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Builder hangs with 100%
CFThread 100% Failure When Wrapping CFDocument
100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class
Piechart doesn't show with one item of 100%
Comment on CFThread 100% Failure When Wrapping CFDocument by Kailash B.
Comment on 100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class by A. B.
Comment on 100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class by A. B.
Comment on CFThread 100% Failure When Wrapping CFDocument by Michael S.
Comment on CFThread 100% Failure When Wrapping CFDocument by Mayur J.
Comment on 100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class by Piyush K.
Comment on 100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class by Piyush K.
Shared Environment Clear Template Cache does not work 100% of the time
Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure.
CF2018 Docker image "cli" command (REPL) fails, sends container into 100% cpu spin
Comment on 100% CPU utilization caused by WeakHashMap.class by Piyush K.
Comment on CFThread 100% Failure When Wrapping CFDocument by Mayur J.
Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0
Comment on Shared Environment Clear Template Cache does not work 100% of the time by Akhila K.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by Nimit S.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by External U.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by External U.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by External U.
Comment on Shared Environment Clear Template Cache does not work 100% of the time by Akhila K.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by Nimit S.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by External U.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by Nimit S.
Comment on Internal coldfusion.util.CaseInsensitiveMap class is not synchronized (thread safe). Leads to 100% CPU usage/server failure. by External U.
Comment on CF2018 Docker image "cli" command (REPL) fails, sends container into 100% cpu spin by Charlie A.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by External U.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by External U.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Anit K.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Himavanth R.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Adobe D.
Comment on Bug 80755:(Watson Migration Closure)Not 100% sure if this is a bug or some setting that just needs to be changed somewhere by External U.
Comment on Bug 80755:(Watson Migration Closure)Not 100% sure if this is a bug or some setting that just needs to be changed somewhere by External U.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Deepraj J.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by Piyush K.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Himavanth R.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by External U.
Comment on Pie chart vanishes when a single 100% item, even though others in data set with value 0 by Adobe D.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by Piyush K.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Bug 80755:(Watson Migration Closure)Not 100% sure if this is a bug or some setting that just needs to be changed somewhere
ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage.
Comment on ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. by A. B.
Comment on Bug 80755:(Watson Migration Closure)Not 100% sure if this is a bug or some setting that just needs to be changed somewhere by Kunal S.
:   SLEEP(100); SLEEP(100); SLEEP(100); SLEEP(100); SLEEP(100);
Comment on At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use by A. B.
Comment on At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use by A. B.
Comment on At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use by Piyush K.
Comment on At startup of an instance, Server Monitoring ALWAYS starts irrespective of whether or not Monitoring is disabled. Result: unexpected exceptions and 100% CPU memory use by Piyush K.
Bug 73832:Please modify CFPDF so that a scale > 100 is supported when making thumbnails (scale 100 produces an image that is too small for us)
2609608 CF-3822899 External U. Strangely, when calling Round(575/1000*100), the result is incorrect while calling Round(505/1000*100) the result is correct. Also, we don't like having to call java code in CF.
2610365 CF-3705370 S V. The error occurred because cfexchangecontact tag is already closed using /> in the first statement change it to >. It works. But still there is a problem. If the maxRows value specified in the filter is greater than 100 still it returns 100 records only.
2611396 CF-3626704 External U. Code to replicate the error. PDF Test ##divTest { height: 100%; width: 100%; background: green; color: black; } This is the test div area. --->
Comment on INT(value*100) produces (value*100)-1 for many values with one or two decimal places by External U.
