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What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop

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November 02, 2018 09:19:42 PM GMT
<p>How many beginner developers are out there wondering how to do the most basic things we take for granted?</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/11/what-cf-summit-needs-is-a-cf101-pre-conference-workshop/">What CF Summit Needs is a CF101 Pre-conference Workshop</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: ColdFusion Summit, Preconference, Question, Adobe, cfsummit, coldfusion summit, preconference, question


I can say that is what learn cf in a week is for : <a href="http://www.learncfinaweek.com/" rel="nofollow">http://www.learncfinaweek.com/</a> also there is this book by Luis Majano: <a href="https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/" rel="nofollow">https://modern-cfml.ortusbooks.com/</a> I know for myself I try to do an entry level talk each year, and try to push adobe to make sure there are entry level talks. I think a big issue is in our community (and i'm sure in others) we have a lot of 9-5ers that go in do their work and go home and don't try to learn. I have met people and also heard stories of people that go to conferences or training because their company paid for it, not because they cared to be there. In our community we need to find a way to get those type of people more engaged...i don't know how to do that...a 101 session sounds great, but I have a feeling that the people that need it most won't go to it...I think we need to keep having webinars, cfmeetups, entry level sessions, and we need to continue to blog about basic CFML features and try to reach out to more of the community, either through user groups, or via adobe and their onsite visits. we need to get the 9-5ers/5 tagers whatever you want to call them to realize that coldfusion is simple to build stuff, but it is also more powerful than they might know and get them to see some of the power and get them excited...not sure how to do that. I am glad you are blogging about this concept and I hope more people make comments like me. Keep blogging!
1453 | November 26, 2018 01:10:29 PM GMT
I think I see a similar need. It has been a long, long time since I started with ColdFusion. I was introduced to <code><cfinclude></code> and I think I had a ball for a month before I started to looking into other things. I have been doing a lot of video tutorials lately, but they have targeting a more intermediate user. I look at the top menu on this site, and I see getting started. I click on it, and oh my. If was just starting I would be really confused as to what they are talking about.      
Comment by James Mohler
1448 | November 26, 2018 08:06:29 PM GMT
Agreed!  There are new developers out there.  I'd love to see a program catering to someone who is starting off on the ground floor.
Comment by David Byers
1450 | November 27, 2018 03:19:51 AM GMT