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EWS End of life and Microsoft Graph

| View in Portal
September 19, 2019 07:57:19 PM GMT
<p>Last year, Microsoft published their upcoming changes to Exchange Web Services (EWS) API for Office 365 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Exchange-Team-Blog/Upcoming-changes-to-Exchange-Web-Services-EWS-API-for-Office-365/ba-p/608055 And I believe EWS API is the backend api ColdFusion uses for cfexchange tag and other exchange related tags. With Microsoft shutting down the Basic Authentication for EWS, I assume it means we can’t use cfexchange and related tags any more? Is there any upcoming solution for this? like add build-in support for the new Microsoft Graph?</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2019/09/ews-end-life-microsoft-graph/">EWS End of life and Microsoft Graph</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: Blog, cfexchangemail, CFML Tag/Function, Question, 2018, cfml tag/function, question


Use LDAP...
Comment by Tom Chiverton
2303 | September 23, 2019 08:34:22 AM GMT
Comment by Tom Chiverton
2302 | September 23, 2019 08:34:42 AM GMT
Hey Billy I'd suggest also posting this question on the adobe channel of the CFML slack group.  Adobe is usually pretty active there and may get a quicker response. To signup if you're not a member you can go here: <a href="https://cfml-slack.herokuapp.com/" rel="nofollow">https://cfml-slack.herokuapp.com/</a> If you do get a response, maybe update/comment here so it's easy to find if someone else has the issue.
Comment by Grae Desmond
2294 | September 24, 2019 05:26:59 PM GMT