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Please hide/remove non-CF questions from CF Portal’s “Unanswered Questions” page

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October 31, 2017 06:09:50 AM GMT
<p>Hi Adobe, I see a number of non-CF questions on CF Portal’s “Unanswered Questions” page. And quite a few “test” questions. Can you please hide/remove those? Thanks!, -Aaron</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2017/10/please-hideremove-non-cf-questions-from-cf-portals-unanswered-questions-page/">Please hide/remove non-CF questions from CF Portal’s “Unanswered Questions” page</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: Community Portal, Discussion, ColdFusion
