displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123
Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
Comment on Bug 80193:123 is serialized to 123 by External U.
2596869 CF-3529221 Piyush K. The issue exists to an extent with MS exchange server 2007 as well.
Say, if the password is "abcd123%" or "abcd123#", it seems that the last char is ignored. So, when logging in (with OWA), both
"abcd123%" and "abcd123" work.
When using CF, the aggravation
Tracker Comment Comment on list iteration & member functions all need to expect both a "delimiters" and a "includeEmptyValues" argument. by External U.
2609888 CF-3750734 External U. This isn't fixed in CF11 Update 3 (as of build 11,0,03,291742). The code in the example returns 7 (instead of ,,,,7,,,,). Example:
writeOutput(listFilter("1,,2,,3", function(){return true;}, ",", true));//returns 1,2,3 (bad - should return 1,,2,,3)
SELECT 123 AS value
SELECT 123 AS value
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Tracker Comment Comment on '"></title><InvalidTag>alert(document.cookie)</script>'"><marquee><h1>XSS Sami</h1></marquee> by External U.
2672609 CF-4184671 External U. \',yz123">
Tracker Comment Comment on list iteration & member functions all need to expect both a "delimiters" and a "includeEmptyValues" argument. by External U.
2609888 CF-3750734 External U. Verified this is fixed in CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292245(PreRelease)).
writeOutput(listFilter("1,,2,,3", function(){return true;}, ",", true));//returns 1,,2,,3
Tracker Comment Comment on isvalid("variableName") incorrectly validates strings with leading/trailing spaces or ending period by James M.
2611312 CF-3631104 James M. There are other issues with isValid() when it comes to trailing spaces in the value being evaluated. I'm not sure if this needs to be a new bug as it's the same "trim" isValid() issue affecting other evaluation types.
IsBoolean() returning true for "123D ", but false
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling serializeJSON on a string of zeros (e.g. "000") doesn't string-encode the output. by External U.
2596982 CF-3219537 External U. In addition to the above, it appears that any floating-point number (x) where (-1 >= x < 1) fails serialisation in the same manner as above when prefixed by multiple zeros. Example values:
* -0001.0
* -000.123
* 000.123
Tracker Comment Comment on Calling serializeJSON on a string of zeros (e.g. "000") doesn't string-encode the output. by Immanuel N.
2596982 CF-3219537 Immanuel N. The scenario mentioned in the bug, ("000") has been fixed.
Closing as duplicate of bug CF-3321476.
The scenarios mentioned in the comments, ("-0001.0" , "-000.123", "000.123"), are tracked in an other bug, CF-3706077
Steps to Reproduce: Some values that will pass: 123,,123 or $123,123
Actual Result: TRUE
Expected Result: FALSE
Any Workarounds: You have to use ReReplace() or Val() to sanitize the values due to these characters being allowed. Better would be to have a true validation for integer, or a way
Bug 86402:-(Watson Migration Closure)This code compiles/runs fine:123"> This code throws a syntax error: ("Invalid CFML construct found")function foo() a:b="123" {}
Tracker Issue Color coding is not functioning correctly
2682653 CFB-3787600 General - IDE derekb123 Color coding is not functioning correctly Problem Description: Color coding is not functioning correctly
Steps to Reproduce: open attached file
Actual Result: Color for text is all green with default colorization
Expected Result: should be all colored
Tracker Comment Comment on isNull needs to return false if literal values are provided by Awdhesh K.
2608562 CF-4063717 Awdhesh K. As per current design, when a literal is passes as parameter to isNull, ColdFusion tries to search the property with that name in all the scopes. example
isNull(123) while return false is 123 is defined in any of CF scopes or otherwise true.
This behavior
" throws, but "User12345" does not.