2609400 CF-3850183 External U. +100 Seem to be running into this issue, super frustrating!
2611669 CF-3602420 External U. I 100% completely agree with this enhancement request.
2611669 CF-3602420 External U. I 100% completely agree with this enhancement request.
4221711 CF-4202032 Language Mathematical Comparison Error Problem Description: Comparing 0.14*100 to 14 produces a false result. Any other values would produce a true result as expected (e.g. 0.15*100 == 15) Steps to Reproduce: Script: if(0.14*100 == 14) { writeOutput("True"); } else { write
2609608 CF-3822899 External U. Further testing reveals that calling javaCast is sometimes detrimental while the string version is sometimes detrimental. For example, Round("" & 0.694999999999 * 100) is not equal to the javaCast version, but this one is more correct. For example, Round("" & 0
(i)# javaCast: #Round(javaCast('float', i))# String: #Round("" & i)# Expected: 58 Number in question: #i# Normal Round: #Round(i*100)# javaCast: #Round(javaCast('float', i*100))# String: #Round("" & i*100)# Expected: 1 Number in question: #i# Normal Round: #Round(i*100)# javaCast: #Round
action="list" returns interval="100" instead of interval="once"
Comment on INT(value*100) produces (value*100)-1 for many values with one or two decimal places by External U.
Comment on INT(value*100) produces (value*100)-1 for many values with one or two decimal places by Rupesh K.
Bug 79501:(Watson Migration Closure)Enabling VFS overwrites any previous size setting and sets the size to 100mb
5492113 CF-4204105 Language : Expressions Ternary Operator can't use decimals in set values Problem Description: If a ternary operation sets the true or false value to a number with a decimal (100.00), you'll get a compliation error Steps to Reproduce: Run below code in a CFM template (bug occurs
Comment on All CFM requests logged as /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll in IIS 10.0 by Alexander H.
Comment on All CFM requests logged as /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll in IIS 10.0 by Michael T.
2609169 CF-3916658 External U. FYI - Railo handles this correctly and throw "cannot cast [1,100] string to a number value"
Comment on (Exchange 2010/2013) cfexchangetask action="modify" : setting the percentcompleted to 100 or DateCompleted to a past date, does not change the task status to Completed. by Piyush K.
2613171 CF-3341767 Vamseekrishna N. Changing the version info to 10.0 for as 8.0 and 9.0 are EOL
2613295 CF-3335493 HariKrishna K. Simple Repro case: ---------------------------------- Test.cfm ----------------- #randRange(1,100)# Test1.cfm --------------------- Marking it to "ToFix".
2613295 CF-3335493 HariKrishna K. Pass the psuedo-random algarithm parameter in the randRange(). Example: #randRange(1,100,"IBMSecureRandom)")#
Comment on cfdocument/cfpdf scale="100" shrinks content by External U.
2613569 CF-3221663 External U.
2597030 CF-3184203 Paul N. Can you try to get the line number like, x = 100; z = x + y; ---> Are you looking for this tagContext?
Comment on action="list" returns interval="100" instead of interval="once" by External U.
2671739 CF-4198168 Ameya S. € Simple Map /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that contains the map. */ #map { height: 100%; } /* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */ html, body
2561301 CF-4197196 Améya S. € Simple Map /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that contains the map. */ #map { height: 100%; } /* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */ html, body
2609608 CF-3822899 Rupesh K. This behavior has nothing to do with ColdFusion. This is because of the way floating point numbers are represented. If you need precision, you should use PrecisionEvaluate. You would need to change these two expressions as round(precisionEvaluate(575/1000*100
(Exchange 2010/2013) cfexchangetask action="modify" : setting the percentcompleted to 100 or DateCompleted to a past date, does not change the task status to Completed.
Bug 78490:According to bug #73832 CFPDF should support a scale > 100
3045523 CF-4198565 John W. The example above demonstrates `Lexical scoping` - similar example as above: ``` xa = a(10); ya = xa(100); writeDump(ya); function a(n) { function inner(factor) { return n * factor; }; return inner; } ``` The above works. The following fails
2608561 CF-4064602 S P. The change/fix that has been made is that, we are switching to 100,000 (100k or 1lac) which is antisamy default, from the previous value of 5000 characters. Also the same behavior will be documented as well, as mentioned below: "maxInputsize directive of antisamy specifies
Savaticus Pointless feature. The exceptions where you must use a semicolon actually serve to highlight weaknesses inherent in the language. `param name="num" default="3" max="100";` If CF where a true OO language these would just be properties.
nickj24525839 How long does this install take.  I have IIS with 4 sites and it has been at Change permissions of IIS Website 100% for half an hour?  Task manager shows no cpu activity.