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Tracker Issue Bug 75981:Centaur Developer Guide (Beta 1) > Page 594 (Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion) >
Bug 75981:Centaur Developer Guide (Beta 1) > Page 594 (Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion) >
Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database
Comment on Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database by External U.
Comment on Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database by External U.
Comment on Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database by External U.
Comment on Bug 79545:The SyncManager client-side class for AIR offline integration needs to provide the ability to encrypt the local database by External U.
Tracker Issue Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation
2599673 CF-3039842 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79663:The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation Problem:
The current AIR ORM for ColdFusion 9 does not support primary key generation. Even in the most simplistic examples, this does not function
Tracker Issue Bug 78776:(Watson Migration Closure)[JFERNANDES] AIR Sync Method should follow LCDS sync method
2600208 CF-3039274 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration João Fernandes Bug 78776:(Watson Migration Closure)[JFERNANDES] AIR Sync Method should follow LCDS sync method Problem:
[JFERNANDES] AIR Sync Method should follow LCDS sync method. Instead of 3 arguments, it should send a ChangeObject which would
2599196 CF-3040479 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Jason Dean Bug 80895:If the SQLite lite DB is encrypted but the cache DB is not, then there is an obvious flaw in the encryption usage because the data will be store unencrypted right next to the encrytped DB on the file Problem:
If the SQLite lite
Tracker Issue Bug 78531:In the User Guide,
2600336 CF-3039134 Documentation : Examples Sam Farmer Bug 78531:In the User Guide, Problem:
In the User Guide,
Flex and AIR Integration in ColdFusion
on page 615
Missing a closing > on the Customer and Address
2599261 CF-3040409 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 80681:The Brigde table created for Many-To-Many relationships automatically assumes that the primary keys of the two entities are int's Problem:
The Brigde table created for Many-To-Many relationships automatically assumes
Tracker Issue Bug 81452:When an entity has a data type of Date the adl
2598982 CF-3040724 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81452:When an entity has a data type of Date the adl Problem:
When an entity has a data type of Date the adl.exe process does not terminate when you close the air application. The only way to terminate the process is to go
Tracker Issue Bug 80118:ER request
2599439 CF-3040190 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Michael Nimer Bug 80118:ER request Problem:
ER request. The AIR/ORM conflict code only lets you accept the server. Which means that you have to loose all of your changes and start over when there is a conflict with an object you are trying to save
2599733 CF-3039777 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration David Tucker Bug 79587:The current ORM capability provided in the cfair Problem:
The current ORM capability provided in the cfair.swc file does not support the logging of SQL as it is sent to the SQLite database. This greatly limits the developer
Tracker Issue Bug 82799:autoIncrement attirbute doens get filled out when processing the [Column] metadata
2598375 CF-3041405 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Steven Peeters Bug 82799:autoIncrement attirbute doens get filled out when processing the [Column] metadata Problem:
autoIncrement attirbute doens get filled out when processing the [Column] metadata. This does not allow to create autoincrement
Tracker Issue Bug 79546:The SessionToken class needs to be made dynamic to be consistent with AsyncToken usage
2599763 CF-3039747 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Darron Schall Bug 79546:The SessionToken class needs to be made dynamic to be consistent with AsyncToken usage Problem:
The SessionToken class needs to be made dynamic to be consistent with AsyncToken usage. It is a common practice to attach data
Tracker Issue Bug 80207:OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all)
2599412 CF-3040223 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Cameron Childress Bug 80207:OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all) Problem:
OneToMany in the CFAIR integration doesn't appear to work as documented (or perhaps at all).I have actually gotten
2599427 CF-3040204 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Cameron Childress Bug 80183:(Watson Migration Closure)Once you save a VO to SQlite it looks like the table structure is pretty much set and any new properties will not be picked up by the SyncManager, the corresponding columns will not be created
2598106 CF-3041732 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration peter Bierman Bug 83490:(Watson Migration Closure)Problem occurs wtih the coldfusion Problem:
Problem occurs wtih the coldfusion.air.SyncManager class.Setting the secureHttp property to 'true' does not work.http requests are still submitted over http
to enable it to work with ColdFusion 7 and 8 servers. Without this the AIR app will only be useful to people using ColdFusion 9, which isn't particularly useful, especially considering the integrated support for multiple servers. Being able to use this with CF 7 and CF8 would make it a truly useful piece
2598934 CF-3040778 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81610:When you have ManyToOne and ManyToMany relationships and fetch the parent entity from the server you get back from the server the parent entity and all of the child entity data (verifiable by debuggin Problem:
When you have Many
Tracker Issue Bug 81453:When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you run out of RAM)
2598981 CF-3040725 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81453:When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you run out of RAM) Problem:
When you have a self joining entity the saveUpdateCache() method runs forever (or at least until you
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 74751:Hi, by External U.
2602181 CF-3037141 External U. I have long felt that since CF is providing captive, embedded Derby, the CF Admin should include at the very least a minimal Derby IDE... or, failing that, an AIR app should be included with the CF install that provides the ability to maintain Derby databases
Tracker Issue Bug 72796:Provide Tag-based Generation of Excel files (while keeping existing excel functions)
2603188 CF-3035900 Document Management : Office Integration Ben Davies Bug 72796:Provide Tag-based Generation of Excel files (while keeping existing excel functions) Problem:
Provide Tag-based Generation of Excel files (while keeping existing excel functions)
{NOTE: This ER is for Tag Based