Steps to Reproduce: The following code demonstrates the issue:
variables.key1 = "abc";
"variables.#variables.key1#" = "key1 works";
variables.key2 = "123";
variables[ variables.key2 ] = "key2 works!";
variables.key3 = "abc123";
"variables.#variables.key3#" = "key3
.25 in JSON representation. However all numbers are just turned to strings.
var someNumber = #SerializeJSON(123)#;Result:var someNumber = "123";
SerializeJSON turns integers like 123 into strings.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
String() member function, you incorrectly get back what looks like a memory location (for example: "coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn@58c93247")
Tested and found this same behavior in CF 10, 11, 2016, and 2018
Steps to Reproduce:
sampleQuery = QueryNew( "ID", "Integer" , {"id": 123} );
WriteOutput( sample
Tracker Comment Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
2609897 CF-3748332 External U. Here's the repro code I used (had to comment-out the cfclient tags in order to run the arraySort()/myArray.sort() section:
myArray = listToArray("1,,2,,3");
arrayEach(myArray, function(a){writeOutput(a&'a');});//displays 1a2a3a
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfloop() fails for list
3283113 CF-4199031 Language : CFSCRIPT Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfloop() fails for list cfloop() fails for list
theList = "1,2,3";
cfloop(list=theList, index="i") {
Actual Result: Exception "Attribute validation error for the loop tag
Tracker Issue Allow cfproperty default to be a CFML expression
property name='myString' default='[1,2,3]' type='string';
// This will actually be an array
property name='myArray' default='#[1,2,3]#' type='array';
* This will actually be a struct
* @default #{ foo : 'bar' }#
property name='myStruct' type
Tracker Issue toList() member function is missing for Arguments
2608294 CF-4134200 Language Henry Ho toList() member function is missing for Arguments Problem Description:
ArrayToList(arguments) works, but arguments.toList() does not exist.
Steps to Reproduce:
function argList () {
return arguments.toList();
Actual Result: to
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: myList.filter() not implemented
2609864 CF-3755346 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: myList.filter() not implemented Duplicate ID: CF-3752316
The filter() member function has not been implemented for lists.
Steps to Reproduce:
myVar = "1,2,3";
writeOutput(listFilter(myVar, function(){return true;}));//returns "1,2,3
Tracker Issue Certain syntax breaks the interpreter (compiler)
Steps to Reproduce:
I was able to reproduce it with this simple pice of code:
#givemesomething({ device = local.device.udid })#
No udid given.
Call this code with the url-paramter udid=123
Actual Result:
Server Error with message:
Variable LOCAL
Tracker Comment Comment on CF 10 documentation needs to be updated for cfcollection, cfindex and cfsearch tag by External U.
2613451 CF-3315068 External U. And the cfscript versions (collection/index/search) should also be documented on these pages:
- http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10.0/CFMLRef/WSe9cbe5cf462523a0693d5dae123bcd28f6d-8000.html
- http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10.0/CFMLRef/WSe9cbe5cf462523
Tracker Issue Change default locaiton for Audit logging
Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3568501
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: HelpMePls123
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
Tracker Issue Bug 86947:-(Watson Migration Closure)ER: add additional argument to Round so that you can specifiy number of decimals places
that you can round to the nearest 10n. Examples:ROUND(123.4545, 2) = 123.45ROUND(123.455, 2) = 123.46ROUND(748.58, -4) = 0ROUND(748.58, -1) = 750.00ROUND(748.58, -2) = 700.00
ER: add additional argument to Round so that you can specifiy number of decimals places. Also, allow negative
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF by External U.
2608329 CF-4125142 External U. Using https://www.google.co.uk/?p=123&a=456 as an example you get the following error:
Error occurred while generating PDF.Reason: THE REFERENCE TO ENTITY ""A"" MUST END WITH THE ';' DELIMITER
I assume its because the & is a special char.
Using EncodeForURL doesn
2608582 CF-4058810 Piyush K. Thanks Neil for the confirmation.
Just to add, you can pass a range as well as the comma delimited values for datatype.
So ["NUMERIC:1,2,3;STRING"] can also be specified as ["NUMERIC:1-3;STRING"]
closing this.
2610304 CF-3712125 External U. And hopefully it goes without saying... if the result of calling a member function is a different type, and that new type usually has its own member functions, they should be chainable too:
"1,2,3".listToArray().each(function(){}) ... and so on.
Tracker Comment Comment on Missing CGI.Redirect_URL by External U.
