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ColdFusion 2016 and Oracle 12c Release2

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April 19, 2019 05:49:09 PM GMT
<p>Hi My DBA is going to upgrade our current Oracle from 12c Release 1 to Release 2. For the datasource of my app I have been using JDBC (oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver) to connect to Oracle and it has been working fine. Does anyone know if Release 2 will have any negative impact on CF 2016? Thanks. Nathan</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2019/04/coldfusion-2016-oracle-12c-release2/">ColdFusion 2016 and Oracle 12c Release2</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: ColdFusion 2016, Question, Windows 2016 Support, 2016, coldfusion 2016, jdbc, Oracle, question, windows 2016 support


The support matrix for CF2016 shows that CF supports 12c, and 11g r2, but not 12c r2: <a href="https://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/coldfusion2016-support-matrix.pdf" rel="nofollow">https://helpx.adobe.com/pdf/coldfusion2016-support-matrix.pdf</a> That said, since you are using your own Oracle JDBC driver, the question is more whether THAT driver suppors 12c r2. If it does, or if you update to a version of that driver that does and put that into CF (to take the place of the old oracle driver you or someone put there), then it should work. But again it's not FORMALLY supported. You may want to see if anyone chimes in to confirm if it worked for them, if they see your questions's title.
Comment by Charlie Arehart
2017 | April 25, 2019 06:10:37 PM GMT
The driver may not support all database features optimally. However, I know of no incompatibilites. To be save, you can use Oracle's own JDBC driver from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/application-development/jdbc/downloads/index.html
Comment by Bernhard Döbler
2018 | April 25, 2019 09:33:28 PM GMT
Thank you, Charlie and Bernhard. After the upgrade (from R1 to R2 on Oracle) on my dev server I had the server admin installed 12.2.0 client and my CF data source worked. I did see there is a "ojdbc8.jar" file in the new client directory (\client_1\jdbc\lib\). The old client directory contains "ojdbc7.jar". I wonder if the new jdbc makes it work?
Comment by nc777
2023 | April 26, 2019 04:56:53 PM GMT
Glad things are working. As for your question, if that jar is not in a CF folder, or its location is not pointed to by the cf classpath (in admin), then it would not seem to be affecting cf, no.
Comment by Charlie Arehart
2024 | April 26, 2019 09:56:48 PM GMT
The digit is the JAVA version required to use this JAR because support for different JDBC versions is implemented. In CFAdmin under "JAVA and JVM" you can check if the jar file is found.
Comment by Bernhard Döbler
2025 | April 28, 2019 01:11:57 PM GMT
Hi Bernhard, Thank you. Since I am not familiar with CF Admin, my next question might sound very dump. I see "C:\ColdFusion2016\jre" in Java Virtual Machine Path and the ColdFusion Class Path is blank. Does it mean I need to make a copy of the jdbc8 files and copy them from this "C:\app64\client\product\12.2.0\client_1\jdbc\lib\" location to this location "C:\ColdFusion2016\jre\bin"? ojdbc8.jar ojdbc8_g.jar ojdbc8dms.jar ojdbc8dms_g.jar simplefan.jar Thanks.  
Comment by nc777
2026 | April 29, 2019 02:55:20 AM GMT