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Does Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) have 32-bit support?
Portal Topic CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object
Exception: 0x80040154 – Class not registered. I did register the .dll Also this is on Windows server 2016 This doesn’t happen in CF11 but does in CF 2018. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The post CFObject in CF 2018 for calling a COM object appeared first on ColdFusion. 32-bit Support
Portal Comment Comment on CF18 install for iis by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Did you really mean sql server or cf? If CF, that's true: it no longer supports 32bit.
Tracker Comment Comment on Accessing a 32-bit driver in 64-bit ColdFusion fails in 2016 and 2018, but works in ColdFusion 11 by Aayushi R.
6866741 CF-4207339 Aayushi R. We do not support 32 bit ODBC driver with 64 bit CF 2018 and 32 bit ODBC driver with 64 bit CF 2016
:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 […]
The post Java.null.pointer error while migrating to Coldfusion18. appeared first on ColdFusion. 32-bit Support,ColdFusion 2018,Question,2018,32-bit support,cfconfig,coldfusion 11,coldfusion 2018,migration,performance,question,windows 10
'}); […]
The post ColdFusion Builder 2018 – Datasource ‘XXX’ could not be found. appeared first on ColdFusion. 32-bit Support,Blog,ColdFusion 2018,Question,32-bit support,administrator,coldfusion 2018,question
H_kumar I have a similar situation when we migrated from CF11 to CF18. We have a client that does fax, it calls 32-bit COM objects. After migration to CF18, it stopped working because CF18 doesn't 32 bit anymore.
"Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) cannot be run as a 32-bit application on the 32-bit
2602145 CF-3037179 External U. As it is getting harder and harder to buy 32-bit equipment, this is getting much more important. Regardless of whether Standard edition ever support 64-bit (a separate ER), you cannot just break people's trial if they accidentally put in a Standard serial # on a 64
in the result section below appears.
"You must configure you application server to enable native CFX support."
Should bring up the tag registration form.
Clicking on “Register Java Tags” works as expected.
not known.
Ref. Bug #3037960
I could reproduce this with 32-bit
Portal Topic Supplied Drivers?
Aaron Neff Supplied Drivers? Hi Adobe, The “Data Source Management for ColdFusion” doc, under “Supplied Drivers” has always listed “Microsoft Access”, but Adobe says 1) the 32-bit ODBC driver always ships with Windows itself and 2) CF doesn’t install an ODBC driver and 3) the 64-bit ODBC driver
Comment on Bundled jIntegra is 32bit on 64 Bit Windows by Asha K.
management, especially on a 32-bit platform (necessary for COM object support).
However, we have 3 servers that are suffering from this issue, including a 64-bit version of ColdFusion 11.
Steps to Reproduce:
ColdFusion 10, Update 11, 32-bit
Set Windows Task for a reboot (shutdown -r -f -t 60)
Tracker Issue Bug 79510:Today Download ColdFusion 9 Installer for 32-bit MacintoshOn Mac OS X Version: 10
Bug 79510:Today Download ColdFusion 9 Installer for 32-bit MacintoshOn Mac OS X Version: 10
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by External U.
2608822 CF-3984812 External U. After further fiddling, if I go to Application Pools > DefaultAppPool > Advanced Settings and change Enable 32-Bit Applications to FALSE, I then receive a new error:
HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by External U.
2608822 CF-3984812 External U. I have windows 64bits and I downloaded the coldfusion 64bits.
restarting the IIS enables the option 32bits application to true in the defaultAppPool, it will give the 500 error for the index.cfm page.
when I put it to false, the index.cfm is downloaded.
It should
work. It doesn't . we used 2.2.15. we have upgraded to 2.2.17. the problem persists. we copied the Module from a machine that has cf9 32 bit installed. This did resolve the error and CF is now working with Apache. we dont know if the 32bit module will have a problem with the 64 bit CF APp server
not available.
Expected Result:
Driver selectable.
Any Workarounds:
Well known issue e.g. http://forums.adobe.com/message/5906504
Not real work around as requires running CF as 32 bit.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3691289
Beta, I added a comment on CF-3492574 noting this - but there was no reply.
Issue #4) (unresolved ticket CF-3492620) 64-bit CF11 still requires same-named 32-bit "System DSN" to be manually registered w/ Windows using C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. (the "Unable to update the NT registry. Variable