2613714 CF-3177732 External U. Same Problem in the CF 10 Release. This is a must-have, unless there is a workaround.
In addition, it is no longer possible to define custom CGI-Variables in Apache-RewriteRules, e.g.:
RewriteRule .* - [E=test:123]
This works fine on tomcat.
2614074 CF-3133304 External U. collection/index/search should also be listed here too: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10.0/CFMLRef/WSe9cbe5cf462523a0693d5dae123bcd28f6d-7ffe.html
Tracker Issue For implicit Constructor support not calling setter functions for the properties defined.
to Reproduce:
component accessors=true
property id;
function setId(id) {
variables.id = id & "!";
t = new Test(id=123);
Actual Result: id is not set, setId function is not invoked at all
Expected Result: id is set to "123!"
Any Workarounds:
do not count
2673481 CF-4126505 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: dateTimeFormat(dateTime, "iso") truncates milliseconds dateTimeFormat(dateTime, "iso") truncates milliseconds
dateTime = createDateTime(2016,1,3,1,2,3);
dateTime = dateAdd("l", 123, dateTime);
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: RunAsync() throws invalid exception
4221743 CF-4202035 Language : Asynchronous Programming [ANeff] Bug for: RunAsync() throws invalid exception Issue: RunAsync() throws invalid exception
writeDump(runAsync(function(){return 1}, 1000, [1,2,3]).get())
Actual Result: "coldfusion
Tracker Comment Comment on U15 leaves CFadmin UpdateService in broken state - no longer able to update CF from CFAdmin by External U.
to the settings page. Just as an FYI, tha'ts one side effect of this issue.
Healthy server: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s123/sh/59505f74-aecb-410c-8fc3-dbaa3cb18292/ce82ad16578e3070eaa4d99b5c5c6c17
Unhealthy server: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s123/sh/48fb3612-068f-468f-8087-f1298b92ac6c/c94ea4629f58c3f
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 10 Enterprise Patch 12 - URLEncodedFormat using recycled response by External U.
use of java methods:
This is the replacement for toBase64():
var encoder = createObject("java","javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter");
var myKey = "testkey123";
var base64Key = encoder.printBase64Binary( myKey.getBytes("UTF-8") );
This is the replacement for urlEncodedFormat():
var encoder = create
Portal Topic Usable search
‘advanced’ search. Is that possible or planned? Thanks!, -Aaron
The post Usable search appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,Search,123,bar,ColdFusion,Community Portal,foo,foo bar,foobar,language,search,testing
Tracker Issue IsBoolean returning true for invalid string
2725379 CF-4198218 Language : Functions J S IsBoolean returning true for invalid string Problem Description:
IsBoolean("123D ") (note the single space at the end) results in true, when it should be false.
Steps to Reproduce:
Tracker Issue Calling writedump twice throws exception
2673404 CF-4126638 CLI Sean Corfield Calling writedump twice throws exception Duplicate ID: CF-4020872
Problem Description:
If you attempt to call writedump twice in a CLI script, you get an exception.
Steps to Reproduce:
(! 536)-> cf.sh dump.cfm
Aug 28, 2015 11:48:18 AM Error [main
Watson Bug ID: 3568499
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: HelpMePls123
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: Windows 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 connectors
function foo3() {
var data = [1,2,3];
return function() {
return data[::-1];
Steps to Reproduce:
Run the following code:
function foo1() {
var data = [1,2,3];
return data[::-1]; // this is fine
function foo2() {
var data = [1,2,3
6576956 CF-4206330 Piyush K. Rojin,
Solr uses tika library for extracting text of indexed file.
Tika apparently can extract only metadata from autodesk files.
Is there a way you can update the metadata and verify
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCookie "samesite" support by Gerald D.
believe that is used on Tomcat. It doesn't appear that the samesite attribute of cfcookie works.
