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Is Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) backward-compatible with previously released versions of ColdFusion?

| View in Portal
October 01, 2018 10:24:40 AM GMT
<p>ColdFusion 9, 10, 11, and 2016 release, easily migrate to ColdFusion (2018 release). For details on migrating to ColdFusion (2018 release), visit the ColdFusion migration resources section of the ColdFusion Developer Center.</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/10/is-adobe-coldfusion-2018-release-backward-compatible-with-previously-released-versions-of-coldfusion/">Is Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) backward-compatible with previously released versions of ColdFusion?</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: Blog, ColdFusion 2018, FAQ, 2018, cf2018 updates, coldfusion 2018 update, faq


Hi, What about Coldfusion 8?
Comment by erodrig911
1285 | October 11, 2018 03:56:30 PM GMT
Yeah, what about 8?
Comment by dorothyp22194219
1300 | October 18, 2018 02:45:43 AM GMT
Its not possible to migrate from CF8 to CF2018. You can migrate from CF8 to CF10 and then CF10 to CF2018, as a workaround.
Comment by Anit Kumar Panda
1299 | October 18, 2018 08:54:03 AM GMT
Its not possible to migrate from CF8 to CF2018. You can migrate from CF8 to CF10 and then CF10 to CF2018, as a workaround.
Comment by Anit Kumar Panda
1298 | October 18, 2018 08:54:13 AM GMT
I don't know why Anit is saying it's "not possible" to update from 8 to 2018. It's certainly "possible". I have 2 current clients who've just made the move. Of course it's a little more work than moving from 9--which is itself a bigger jump than from 10.  A move from 10 or above is easier. Of course, some migrations are far easier than others. Just depends on the coding used. I suppose Anit may be referring to what the migration guide covers, and fair enough. I just wanted to clarify things, as I don't see any particular reason why one MUST update to 10 first. Finally, I'll say that I and others can help folks making that move. See my list of troubleshooting consultants at https://www.cf411.com/cftrouble. (I see that two people asked about 8, and Anit a has answered them each individually with the same answer. As I wanted to offer a counterpoint (to both), I'm posting this as a new comment rather than duplicating a reply to each.)
Comment by Charlie Arehart
1301 | October 18, 2018 10:57:44 AM GMT
One gotcha that just got me is with cflogin when moving from CF10 to 2018. In CF 8, 9, and 10 this worked great: Main (root) Application.cfc just used to authenticate via cflogin and set an ApplicationToken e.g. RootToken. Different applications in sub-folders that required a login had their own Application.cfc with different application names but with <cflogin applicationtoken="RootToken" >.  This gave my server a single sign on (SSO) without any extra application overhead between sub-applications within my site. Once I upgraded to 2018, none of these sub-applications worked because the user was not logged in.  I tried "extending" the Application.cfc files and using an ApplicationProxy file, but that didn't work. Eventually, I just renamed all my sub-applications to the same name, which made the whole site one big application and that worked.  I liked the old way better though.  I also don't understand what the point of the ApplicationToken attribute for cflogin is now. Hopefully this will keep someone else from beating their head against a wall for too long...
Comment by adamr46364221
1354 | November 02, 2018 10:09:29 PM GMT
Hi <a href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/profile/Charlie Arehart">Charlie Arehart</a> , I'm migrating from CF11 to cf18 and I have got a back up of all neo*.xml files of cf11 project. I was referring to docs ( <a href="https://forums.adobe.com/message/10661306#10661306" rel="nofollow">https://forums.adobe.com/message/10661306#10661306</a> ) and I have done all the required settings in both IIS server and CFAdmin but still getting java.null.pointer exception. In the java and jvm setting of cfadmin the jvm args are ( -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -server --add-opens=java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED --add-modules=java.xml.ws --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.util.cldr=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/sun.util.locale.provider=ALL-UNNAMED -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true -Dcoldfusion.home={application.home} -Duser.language=en -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home} -Dcom.sun.xml.bind.v2.bytecode.ClassTailor.noOptimize=true -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/lib -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true -Dcoldfusion.jsafe.defaultalgo=FIPS186Random -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.JavaUtilLog -Djava.util.logging.config.file={application.home}/lib/logging.properties -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI -Dsun.font.layoutengine=icu ). There is some UNNAMED args in that is this causing the null pointer exception? Please help me I'm new to this.
1443 | November 22, 2018 10:28:56 AM GMT
No, there's nothing wrong about those args referring to "unnamed". That's as it should be. (Those args with two dashes are new for Java 9, and thus for CF2018, which runs for now on Java 10.) And while the display here makes it look like yours (like add-opens) have only one dash in front of them, I suspect that what's happened is simply that the portal editor or display mechanism has rendered those two dashes as a single long dash (and "em dash"). Bottom line: your jvm args here look fine. (I did a compare of yours to mine, and they were identical.)
Comment by Charlie Arehart
1460 | November 28, 2018 03:40:23 PM GMT