color parameter description has 2 issues. Actual Result: ----------- Required. The transparent color: - Hexadecimal value
2672356 CF-4197198 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: CFHTMLTOPDF variables undocumented CFHTMLTOPDF.currentPageNumber and CFHTMLTOPDF.totalPageCount are undocumented. Please see: This
Comment on cf11 update 12 : macromedia_drivers not working on Oracle 11g R11. - 64bit by Nimit S.
4102703 CF-4201585 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: FileUploadAll CF11 parameters Issue: FileUploadAll's CF11 parameters need merged into Parameters section (and as headlessCamelCase) and added to Syntax section Steps to Reproduce: go to
3366106 CF-4199439 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfhtmltopdfitem broken link to "5-tagger" PDF spec cfhtmltopdfitem doc's "5-tagger" PDF spec link is broken (I call it the "5-tagger" spec, since it does *not* actually say header/footer only supports 5 tags, but Adobe insists
Comment on [elvis] CFML: "Elvis" operator and null coalescing operators are two different things G'day: by External U.
2879198 CF-4198360 Documentation Aaron Neff Floor()-related docs need "See also" section updated. Floor()'s "See also" section should look like this: -------------------------------------------- See also Ceiling, Fix, Int, Round -------------------------------------------- Note: Currently Floor
2613908 CF-3148753 Scheduler Aaron Neff Chained Task creation inconsistencies
3427457 CF-4199532 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: old percent width grid regression Thought I'd logged this years ago, but cannot find the ticket. CF8 allowed cfgrid width to be percentage value. CF9+ doesn't (throws "height/width attribute cannot be a percentage value
2614189 CF-3126141 External U. Verified this is fixed in CF10 Final (build 10,282462). One issue: It fails when colors are specified as a list of three 0-255 numbers. The imageNew, imageSetBackgroundColor, and imageSetDrawingColor functions all accept "r,g,b" (list of three 0-255 numbers
be done. Can this ticket also please be re-opened to add: .binaryEncode(), .charsetEncode() and .formatBaseN()? Thanks!, -Aaron P.S. Verified using the following code (added to Adam's code from his blog): writeOutput("toBase64()"); writeDump(var=safeCall(function(){ return textString.toBase64