Cookie Result:
NAME: AMWEBJCT!%2Fjrtlappsdev!TEST VALUE: abc123 SAMESITE is empty
Tracker Issue SerializeJSON does not preserver datatype
2672510 CF-4194160 Language : Functions John Whish SerializeJSON does not preserver datatype Problem Description:
x = [
Note that the first userid is numeric, the second is a
Valid('email', 'test@test_123.com');
Actual Result: Return True;
Expected Result: Return False;
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3345191
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: kevink23
Tracker Issue Bug 87011:(Watson Migration Closure)I am unable to define a function argument default value in cfscript annotations
/** @arg1.default 123*/function f(arg1) {}
java.lang.NullPointerException - in : line -1
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3043934
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Nathan
2598255 CF-3041547 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83085:Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader correctly identifies
2598256 CF-3041546 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83084:Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader correctly identifies
2598257 CF-3041545 Document Management : PDF manipulation Johan Steenkamp Bug 83083:(Watson Migration Closure)Extracting text using does not always honour spaces. For example 123 456-789 may be extracted as 3 "words" 123456, - (dash), and 789. Searching the same string in Acrobat Reader
Tracker Issue Bug 82355:<cfset bla = 'test 123'><cfset temp = SerializeJSON(bla)><cfdump var="#temp#">Results are different in CF8 and CF9
Bug 82355:Results are different in CF8 and CF9
Tracker Issue Bug 80974:According to http://code
Application Execution ExceptionError Type: Template : [N/A]Error Messages: Attribute validation error for CFMAP.The value of the CENTERLONGITUDE attribute is invalid. The value specified,-123.0362394, must be greater than -90.0.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection.
2682580 CFB-3921003 Debugger michel.monette Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection. Problem Description:
Using Wildcards in the Proxy Bypass breaks the CF Builder 3 test and debug connection.
Steps to Reproduce:
Using wildcards eg: 123
Tracker Comment Comment on Quoted variable assignment errors when using keys that start with a number by Thomas H.
3141359 CF-4198801 Thomas H. @Adam - perhaps fair shout on it being documented as inavalid, so maybe not best described as a bug. However, I've just tested the following on my local CF2016 and CF11 installs:
variables.123 = "this works";
writeDump( var=variables, abort=true );
I double checked
to test the fix,
try {
a = [1,2,3];
throw(type="InsideEachException", message="Blam", detail="An exception raised inside a closure function");
} catch(any e){
Samuel Knowlton, the issue you raise is beyond the scope of the fix for this bug
No need for separate pages per version. I'd just list all on a single page, grouped by version.
Tracker Issue REST restPath attribute not supporting regex that defines restpath argument as optional
endpoints can include optional path parameters such as "/users" and "/users/123". ColdFusion's REST support includes the ability to use regular expressions in restPath definitions which should be able to handle this and, so as not to have to create separate OPTIONS handlers for both of these formats, I
#SerializeJSON({str: str})#
#SerializeJSON({str: str & " "})#
#SerializeJSON({str: " " & str})#
Actual Result:
{"STR":123.4} // WRONG
{"STR":123.4} // WRONG
{"STR":" 1234E-1"} // CORRECT (But, I don't want spaces BEFORE my string.)
Expected Result:
{"STR":"1234E-1"} // No space
for unintiallized array elements
//simple example (mxunit)function arrayBug(){ a = []; // a[1] = arrayNew(1); this makes it OK a[1][1] = [1,2,3]; a[1][2] = [3,4,5]; //skip initialization of a[2] and go right to a[2][n], which creates a struct with an array member //a[2] = arrayNew(1); this makes
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Pre-CF2018 vs CF2018 w.r.t. Array Case/NoCase searching of simple values
FindNoCase() 4 1 1 4 4 1
3 2016,0,01,298513 arrayFindAll() 4,5,6 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5,6 4,5,6 1,2,3
4 2016,0,01,298513 arrayFindAllNoCase() 4,5,6 1,2,3 1,2,3 4,5,6 4,5,6 1,2,3
5 2016,0,01,298513 arrayContains() YES YES YES YES YES YES
6 2016,0,01,298513 arrayContainsNoCase() YES YES
Tracker Issue Destructuring
, the keys inside the {} on the left hand side must have the same name as the keys you are destructuring on the right. For arrays, the values would be plucked out by position.
Samples with arrays:
function getAddressFromCSV( array line ){
// line = ["123 Main st.", "Pismo Beach", "San Luis Obispo", "CA
://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/hot-fixes-coldfusion-9.html Additional updates for ColdFusion server and […]
The post Can I get an update? If you’re looking for ColdFusion Updaters… appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Question,Testing,123,question,testing
Tracker Issue Order of REST handlers affects accessibility
restpath argument is defined first, both endpoints are accessible.
Steps to Reproduce:
Send HTTP Request as:
OPTIONS /accounts/123 HTTP/1.1
Actual Result:
Jersey WADL and the withId() function is never called.
Expected Result:
The withId() function should be called.
Any Workarounds
Tracker Issue Build-in X-SendFile Support
multiple files and throttling bandwidth.
Mod_XSendFile appears to be the solution as it hands off the downloading process to the web server. It also has the ability to enable downloading files that are not in the web root.
throws "Variable LEN is undefined."?!
when i call the template where this code is stored as follows /index.cfm?len=123 it breaks!!!
this means, i can break every application that passes BIFs as variable simply by adding the BIF name
Tracker Issue This setVariable expression not equivalent
to Reproduce:
memento.items = [];
memento.items[5] = {src="123"};
"memento.items[5].src" = "";
Actual Result:
Valid variable names must start with a letter and can only contain letter, numbers, and underscores.
Expected Result:
should work the same as: setVariable("memento.items[5].src
Tracker Issue CFGRID HTML version issue
f data changed
Expected Result:
a data should change
Any Workarounds:
none that I have found
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3525182
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Elwood123Bermuda
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3037031
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Ben Archibald
Steps to Reproduce:
// 2016,0,11,314546
writeDump( server.coldfusion );
newImg = imageNew("", 100, 100);
setup['size'] = javacast("int", 123);
imageDrawText(newImg, "some text", 10, 10, setup);
Actual Result:
java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Type: java
2672510 CF-4194160 Suchika S. We have fixed this in ColdFusion 2016 HF2 as a part of the bug no CF-3337394(https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=CF-3337394).
Code with the relevant changes to fix the issue would be:
x = [
2611175 CF-3634391 External U. I can easily reproduce this error on CF10 Update 13. -I created a folder with two files:
component {
I pointed 10 JMeter threads at it and within a minute had
Martin Widmer123 (Sep 4, 2013) had the same path in his stacktrace. This is strange, because Drive E:/ does not even exist on this machine. CF is located at C:/ColdFusion10/cfusion
My neo-cron.xml file is empty, what
Tracker Comment Comment on ImageDrawText throws ClassCastException when parsing "Size" values by N T.
['size'] =javacast("double", 123);
imageDrawText(newImg, "some text", 10, 10, setup);
Tracker Issue Closure Passed as Argument
this to succeed
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
Append version would treat &= as merge=false and += as merge=true. Example:
// initial array
array = [1,2,3];
array &= [3,5,7];
This would end up with an array like:
With +=:
// initial array
array = [1,2,3];
array += [3,5,7];
It would end up with an array like:
The arrayAppend version would treat &= as merge=false and += as merge=true. Example:
// initial array
array = [1,2,3];
array &= [3,5,7];
This would end up with an array like:
With +=:
// initial array
array = [1,2,3];
array += [3,5,7];
It would end up
Tracker Issue CFContent doesn't work using URL shortcuts
2609706 CF-3798048 General Server Jason Henley CFContent doesn't work using URL shortcuts Duplicate ID: CF-3760466
Problem Description: CFContent produces empty (0 byte) PDF document when CFContent is used with a shortened URL, i.e. http://mydomain.com/pdf/?abcd123. It works using the full path
to the sparse ammount of documentation there is on it :)) 50000 1500
failed SocketConnector @ Cannot assign requested addressat java
Tracker Issue Security Analyzer - Fails to identify passwords in Script Functions Implemented as CFCs
All of them either have a password, proxypassword, or other password field in them.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126663
External Customer Info:
External Company
Tracker Issue queryExecute - Add Map function
return row;
This would output something like:
{id:1,name:"joe",policies:[{policyId:123},{policyId:145},{policyId:354}],friends: [{id:2,name:"jill"},{id:4,name:"bob"}]},
{id:2,name:"jill",policies:[{policyId:654},{policyId:655},{policyId:789}],friends: [{id:1,name:"joe"},{id:4,name
Tracker Issue cacheGet returns values by reference
for simpleValues / arrays (The normal by reference / copy rules seems to apply here).
Steps to Reproduce:
private any function _getCacheTimeSpan()
return createTimeSpan(6, randRange(1,23), randRange(1,59),0);
function test()
var cachekey = "test";
var originalValues = {
"test" = "test
Tracker Issue Redefining truthy and falsey values
= null;
bar = foo ? foo : "default";
It would also simplify checking for the contents of structs and arrays:
myArray = [1,2.3];
if( myArray ) writeOut("Array has stuff");
myStruct = [];
if( !myStruct ) writeOut("Struct is empty");
I think these changes might be somewhat straightforward and mostly affect
Tracker Issue Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce
data structure (to allow method nesting), and reduce functions should return the final simple data result of the reduction.
All of these functions should get multiple arguments:
updatedArray = arrayMap([1,2,3], function(elementValue, index, originalArray){ return elementValue * index; });
Tracker Issue Extending CFC with implicit getters and setters
Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3302639
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: steveCFGuy123
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Coldfusion 9.01, Linux, VPS server
Tracker Issue structSort callback does not accept non simple values
at coldfusion.runtime.StructUtils.StructSort(StructUtils.java:896)
at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.StructSort(CFPage.java:6806)
people = {
'Jim': {scores: [10,20,30]},
'Anne': {scores: [1,2,3]},
'Thomas': {scores: [100,200,300]}
sorted = people.sort(function(a,b) {
var _a = array
varchar(100), run the following
test = queryExecute('select * from Example', {}, {datasource: datasource});
'select * from test where Name in (:names)',
{names: {value: '123-45-678,912-34-56', cfsqltype: 'varchar', list: true}},
{dbtype: 'query'}
Actual Result:
An exception occurs
Tracker Issue for-in bug
something interesting
if( variables.count==1 ) {
writeoutput( "getArray() was called once." );
else {
writeoutput( "getArray() was called multiple times! (" & variables.count & ")" );
private array function getArray() {
var data = [1,2,3
:954 free:123.96
for the optional array.
Actual Result:
- 500 error
Expected Result:
- SOAP response
Any Workarounds:
- Send the SOAP envelope with an empty wrapper where the optional array would be. Example:
- Or, change the argument
Tracker Issue Bug 78818:[JFERNANDES][LCDS] unable to send ORM entities with circular references direcly to LCDS
)11 at coldfusion.flash.messaging.io.amf.Translator.CFASSerializer.translate(CFASSerializer.java:75)12 at coldfusion.flash.messaging.io.amf.Translator.CFASSerializer.translate(CFASSerializer.java:123)13 at coldfusion.flash.messaging.io.amf.Translator.CFASSerializer.translate(CFASSerializer.java:79)14 at coldfusion
Tracker Comment Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(BufferedOutputStream.java:123)
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.ProxyEndpoint.getHeader(ProxyEndpoint.java:760)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper.getHeader(HttpServletRequestWrapper.java:124)
at javax
Tracker Issue Bug 72732:LiveCycle 1
at flex.messaging.MessageBrokerServlet.init(MessageBrokerServlet.java:123)
at jrun.servlet.WebApplicationService.loadServlet(WebApplicationService.java:1200)
at jrun.servlet.WebApplicationService.preloadServlets(WebApplicationService.java:791)
at jrun
Tracker Issue CFHTTP does not always abort after timeout interval
Tracker Issue Bug 74211:I looked at the known issues doc for CF9 Alpha 2, and this doesn't seem to be a known issue
all sorts of Query of Query errors, even when a QoQ isn't involved. E.g. this query on an MS SQL 2000 datasource:
INSERT INTO foo(a,b,c)iationRelationship,
VALUES (1,2,3)#Arguments.ProductID#,#Arguments.EmployerID#,
SELECT RecordID=@@identity
="true"{ property id; property num; void function postInsert() { variables.num = 123; entitySave(this); //ormFlush(); // without this = ignore, with this = org.hibernate.SessionException: Session is closed! }}test = new test();test.setid(1);entitySave(test);
Session is closed!Root cause